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File List
7,235 lines
PORT LIST Release 52 Last change 20oct96
Copyright (c) 1989,1990,1991,1992,1993,1994,1995,1996 Ralf Brown
[This file originally by Wim Osterholt (2:512/56 or wim@djo.wtm.tudelft.nl),
though it has grown considerably since.]
XT, AT and PS/2 I/O port addresses
Do NOT consider this information to be complete and accurate. If you want
to do hardware programming ALWAYS check the appropriate data sheets (but
even they are sometimes in error!). Be aware that erroneous port programming
can put your data or even your hardware at risk.
There are a number of memory-mapped addresses in use for I/O; see MEMORY.LST
for details on memory-mapped I/O.
Note: the port description format is:
PPPPw RW description
where: PPPP is the four-digit hex port number
w is blank for byte-size port, 'w' for word, and 'd' for dword
R is blank or dash if not readable, 'r' if sometimes readable,
'R' if "always" readable, '?' if readability unknown
W is blank or dash if not writable, 'w' if sometimes writable,
'W' if "always" writable, '?' if writability unknown
0000 RW DMA channel 0 address byte 0, then byte 1
0001 RW DMA channel 0 word count byte 0, then byte 1
0002 RW DMA channel 1 address byte 0, then byte 1
0003 RW DMA channel 1 word count byte 0, then byte 1
0004 RW DMA channel 2 address byte 0, then byte 1
0005 RW DMA channel 2 word count byte 0, then byte 1
0006 RW DMA channel 3 address byte 0, then byte 1
0007 RW DMA channel 3 word count byte 0, then byte 1
0008 R- DMA channel 0-3 status register (see #P001)
0008 -W DMA channel 0-3 command register (see #P002)
0009 -W DMA channel 0-3 write request register (see #P003)
000A RW DMA channel 0-3 mask register (see #P004)
000B -W DMA channel 0-3 mode register (see #P005)
000C -W DMA clear byte pointer flip-flop
000D R- DMA read temporary register
000D -W DMA master clear
000E -W DMA clear mask register
000F -W DMA write mask register
Bitfields for DMA channel 0-3 status register:
Bit(s) Description (Table P001)
7 channel 3 request active
6 channel 2 request active
5 channel 1 request active
4 channel 0 request active
3 channel terminal count on channel 3
2 channel terminal count on channel 2
1 channel terminal count on channel 1
0 channel terminal count on channel 0
SeeAlso: #P002,#P078
Bitfields for DMA channel 0-3 command register:
Bit(s) Description (Table P002)
7 DACK sense active high
6 DREQ sense active high
5 =1 extended write selection
=0 late write selection
4 rotating priority instead of fixed priority
3 compressed timing
2 =1 enable controller
=0 enable memory-to-memory
1-0 channel number
SeeAlso: #P001,#P004,#P005,#P079
Bitfields for DMA channel 0-3 request register:
Bit(s) Description (Table P003)
7-3 reserved (0)
2 =0 clear request bit
=1 set request bit
1-0 channel number
00 channel 0 select
01 channel 1 select
10 channel 2 select
11 channel 3 select
SeeAlso: #P004
Bitfields for DMA channel 0-3 mask register:
Bit(s) Description (Table P004)
7-3 reserved (0)
2 =0 clear mask bit
=1 set mask bit
1-0 channel number
00 channel 0 select
01 channel 1 select
10 channel 2 select
11 channel 3 select
SeeAlso: #P001,#P002,#P003,#P080
Bitfields for DMA channel 0-3 mode register:
Bit(s) Description (Table P005)
7-6 transfer mode
00 demand mode
01 single mode
10 block mode
11 cascade mode
5 direction
=0 address increment select
=1 address decrement select
3-2 operation
00 verify operation
01 write to memory
10 read from memory
11 reserved
1-0 channel number
00 channel 0 select
01 channel 1 select
10 channel 2 select
11 channel 3 select
SeeAlso: #P002,#P081
PORT 0010-001F - DMA CONTROLLER (8237) ON PS/2 MODEL 60 & 80
0018 -W PS/2 extended function register
SeeAlso: PORT 00A0h-00AFh"PIC 2",INT 08"IRQ0",INT 0F"IRQ7"
0020 -W PIC initialization command word ICW1 (see #P006)
0020 -W PIC output control word OCW2 (see #P011)
0020 -W PIC output control word OCW3 (see #P012)
0020 R- PIC interrupt request/in-service registers after OCW3
request register:
bit 7-0 = 0 no active request for the corresponding int. line
= 1 active request for corresponding interrupt line
in-service register:
bit 7-0 = 0 corresponding line not currently being serviced
= 1 corresponding int. line currently being serviced
0021 -W PIC ICW2,ICW3,ICW4 immed after ICW1 to 0020 (see #P007,#P008,#P009)
0021 RW PIC master interrupt mask register OCW1 (see #P010)
Bitfields for PIC initialization command word ICW1:
Bit(s) Description (Table P006)
7-5 0 (only used in 8080/8085 mode)
4 ICW1 is being issued
3 (LTIM)
=0 edge triggered mode
=1 level triggered mode
2 interrupt vector size
=0 successive interrupt vectors use 8 bytes (8080/8085)
=1 successive interrupt vectors use 4 bytes (80x86)
1 (SNGL)
=0 cascade mode
=1 single mode, no ICW3 needed
0 ICW4 needed
SeeAlso: #P007,#P008,#P009
Bitfields for PIC initialization command word ICW2:
Bit(s) Description (Table P007)
7-3 address lines A0-A3 of base vector address for PIC
2-0 reserved
SeeAlso: #P006,#P008,#P009
Bitfields for PIC initialization command word ICW3:
Bit(s) Description (Table P008)
7-0 =0 slave controller not attached to corresponding interrupt pin
=1 slave controller attached to corresponding interrupt pin
SeeAlso: #P006,#P007,#P009
Bitfields for PIC initialization command word ICW4:
Bit(s) Description (Table P009)
7-5 reserved (0)
4 running in special fully-nested mode
3-2 mode
0x nonbuffered mode
10 buffered mode/slave
11 buffered mode/master
1 Auto EOI
0 =0 8085 mode
=1 8086/8088 mode
SeeAlso: #P006,#P007,#P008
Bitfields for PIC output control word OCW1:
Bit(s) Description (Table P010)
7 disable IRQ7 (parallel printer interrupt)
6 disable IRQ6 (diskette interrupt)
5 disable IRQ5 (fixed disk interrupt)
4 disable IRQ4 (serial port 1 interrupt)
3 disable IRQ3 (serial port 2 interrupt)
2 disable IRQ2 (video interrupt)
1 disable IRQ1 (keyboard, mouse, RTC interrupt)
0 disable IRQ0 (timer interrupt)
SeeAlso: #P011,#P012,#P077
Bitfields for PIC output control word OCW2:
Bit(s) Description (Table P011)
7-5 operation
000 rotate in auto EOI mode (clear)
001 (WORD_A) nonspecific EOI
010 (WORD_H) no operation
011 (WORD_B) specific EOI
100 (WORD_F) rotate in auto EOI mode (set)
101 (WORD_C) rotate on nonspecific EOI command
110 (WORD_E) set priority command
111 (WORD_D) rotate on specific EOI command
4 reserved (0)
3 reserved (0)
2-0 interrupt request to which the command applies
(only used by WORD_B, WORD_D, and WORD_E)
SeeAlso: #P010,#P012
Bitfields for PIC output control word OCW3:
Bit(s) Description (Table P012)
7 reserved (0)
6-5 special mask
0x no operation
10 reset special mask
11 set special mask
4 reserved (0)
3 reserved (1)
2 poll command
1-0 function
0x no operation
10 read interrupt request register on next read from port 0020
11 read interrupt in-service register on next read from port 0020
SeeAlso: #P010,#P011
PORT 0022-0023 - CHIP SET DATA
0022 -W index for accesses to data port
0023 RW chip set data
0022 -W index for accesses to next port (see #P013)
0023 RW cache configuration register array (indexed by port 0022h)
(Table P013)
Values for Cyrix Cx486SLC/DLC Cache Configuration register number:
C0h CR0 (see #P015)
C1h CR1 (see #P016)
C4h non-cacheable region 1, start address bits 31-24
C5h non-cacheable region 1, start address bits 23-16
C6h non-cacheable region 1, start addr 15-12, size (low nibble) (see #P014)
C7h non-cacheable region 2, start address bits 31-24
C8h non-cacheable region 2, start address bits 23-16
C9h non-cacheable region 2, start addr 15-12, size (low nibble) (see #P014)
CAh non-cacheable region 3, start address bits 31-24
CBh non-cacheable region 3, start address bits 23-16
CCh non-cacheable region 3, start addr 15-12, size (low nibble) (see #P014)
CDh non-cacheable region 4, start address bits 31-24
CEh non-cacheable region 4, start address bits 23-16
CFh non-cacheable region 4, start addr 15-12, size (low nibble) (see #P014)
(Table P014)
Values for Cyrix Cx486SLC/DLC non-cacheable region sizes:
00h disabled
01h 4K
02h 8K
03h 16K
04h 32K
05h 64K
06h 128K
07h 256K
08h 512K
09h 1M
0Ah 2M
0Bh 4M
0Ch 8M
0Dh 16M
0Eh 32M
0Fh 4G
SeeAlso: #P013
Bitfields for Cyrix Cx486SLC/DLC Configuration Register 0:
Bit(s) Description (Table P015)
0 "NC0" first 64K of each 1M noncacheable in real/V86
1 "NC1" 640K-1M noncacheable
2 "A20M" enables A20M# input pin
3 "KEN" enables KEN# input pin
4 "FLUSH" enables KEN# input pin
5 "BARB" enables internal cache flushing on bus holds
6 "C0" cache direct-mapped instead of 2-way associative
7 "SUSPEND" enables SUSP# input and SUSPA# output pins
SeeAlso: #P013,#P016
Bitfields for Cyrix Cx486SLC/DLC Configuration Register 1:
Bit(s) Description (Table P016)
0 "RPL" enables output pins RPLSET and RPLVAL#
SeeAlso: #P013,#P015
0022 -W index for accesses to next port (see #P017)
0023 RW configuration control register array (indexed by port 0022h)
(Table P017)
Values for Cyrix 5x86 configuration registers:
20h Performance Control (see #P022)
C1h Configuration Control #1 (CCR1) (see #P018)
C2h Configuration Control #2 (CCR2) (see #P019)
C3h Configuration Control #3 (CCR3) (see #P020)
C4h Configuration Control #4 (CCR4) (see #P021)
CDh System Memory Management address region #0 (smar0) (see #P023)
CEh System Memory Management address region #1 (smar1)
CFh System Memory Management address region #2 (smar2)
F0h Power Management (see #P024)
FEh R Device Identification #0
CPU device ID
FFh R Device Identification #1
bits 3-0: revision
bits 7-4: stepping
Note: accesses to indices other than 20h,C0h-CFh, or F0h-FFh generate
external I/O cycles
Bitfields for Cyrix 5x86 Configuration Control Register 1 (CCR1):
Bit(s) Description (Table P018)
0 reserved
1 enable SMM pins
2 system management memory access
3 main memory access
7-4 reserved
SeeAlso: #P019,#P020,#P021
Bitfields for Cyrix 5x86 Configuration Control Register 2 (CCR2):
Bit(s) Description (Table P019)
0 reserved
1 enable write-back cache interface pins
2 lock NW bit
3 suspend on HLT instruction
4 write-through region 1
5 reserved
6 enable burst write cycles
7 enable suspend pins
SeeAlso: #P018,#P020,#P021
Bitfields for Cyrix 5x86 Configuration Control Register 3 (CCR3):
Bit(s) Description (Table P020)
0 SMM register lock
1 NMI enable
2 linear address burst cycles
3 SMM mode
7-4 map enable (0001 to enable several configuration registers)
SeeAlso: #P018,#P019,#P021,#P022,#P024
Bitfields for Cyrix 5x86 Configuration Control Register 4 (CCR4):
Bit(s) Description (Table P021)
2-0 I/O recovery time
3 enable memory-read bypassing
4 enable directory table entry cache
6-5 reserved
7 enable CPUID instruction (stepping 1+ and Cx6x86)
Note: this register is only accessible when bits 7-4 of CCR3 are 0001
SeeAlso: #P018,#P019,#P020
Bitfields for Cyrix 5x86 Performance Control register:
Bit(s) Description (Table P022)
0 return stack enabled
1 branch-target buffer enabled
2 loop enable
6-3 reserved (0)
7 load-store serialization enabled
Note: this register is only accessible when bits 7-4 of CCR3 are 0001
SeeAlso: #P024,#P018
Bitfields for Cyrix 5x86 SMM Address Region register:
Bit(s) Description (Table P023)
3-0 block size
23-4 starting address
Bitfields for Cyrix 5x86 Power Management register:
Bit(s) Description (Table P024)
1-0 core clock to bus clock ratio
2 CPU running at half bus speed
Note: this register is only accessible when bits 7-4 of CCR3 are 0001
PORT 0022-0023 - 82358DT 'Mongoose' EISA CHIPSET - 82359 DRAM CONTROLLER
Notes: this chip uses a chip ID of 01
the LIM register herein use a chip ID of 1A
0022 -W index for accesses to data port (see #P025)
0023 RW chip set data
(Table P025)
Values for 82359 DRAM controller register index:
00h bank 0
bit 7 unknown
bit 6-4 000 DRAM in bank 0 (standard)
001 bank 1
010 bank 2
011 bank 3
100 banks 0,1
101 banks 2,3
110 banks 0,1,2,3
111 empty (standard for 1,2,3)
bit 3-2 unknown
bit 1-0 00 64K chips used
01 256K
10 1M
11 4M
01h bank 1
02h bank 2
03h bank 3
21h chip ID register
0022 RW chip set data
0023 ?W index for accesses to data port (see #P026)
(Table P026)
Values for Etec Cheetah ET6000 chip set register index:
10h system configuration register (see #P027)
11h cache configuration & non-cacheable block size register (see #P028)
12h non-cacheable block address register
bit 7-1 non-cacheable address, A25-A19
bit 0 reserved
13h DRAM bank & type configuration register (see #P029)
14h DRAM configuration register (see #P030)
15h shadow RAM configuration register (see #P031)
Bitfields for Etec Cheetah ET6000 system configuration register:
Bit(s) Description (Table P027)
7-6 00 turbo/non-turbo
01 local device supported
10 suspend mode
11 illegal
5 reserved
4 refresh selection
0 = AT type refresh
1 = concurrent refresh
3 slow refresh 95mSec enabled
2 fast reset delay
0 = do not use delay
1 = wait for 2mSec delay
1 wait for HALT after KBDRST
0 RAM at A0000-BFFFF
0 = AT bus cycle
1 = local bus cycle
SeeAlso: #P026
Bitfields for Etec Cheetah ET6000 cache configuration register:
Bit(s) Description (Table P028)
7-5 000 disabled
001 512K
010 1M
011 2M
100 4M
101 8M
110 16M
111 32M
4 DRAM banks
0 = 2-bank DRAM
1 = 4-bank DRAM
3-0 reserved
SeeAlso: #P026
Bitfields for Etec Cheetah ET6000 DRAM bank & type configuration register:
Bit(s) Description (Table P029)
7-6 bank 3 DRAM type
00 none
01 256K
10 1M
11 4M
5-4 bank 2 DRAM type
3-2 bank 1 DRAM type
1-0 bank 0 DRAM type
SeeAlso: #P026
Bitfields for Etec Cheetah ET6000 DRAM configuration register:
Bit(s) Description (Table P030)
7 on-board memory range 15M to 16M disabled
6 on-board memory range 512K-640K disabled
5 ROM chip select at C0000-DFFFF enabled
4 RAS to CAS time
0 = 1 SYSCLCK, not for R0WS
3 RAS precharge time
0 = 1.5 SYSCLCK
1 = 2.5 SYSCLCK
2-1 read cycle wait state
00 = 0 wait state
01 = 1 ws
10 = 2 ws
11 = 3 ws
0 write cycle wait state
0 = 0 ws
1 = 1 ws
SeeAlso: #P026
Bitfields for Etec Cheetah ET6000 shadow RAM configuration register:
Bit(s) Description (Table P031)
7 shadow at C0000-FFFFF
0 = non-cacheable
1 = cacheable and cache-write-proteced
6 access ROM/RAM at F0000-FFFFF
0 = read from ROM, write to RAM
1 = read from shadow, write is protected
5 access ROM/RAM at E0000-EFFFF
0 = access on-board ROM, AT bus cycle
1 = access shadow E0000-EFFFF enabled
4 RAM at E0000-EFFFF is read-only
3 access ROM/RAM at D0000-DFFFF
0 = access on-board ROM, AT bus cycle
1 = access shadow D0000-DFFFF enabled
2 RAM at D0000-DFFFF is read-only
1 access ROM/RAM at C0000-CFFFF
0 = access on-board ROM, AT bus cycle
1 = access shadow C0000-CFFFF enabled
0 RAM at C0000-CFFFF is read-only
SeeAlso: #P026
PORT 0022-0023 - Hewlett-Packard Hornet chipset (HP 100LX/200LX)
0022 RW index for accesses to data port (see Table P189)
0023 RW chip set data
(Table P032)
Values for HP Hornet chipset register index:
1Eh buzzer volume/clock oscillator speed
bit 7-6: buzzer volume
bit 5-4: system oscillator speed
00: 10.738636MHz
01: 15.836773MHz(HP 100/200LX has oscillator with this speed)
10: 21.477272MHz
11: 31.673550MHz
21h display timing???
23h LCD contrast (see INT15h AH=62h)
valid values: 00h-1fh (1fh is the darkest)
51h power adapter status
bit 7-1: ???
bit 0: power adapter status(0=inactive/1=active)
52h nicad charge status
bit 7-3: ???
bit 2: battery charging status(0=???/1=slow charge)
bit 1-0: ???
53h nicad charge status
bit 7-1: ???
bit 0: battery charging status(0=???/1=fast charge)
80h memory wait for internal ROM
valid values: 00h-07h
81h memory wait for internal RAM
valid values: 00h-03h
82h memory wait for external RAM
valid values: 00h-0fh
87h battery status???
0022 ?W index for accesses to data port
0024 RW chip set data
PORT 0022-0025 - INTEL 82360SL CHIPSET (FOR 386SL)
0022 -W CPU write mode register
0023 R- configuration status register
bit 7: 82360 configuration is open
0024 -W 82360 configuration index
0025 RW 82360 configuration data
Bitfields for Intel 82360SL CPU write mode register:
Bit(s) Description (Table P033)
0 unlock configuration space
1 enable selected unit
3-2 unit
00 memory configuration
01 cache
10 internal bus
11 external bus
PORT 0022-002B - INTEL 82355, PART OF CHIPSET FOR 386sx
Note: initialisation in POST will disable these addresses, only a hard
reset will enable them again.
0022w RW 82335 MCR memory configuration register (if LOCK=0) (see #P034)
0024w RW 82335 RC1 roll compare register (if LOCK=0) (see #P035)
0026w RW 82335 RC2 roll compare register (if LOCK=0) (see #P035)
0028w RW 82335 CC0 address range compare register (if LOCK=0) (see #P036)
002Aw RW 82335 CC1 address range compare register (if LOCK=0) (see #P036)
Bitfields for 82335 MCR memory configuration register:
Bit(s) Description (Table P034)
15-12 reserved
11 "VRO" video read only (0=r/w, 1=r/o)
10 "EN#"
0=enable video RAM accesses (A0000h-8FFFFh)
1=disable accesses
9 "ENADP#"
0=enable adapter ROM accesses (C0000h-8FFFFh)
1=disable adapter ROM accesses, shadow enabled
8 "ROMSIZE" 0=256KB ROM, 1=512KB ROM
7-6 "INTERL" memory interleaving
00 = 1 memory bank installed (no interleave)
01 = 2 memory banks installed
10 = 3 memory banks installed
11 = 4 memory banks installed
5 reserved
4 "DSIZE" 0=1MBx1DRAMs, 1=256KBx1 or 256KBx4 DRAMs
3 "S640" base memory size is 0=512KB, 1=640KB
2-1 reserved
0 "ROMEN#" ROM enable
0 enable BIOS ROM accesses (E0000h-FFFFFh)
1 disable BIOS ROM accesses, enable shadow
Note: One of the remaining reserved bits is the LOCK bit, which will be set
during power on, disabling access to the 82335s registers.
Bitfields for 82335 roll compare register:
Bit(s) Description (Table P035)
15-9 selects address range to be remapped (C23-C17)
8 reserved
7-1 selects address bits to be included in re-mapping comparision (M23-M17)
0 "EN" enables roll address mapping
Bitfields for 82335 address range compare register:
Bit(s) Description (Table P036)
15-11 specifies top of address range (C23-C19)
10-8 reserved
7-3 selects address bits to be included in address range comparision
2-1 reserved
0 "EN" enable address range comparision
0024 Rw data port
0028 ?W index port to chipset registers (see #P037,#P038)
(Table P037)
Values for Headland HT321 register index:
00h R chip/revision,read-only
bit7-4: reserved (=0)
bit3-0: chip revision, 0=A, 1=B, 3=D
01h RW system clocking (default=00h)
bit7-4: reserved (=0)
bit3-0: ISA speed set
02h RW system parameters (default=00h) (see #P039)
04h RW co-processor (default=00h)
bit7-3: reserved (=0)
bit2=1: soft-NPU reset blocked (386 only)
bit1=1: weitek installed
bit0=1: 387 installed
06h RW DMA (default=00h) (see #P040)
07h RW EPROM (default=00h) (see #P041)
08h RW I/O and memory map holes (default=00h)
bit7-4: reserved (=0)
bit3 : 0/1 I/O map hole-A
bit2 : reserved (=0)
bit1 : 0/1 memory map hole-B
bit0 : reserved (=0)
10h RW hole-A low address (default=00h)
11h RW hole-A high address (default=00h)
19h RW mem hole-B start address, lower (default=00h)
1Ah RW mem hole-B start address, higher (default=00h)
bit7-6: reserved (=0)
bit5-0: address of mem hole-B start
1Ch RW mem hole-B end address, lower (default=00h)
1Dh RW mem hole-B end address, higher (default=00h)
bit7-6: reserved (=0)
bit5-0: address of mem hole-B end
SeeAlso: #P038
(Table P038)
Values for Headland HT342 register index:
20h R identifier port read
bit7-4: DRAM controller identifier (0010b)
bit3-0: revision number (0=A)
21h R feature port read (default=00h)
24h RW DRAM options port #1 (default=00h)
bit7 : 0/1 staggered refresh
bit6 : refresh type
bit5 : 0/1 DRAM paging
bit4-2: CAS interleave
bit1-0: banks
25h DRAM options port #2 (default=00h)
bit7-6: DRAM bank 1 type
bit5-4: DRAM bank 2 type
bit3-2: DRAM bank 1?? type
bit1-0: DRAM bank 0 type
26h RW DRAM options port #3 (default=FFh) (see #P042)
27h RW DRAM options port #4 (default=FFh) (see #P043)
28h RW data transfer control port (default=00h)
doubled indexed registers (28h-2Ah)
bit7 : initiate transfer
bit6 : read/write transfer
bit5-4: reserved
bit3-0: transfer/destination
29h RW RAM address register (default=00h)
doubled indexed registers (28h-2Ah)
bit7-5: reserved
bit4-0: RAM address registers contents
2Ah RW data transfer port (default=00h)
doubled indexed registers (28h-2Ah)
bit7-6: reserved
bit5 : EMS translation
bit4 : reserved
bit3 : 0/1 cacheing
bit2 : 0/1 write
bit1 : 0/1 read
bit0 : 0/1 shadow
2Bh RW other options (default=00h) (see #P044)
2Dh RW DRAM options port #5 (default=03h)
bit7-5: reserved
bit4 : 0/1 10µs RAS timeout
bit3-2: BUS speed
bit1-0: BUS recovery for DRAM cycles
00b=0: 4-1-1-1 10b=0.5
01b=1: 4-2-2-2 11b=1??
82h read transfer
C2h write transfer
SeeAlso: #P037
Bitfields for Headland HT321 register 02h (system parameters):
Bit(s) Description (Table P039)
7-6 IO recovery time (rev. D+)
5 parity override
4-3 cycle-width
2 0/1 port 92 functionality
1 IO decode
0 0/1 posted backplane MEMWN cycles
SeeAlso: #P037
Bitfields for Headland HT321 register 06h (DMA control):
Bit(s) Description (Table P040)
7 reserved (=0)
6 1/0 IOCHRDY during master cycle (rev. C+)
5 0/1 fast sample DMA
4-3 DMA waitstate 00b=3 .. 11b=0
2 0/1 DMA flow-through mode
1 0/1 extended DMA page register
0 DMA clock
SeeAlso: #P037
Bitfields for Headland HT321 register 07h (EPROM control):
Bit(s) Description (Table P041)
7-6 reserved (=0)
5 0/1 EADS CACHE invalidation for EPROM writes (rev. D+)
4 0/1 ROMEN for EPROM writes (rev. C+)
3 0/1 middle BIOS region of 64KB space below 16MB
2 ROM-size (0=64KB, 1=128KB)
1 V-BIOS-add (0=separate, 1=same device)
0 ROM-access time (0=250ns, 1=125ns)
SeeAlso: #P037
Bitfields for Headland HT342 register 26h (DRAM CAS control):
Bit(s) Description (Table P042)
7 CAS hold on RAS (CAS before RAS refresh)
6 CAS precharge
5 CAS burst delay
4 CAS delay (writes)
3 CAS delay (reads)
2 CAS active time (writes)
1-0 CAS active time (reads)
SeeAlso: #P038,#P043
Bitfields for Headland HT342 register 27h (DRAM RAS control):
Bit(s) Description (Table P043)
7 RAS delay
6-5 RAS active (writes)
4-2 RAS active (reads)
1-0 RAS precharge
SeeAlso: #P038,#P042
Bitfields for Headland HT342 register 2Bh (other options):
Bit(s) Description (Table P044)
7 reserved
6 0/1 middle BIOS
5 0/1 data pipeline
4 0/1 data pipeline
3 IO-decode
2 reserved
1 16bit DMA bridge
0 0/1 write buffering
SeeAlso: #P038
0026 -W index for data port
0027 RW power management data
SeeAlso: PORT 015Ch,PORT 026Eh,PORT 0398h
002E -W index for data port (see #P045)
002F RW EPP command data
(Table P045)
Values for Dell Enhanced Parallel Port register index:
00h bit 0: ???
02h bit 7: port in bidirectional mode
04h bits 0 and 2: ECP/EPP mode control
PORT 002E-002F - Intel "Nonolet" Motherboard - POWER MANAGEMENT
002E ?W index for data port
002F ?W data port
code sequence posted in fido7.nice.sources by Konstantin Mohorea:
out 2Eh,0Ch
out 2Fh,75h
out 2Eh,11h
out 2Fh,00h
out 2Eh,0Dh
out 2Fh,A0h
PORT 0038-003F - PC radio by CoZet Info Systems
Notes: The I/O address range is dipswitch selectable from:
038-03F and 0B0-0BF
078-07F and 0F0-0FF
138-13F and 1B0-1BF
178-17F and 1F0-1FF
238-23F and 2B0-2BF
278-27F and 2F0-2FF
338-33F and 3B0-3BF
378-37F and 3F0-3FF
All of these addresses show a readout of FF in initial state.
Once started, all of the addresses show FB, whatever might happen.
Note: XT & AT use ports 40h-43h; PS/2 uses ports 40h, 42h-44h, and 47h
0040 RW PIT counter 0, counter divisor (XT, AT, PS/2)
0041 RW PIT counter 1, RAM refresh counter (XT, AT)
don't set below 3 on PCs (default 12h)
0042 RW PIT counter 2, cassette & speaker (XT, AT, PS/2)
During normal operation mode (8253) 40h-42h set the counter values on
write and get the current counter value on read. In 16bit modes two
consequtive writes/reads must be issued, first with the low byte,
followed by the high byte. In 8254 read back modes, all selected
counters and status are latched and must be read out completely
before normal operation is valid again. Each counter switches back
to normal operation after read out. In 'get status and counter'
mode the first byte read is the status, followed by one or two
counter values. (see #P046)
0043 RW PIT mode port, control word register for counters 0-2 (see #P047)
Once a control word has been written (43h), it must be followed
immediately by performing the corresponding action to the counter
registers (40h-42h), else the system may hang!!
0044 RW PIT counter 3 (PS/2, EISA)
used as fail-safe timer. generates an NMI on time out.
for user generated NMI see at 0462.
0047 -W PIT control word register counter 3 (PS/2, EISA)
bit 7-6 = 00 counter 3 select
= 01 reserved
= 10 reserved
= 11 reserved
bit 5-4 = 00 counter latch command counter 3
= 01 read/write counter bits 0-7 only
= 1x reserved
bit 3-0 = 00
0048 ?? EISA
0049 ?? 8254 timer 2, not used (counter 1)
004A ?? EISA programmable interval timer 2
004B ?? EISA programmable interval timer 2
Bitfields for 8254 PIT counter status byte:
Bit(s) Description (Table P046)
7 PIN status of OUTx Pins (1=high, 0=low)
6 counter start value loaded
=0: yes, so counter latch is valid to be read
=1: no, wait for counter latch to be set (may last a while)
5-0 counter mode, same as bit5-0 at 43h
SeeAlso: #P047
Bitfields for 8253/8254 PIT mode control word:
Bit(s) Description (Table P047)
7-6 counter select
00 counter 0 select
01 counter 1 select (not PS/2)
10 counter 2 select
11 (8253) reserved
(8254) read back counter (see #P046)
---if counter select---
5-4 counter access
00 counter latch command
BUG: Intel Neptune/Mercury Chipset 8237IB (SIO) needs a
short delay after issueing this command, else the
MSB may be outdated concerning the LSB, resulting
in large measuring errors.
Workaround: Check for this condition by comparing
results with last results and don't use errornous
01 read/write counter bits 0-7 only
10 read/write counter bits 8-15 only
11 read/write counter bits 0-7 first, then 8-15
3-1 counter mode
000 mode 0 select - zero detection interrupt
001 mode 1 select - programmable one shot
x10 mode 2 select - rate generator
x11 mode 3 select - square wave generator
divisor factor 3 not allowed!
100 mode 4 select - software triggered strobe
101 mode 5 select - hardware triggered strobe
0 counting style
0 binary counter 16 bits
1 BCD counter (4 decades)
---if read back---
5-4 what to read
00 reserved
01 counter status
10 counter value
11 counter status and value
3 select counter 2
2 select counter 1
1 select counter 0
0 reserved (0)
Note: after issuing a read back 'get status' command, any new read back
command is ignored until the status is read from all selected
PORT 0060-006F - KEYBOARD CONTROLLER 804x (8041, 8042) (or PPI (8255) on PC,XT)
Note: XT uses ports 60h-63h, AT uses ports 60h-64h
0060 RW KB controller data port or keyboard input buffer (ISA, EISA)
should only be read from after status port bit0 = 1
should only be written to if status port bit1 = 0
0060 R- KeyBoard or KB controller data output buffer (via PPI on XT)
PC: input from port A of 8255, if bit7 in 61h set (see #P063)
get scancodes, special codes (in PC: with bit7 in 61h cleared)
(see #P057)
0061 R- KB controller port B control register (ISA, EISA)
system control port for compatibility with 8255 (see #P060)
0061 -W KB controller port B (ISA, EISA) (PS/2 port A is at 0092)
system control port for compatibility with 8255 (see #P059)
0061 -W PPI Programmable Peripheral Interface 8255 (XT only)
system control port (see #P061)
0062 RW PPI (XT only) data port C (see #P062)
0063 RW PPI (XT only) command mode register (see #P064)
0064 R- keyboard controller read status (see #P065,#P066,#P067)
0064 -W keyboard controller input buffer (ISA, EISA) (see #P068)
0064 -W (Amstrad/Schneider PC1512) set 'DIP switch S1' setting
stored in CMOS RAM that PPI should report for compatibility
0065 -W (Amstrad/Schneider PC1512) set 'DIP switch S2' RAM size setting
stored in CMOS RAM, that PPI port C (PORT 0064h) should report for
0065 R- communications port (Olivetti M24)
0068 -W (HP-Vectra) control buffer (HP commands) (see #P069)
0069 R- (HP-Vectra) SVC (keyboard request SerViCe port)
006A -W (HP-Vectra) Acknowledge (clear processing, done)
006C-006F HP-HIL (Human Interface Link = async. serial inputs 0-7)
Bitfields for AT keyboard controller input port:
Bit(s) Description (Table P048)
7 keyboard enabled
6 =0 CGA, else MDA
5 =0 manufacturing jumper installed
4 =0 system RAM 512K, else 640K
3-0 reserved
SeeAlso: #P049,#P051
Bitfields for AT keyboard controller input port (Compaq):
Bit(s) Description (Table P049)
7 security lock is unlocked
6 =0 Compaq dual-scan display, 1=non-Compaq display
5 system board dip switch 5 is OFF
4 =0 auto speed selected, 1=high speed selected
3 =0 slow (4MHz), 1 = fast (8MHz)
2 no math coprocessor installed
1-0 reserved
SeeAlso: #P050
Bitfields for AT keyboard controller output port:
Bit(s) Description (Table P050)
7 keyboard data output
6 keyboard clock output
5 input buffer NOT full
4 output buffer NOT empty
3 reserved (see note)
2 reserved (see note)
1 gate A20
0 system reset
Note: bits 2 and 3 are the turbo speed switch or password lock on
Award/AMI/Phoenix BIOSes. These bits make use of nonstandard
keyboard controller BIOS functionality to manipulate
pin 23 (8041 port 22) as turbo switch for AWARD
pin 35 (8041 port 15) as turbo switch/pw lock for Phoenix
SeeAlso: #P048,#P051
Bitfields for HP Vectra keyboard controller output port:
Bit(s) Description (Table P051)
7-5 reserved
4 output buffer full (OBF) interrupt
3 HP SVC interrupt
2 HP-HIL controller AutoPoll
1 A20 gate
0 system reset
SeeAlso: #P050,#P052
Bitfields for HP Vectra command byte:
Bit(s) Description (Table P052)
7 reserved (0)
6 scancode conversion mode (1 = PC/XT, 0 = PC/AT)
5 unused
4 disable keyboard (unless bit 3 set)
3 override keyboard disable
2 System Flag (may be read from port 0060h)
1 reserved
0 OBF interrupt enable
SeeAlso: #P051
(Table P053)
Values for keyboard commands (data also goes to PORT 0060h):
Value Count Description
EDh double set/reset mode indicators Caps Num Scrl
bit 2 = CapsLk, bit 1 = NumLk, bit 0 = ScrlLk
all other bits must be zero.
EEh sngl diagnostic echo. returns EEh.
EFh sngl NOP (No OPeration). reserved for future use
EF+26h double [Cherry MF2 G80-1501HAD] read 256 bytes of chipcard data
keyboard must be disabled before this and has to
be enabled after finished.
F0h double get/set scan code set
00h get current set
01h scancode set 1 (PCs and PS/2 mod 30, except Type 2 ctrlr)
02h scancode set 2 (ATs, PS/2, default)
03h scancode set 3
F2h sngl read keyboard ID (read two ID bytes)
AT keyboards returns FA (ACK)
MF2 returns AB 41 (translation) or
AB 83 (pass through)
F3h double set typematic rate/delay
format of the second byte:
bit7=0 : reserved
bit6-5 : typemativ delay
00b=250ms 10b= 750ms
01b=500ms 11b=1000ms
bit4-0 : typematic rate (see #P058)
F4h sngl enable keyboard
F5h sngl disable keyboard. set default parameters (no keyboard scanning)
F6h sngl set default parameters
F7h sngl [MCA] set all keys to typematic (scancode set 3)
F8h sngl [MCA] set all keys to make/release
F9h sngl [MCA] set all keys to make only
FAh sngl [MCA] set all keys to typematic/make/release
FBh sngl [MCA] set al keys to typematic
FCh double [MCA] set specific key to make/release
FDh double [MCA] set specific key to make only
FEh sngl resend last scancode
FFh sngl perform internal power-on reset function
Note: each command is acknowledged by FAh (ACK), if not mentioned otherwise.
See PORT 0060h-R for details.
SeeAlso: #P054
(Table P054)
Values for Mouse functions (for PS/2-like pointing devices):
Value Count Description
E6h sngl set mouse scaling to 1:1
E7h sngl set mouse scaling to 2:1
E8h double set mouse resolution
(00h=1/mm, 01h=2/mm, 02h=4/mm, 03h=8/mm)
E9h sngl get mouse information
read two status bytes:
byte 0: flags (see #P055)
byte 1: resolution
EAh sngl set mouse to stream mode (mouse sends data on any changes)
EBh sngl get mouse data (from mouse to controller) (see #P056)
on reading, each data packet consists of 8 bytes:
ECh sngl reset mouse wrap mode (to normal mode)
EEh sngl set wrap mode
F0h sngl set remote mode (instead of stream mode), mouse sends data
only on issueing command EBh.
F2h sngl read mouse ID (read one, two?? ID bytes)
F3h double set mouse sample rate in reports per second
0Ah=10/s 50h= 80/s
14h=20/s 64h=100/s
28h=40/s C8h=200/s
F4h sngl enable mouse (in stream mode)
F5h sngl disable mouse (in steam mode), set default parameters
F6h sngl reset to defaults: 100/s, scaling 1:1, stream-mode, 4/mm,
FEh sngl resend last mouse data (8 bytes, see EBh)
FFh sngl reset mouse
Notes: must issue command D4h to port 64h first to access mouse functions
all commands except ECh and FFh are acknowledged by FAh (ACK) or
FEh (Resend); get mouse ID (F2h) returns mouse ID.
SeeAlso: #P053
Bitfields for mouse status byte 0:
Bit(s) Description (Table P055)
7 unused
6 remote rather than stream mode
5 mouse enabled
4 scaling set to 2:1
3 unused
2 left button pressed
1 unused
0 right button pressed
SeeAlso: #P054,#P056
Format of mouse data packet:
Offset Size Description (Table P056)
00h BYTE status
bit7 : y-data overrun
bit6 : x-data overrun
bit5 : y-data negative
bit4 : x-data negative
bit3-2=0: reserved
bit1 : right button pressed
bit0 : left button pressed
01h BYTE reserved
02h BYTE x-data
03h BYTE reserved
04h BYTE y-data
05h BYTE reserved
06h BYTE z-data (0)
07h BYTE reserved
SeeAlso: #P054,#P055
(Table P057)
Values for keyboard special codes:
00h (MF2 in codeset2&3 or AT keyboards) keydetection/overrun error
00h (mouse) ID
AAh BAT completion code (sent after errorfree Basic Assurance Test)
ABh first byte of general MF2 keyboard ID
EEh Echo command return
FAh Acknowledge (all general commands except Resend and Echo)
FAh (mouse) Acknowledge (all commands except commands ECh,F2h,FFh)
FCh (MF2) BAT Failure Code (error in second half of the power on self test)
FDh (AT-keyboard) BAT Failure Code (error in the second half of the
power-on self test)
FEh Resend: CPU to controller should resend last keyboard-command
FEh (mouse) CPU to controller should resend last mouse-command
FFh (MF2 in codeset1) keydetection/overrun error
Note: keyboard stops scanning and waits for next command after returning
code FCh or FDh
SeeAlso: PORT 0060h-R
(Table P058)
Values for keyboard typematic rate:
00000b=30.0 10000b=7.5
00001b=26.7 10001b=6.7
00010b=24.0 10010b=6.0
00011b=21.8 10011b=5.5
00100b=20.0 10100b=5.0
00101b=18.5 10101b=4.6
00110b=17.1 10110b=4.3
00111b=16.0 10111b=4.0
01000b=15.0 11000b=3.7
01001b=13.3 11001b=3.3
01010b=12.0 11010b=3.0
01011b=10.9 11011b=2.7
01100b=10.0 11100b=2.5
01101b= 9.2 11101b=2.3
01110b= 8.5 11110b=2.1
01111b= 8.0 11111b=2.0
SeeAlso: #P053
Bitfields for KB controller port B (system control port) [output]:
Bit(s) Description (Table P059)
7 pulse to 1 for IRQ1 reset (PC,XT)
6-4 reserved
3 I/O channel parity check disable
2 RAM parity check disable
1 speaker data enable
0 timer 2 gate to speaker enable
SeeAlso: PORT 0061h-W,#P060
Bitfields for KB controller port B control register (system control port) [input]:
Bit(s) Description (Table P060)
7 RAM parity error occurred
6 I/O channel parity error occurred
5 mirrors timer 2 output condition
4 toggles with each refresh request
3 NMI I/O channel check status
2 NMI parity check status
1 speaker data status
0 timer 2 clock gate to speaker status
SeeAlso: PORT 0061h-R,#P059
Bitfields for Progr. Peripheral Interface (8255) system control port [output]:
Bit(s) Description (Table P061)
7 clear keyboard (only pulse, normally kept at 0)
6 =0 hold keyboard clock low
5 NMI I/O parity check disable
4 NMI RAM parity check disable
3 =0 read low nybble of switches S2
=1 read high nybble of switches S2
2 reserved, often used as turbo switch
original PC: cassette motor off
1 speaker data enable
0 timer 2 gate to speaker enable
Note: bits 2 and 3 are sometimes used as turbo switch
SeeAlso: PORT 0061h-W,#P0051,#P062,#P063,#P064
Bitfields for PPI (XT only) data port C:
Bit(s) Description (Table P062)
7 RAM parity error occurred
6 I/O channel parity error occurred
5 timer 2 channel out
4 reserved
original PC: cassette data input
3 system board RAM size type 1
2 system board RAM size type 2
1 coprocessor installed
0 loop in POST
3-0 DIL switch S2 high/low nybble (depending on PORT 0061h bit 3)
SeeAlso: PORT 0062h-RW,#P061,#P063,#P064
Bitfields for PPI (PC,XT only) equipment switches [input]:
Bit(s) Description (Table P063)
7-6 number of disk drives
00 1 diskette drive
01 2 diskette drives
10 3 diskette drives
11 4 diskette drives
5-4 initial video
00 reserved (video adapter has on-board BIOS)
01 40*25 color (mono mode)
10 80*25 color (mono mode)
11 MDA 80*25
3-2 memory size (using 256K chips)
00 256K
01 512K
10 576K
11 640K
3-2 memory size (using 64K chips)
00 64K
01 128K
10 192K
11 256K
3-2 memory size (original PC)
00 16K
01 32K
10 48K
11 64K
1-0 reserved
1 NPU (math coprocessor) present
0 boot from floppy
SeeAlso: #P062,#P064,PORT 0060h-R
Bitfields for PPI (8255) command mode register:
Bit(s) Description (Table P064)
7 activation function (0 = bit set/reset, 1 = mode set function)
6,5 port A mode: 00 = mode0, 01 = mode1, 1x = mode2
4 port A direction: 0 = output, 1 = input
3 port C bits 7-4 direction: 0 = output, 1 = input
2 port B mode: 0 = mode0, 1 = mode1
1 port B direction: 0 = output, 1 = input
0 port C bits 3-0 direction: 0 = output, 1 = input
Note: Attention: Never write anything other than 99h to this port
(better: never write anything to this port, only during BIOS
init), as other values may connect multiple output drivers
and will cause hardware damage in PC/XTs! By setting command
word to 99h, PPI will be set in input/output modes as it is
necessary to support the commonly known IO-ports 60, 61, 62
as desired.
SeeAlso: #P061,#P062,#P063
Bitfields for keyboard controller read status (ISA, EISA):
Bit(s) Description (Table P065)
7 parity error on transmission from keyboard
6 receive timeout
5 transmit timeout
4 keyboard interface inhibited by keyboard lock
3 =1 data written to input register is command (PORT 0064h)
=0 data written to input register is data (PORT 0060h)
2 system flag status: 0=power up or reset 1=selftest OK
1 input buffer full (input 60/64 has data for 8042)
no write access allowed until bit clears
0 output buffer full (output 60 has data for system)
bit is cleared after read access
SeeAlso: PORT 0064h-R,#P066,#P067,#P068
Bitfields for keyboard controller read status (MCA):
Bit(s) Description (Table P066)
7 parity error on transmission from keyboard
6 general timeout
5 mouse output buffer full
4 keyboard interface inhibited by keyboard lock
3 =1 data written to input register is command (PORT 0064h)
=0 data written to input register is data (PORT 0060h)
2 system flag status: 0=power up or reset 1=selftest OK
1 input buffer full (60/64 has data for 804x)
no write access allowed until bit clears
0 output buffer full (output 60 has data for system)
bit is cleared after read access
SeeAlso: #P065,#P067,#P068
Bitfields for keyboard controller read status (Compaq):
Bit(s) Description (Table P067)
7 parity error detected (11-bit format only). If an
error is detected, a Resend command is sent to the
keyboard once only, as an attempt to recover.
6 receive timeout. transmission didn't finish in 2mS.
5 transmission timeout error
bit 5,6,7 cause
1 0 0 No clock
1 1 0 Clock OK, no response
1 0 1 Clock OK, parity error
4 =0 security lock engaged
3 =1 data in OUTPUT register is command
=0 data in OUTPUT register is data
2 system flag status: 0=power up or reset 1=soft reset
1 input buffer full (60/64 has data for 804x)
no write access allowed until bit clears
0 output buffer full (port 60 has data for system)
bit is cleared after read access
SeeAlso: #P065,#P066,#P068
(Table P068)
Values for keyboard controller commands (data goes to port 0060)::
Value Description
20h read read byte zero of internal RAM, this is the last KB command
sent to the 8041/8042
Compaq put current command byte on port 0060 (see #P070,#P071)
21-3F read reads the byte specified in the lower 5 bits of the command
in the 804x's internal RAM
60-7F double writes the data byte to the address specified in the 5 lower
bits of the command
60h Compaq Load new command (60 to [64], command to [60]) (see #P071)
(also general AT-class machines)
A0h AMI get ASCIZ copyright message on port 0060
A1h AMI get controller version byte on port 0060
A1h Compaq unknown speedfunction ??
A2h Compaq unknown speedfunction ??
A2h AMI set keyboard controller pins 22 and 23 low
A3h Compaq Enable system speed control
A3h AMI set keyboard controller pins 22 and 23 high
A4h MCA check if password installed
A4h Compaq Toggle speed
A4h AMI set internal system speed flag to low
A5h MCA load password
A5h AMI set internal system speed flag to high
A5h Compaq Special read. the 8042 places the real values of port 2
except for bits 4 and 5 wich are given a new definition in
the output buffer. No output buffer full is generated.
if bit 5 = 0, a 9-bit keyboard is in use
if bit 5 = 1, an 11-bit keyboard is in use
if bit 4 = 0, output-buff-full interrupt disabled
if bit 4 = 1, output-buffer-full interrupt enabled
A6h MCA check password
A6h AMI get internal system speed flag on port 0060
A6h Compaq unknown speedfunction ??
A7h MCA disable mouse port
A7h AMI set internal flag indicating bad write cache
A8h MCA enable mouse port
A8h AMI set internal flag indicating good write cache
A9h MCA test mouse port
A9h AMI get internal flag indicating cache OK to 0060
AAh sngl initiate self-test. will return 55h to data port if self-test
successful, FCh if failed
AAh Compaq initializes ports 1 and 2, disables the keyboard and clears
the buffer pointers. It then places 55h in the output buffer.
ABh sngl initiate interface test. result values:
00h no error
01h keyboard clock line stuck low
02h keyboard clock line stuck high
03h keyboard data line is stuck low
04h keyboard data line stuck high
05h (Compaq only) diagnostic feature
ACh read diagnostic dump. the contents of the 804x RAM, output port,
input port, status word are sent.
ADh sngl disable keyboard (sets bit 4 of commmand byte)
ADh Vectra HP Vectra diagnostic dump
AEh sngl enable keyboard (resets bit 4 of commmand byte)
AFh AWARD Enhanced Command: read keyboard version
B1h AMI set keyboard controller P11 line low
B2h AMI set keyboard controller P12 line low
B3h AMI set keyboard controller P13 line low
B4h AMI set keyboard controller P22 line low
B5h AMI set keyboard controller P23 line low
B8h AMI set keyboard controller P10 line high
B9h AMI set keyboard controller P11 line high
BAh AMI set keyboard controller P12 line high
BBh AMI set keyboard controller P13 line high
BCh AMI set keyboard controller P22 line high
BDh AMI set keyboard controller P23 line high
C0h read read input port and place on PORT 0060h
bit 7 keyboard NOT locked
bit 6 =0 first video is CGA
=1 first video is MDA
bit 5 =0 factory testmode
=1 normal
bit 4 =0 256KB RAM, 1=512KB
bit 5,3-0 are used in Intel chipset 386sx machines with
AMI/Phoenix BIOSes for BIOS specific hardware settings
C0h Compaq places status of input port in output buffer. Use this
command only when the output buffer is empty
C1h MCA Enhanced Command: poll input port Low nibble
C2h MCA Enhanced Command: poll input port High nibble
C8h AMI unblock keyboard controller lines P22 and P23
C9h AMI block keyboard controller lines P22 and P23
CAh AMI read keyboard mode, return in 0060 bit 0
(bit clear if ISA mode, set if PS/2 mode)
CBh AMI set keyboard mode (write back mode byte returned by CAh,
modifying only bit 0)
D0h read read output port and place on PORT 0060h (see #P072)
D0h Compaq places byte in output port in output buffer. Use this command
only when the output buffer is empty
D1h double write output port. The next byte written to port 0060h will
be written to the 804x output port; the original IBM AT and
many compatibles use bit 1 of the output port to control
the A20 gate.
Important: bit 0 (system reset) should always be set here, as
the system may hang constantly, use pulse output port
(FEh) instead.
D1h Compaq the system speed bits are not set by this command use
commands A1-A6 (!) for speed functions.
D2h MCA Enhanced Command: write keyboard output buffer
D3h MCA Enhanced Command: write pointing device out.buf.
D4h MCA write to mouse/pointing device instead of to keyboard; this
controller command must precede every PORT 0060h command
directed to the mouse, otherwise it will be sent to the
D4h AWARD Enhanced Command: write to auxiliary device
DDh sngl disable address line A20 (HP Vectra only???)
default in Real Mode
DFh sngl enable address line A20 (HP Vectra only???)
E0h read read test inputs.
bit0 = kbd clock, bit1 = kbd data
Exxx AWARD Enhanced Command: active output port
EDh double this is a two part command to control the state of the
NumLock, CpasLock and ScrollLock LEDs
The second byte contains the state to set LEDs.
bit 7-3 reserved. should be set to 0.
bit 2 = 0 Caps Lock LED off
bit 1 = 0 Num Lock LED off
bit 0 = 0 Scroll Lock LED off
F0-FF sngl pulse output port low for 6 microseconds.
bits 0-3 contain the mask for the bits to be pulsed. A bit is
pulsed if its mask bit is zero
bit0=system reset. Don't set to zero. Pulse only!
Note: keyboard controllers are widely different from each other. You
cannot generally exchange them between different machines.
(Award) Derived from Award's Enhanced KB controller advertising sheet.
(Compaq) Derived from the Compaq Deskpro 386 Tech. Ref. Guide.
(Table P069)
Values for HP Vectra control buffer command code:
00h-54h insert standard key make code into 8041 scancode buf
55h-77h insert HP key make code into 8041 scancode buffer
7Ah pass through next data byte
7Bh set RAM Switch to 0
7Ch set RAM Switch to 1 (default)
7Dh set CRT Switch to 0
7Eh set CRT Switch to 1 (default)
7Fh reserved
80h-D4h insert standard key break code into scancode buffer
D5h-F7h insert HP key break code into scancode buffer
F8h enable AutoPoll
F9h disable AutoPoll
FAh-FEh reserved
FFh keyboard overrun
SeeAlso: PORT 0068h-W
Bitfields for Compaq keyboard command byte:
Bit(s) Description (Table P070)
7 reserved
6 =1 convert KB codes to 8086 scan codes
5 =0 use 11-bit codes, 1=use 8086 codes
4 =0 enable keyboard, 1=disable keyboard
3 ignore security lock state
2 this bit goes into bit2 status reg.
1 reserved (0)
0 generate interrupt when output buffer full
SeeAlso: #P071
Bitfields for keyboard command byte (alternate description):
Bit(s) Description (Table P071)
7 reserved (0)
6 IBM PC compatibility mode
5 IBM PC mode
no parity, no stop bits, no translation
(PS/2) force mouse clock low
4 disable keyboard (clock)
3 inhibit override
(PS/2) reserved
2 system flag
1 reserved (0)
(PS/2) enable mouse output buffer full interrupt
0 enable output buffer full interrupt
SeeAlso: #P070,#P072
Bitfields for keyboard controller output port:
Bit(s) Description (Table P072)
7 keyboard data (output)
6 keyboard clock (output)
5 input buffer empty
4 output buffer empty
3 undefined
2 undefined
used by Intel 386sx Chipset with AMI/Phoenix BIOSes for BIOS-specific
configuration of turbo switch
1 gate address A20
0 system reset
Note: bit 0 (system reset) should always be set when writing the output
port, as the system may hang constantly; use pulse output port
(command FEh) instead.
SeeAlso: #P071
PORT 0065 - ???
0065 RW ???
bit 2: A20 gate control (set = A20 enabled, clear = disabled)
PORT 0066 - IBM 4717 Magnetic Stripe Reader - ???
SeeAlso: PORT 0069h"Magnetic Stripe"
Note: on Micronics 386-25/386-33/486-25 motherboards, setting this port to
00h enables full speed; setting it to C0h slows the system down by
a factor corresponding to the value programmed into the EISA
interval timer 2 at ports 004Ah and 004Bh
PORT 0069 - IBM 4717 Magnetic Stripe Reader - ???
SeeAlso: PORT 0066h"Magnetic Stripe"
006B ?? RAM enable/remap
006C ?? undocumented
006D ?? undocumented
006E ?? undocumented
006F ?? undocumented
Note: the real-time clock may be either a discrete MC146814, MC146818, or
an emulation thereof built into the motherboard chipset
0070 -W CMOS RAM index register port (ISA, EISA)
bit 7 = 1 NMI disabled
= 0 NMI enabled
bit 6-0 CMOS RAM index (64 bytes, sometimes 128 bytes)
any write to 0070 should be followed by an action to 0071
or the RTC wil be left in an unknown state.
0071 RW CMOS RAM data port (ISA, EISA) (see #P073)
(Table P073)
Values for Real-Time Clock register number (see also CMOS.LST):
00h-0Dh clock registers
0Eh diagnostics status byte
0Fh shutdown status byte
10h diskette drive type for A: and B:
11h reserved / IBM fixed disk / setup options
12h fixed disk drive type for drive 0 and drive 1
13h reserved / AMI Extended CMOS setup (AMI Hi-Flex BIOS)
14h equipment byte
15h LSB of system base memory in Kb
16h MSB of system base memory in Kb
17h LSB of total extended memory in Kb
18h MSB of total extended memory in Kb
19h drive C extension byte
1Ah drive D extension byte
1Bh-2Dh reserved
20h-27h commonly used for first user-configurable drive type
2Eh CMOS MSB checksum over 10-2D
2Fh CMOS LSB checksum over 10-2D
30h LSB of extended memory found above 1Mb at POST
31h MSB of extended memory found above 1Mb at POST
32h date century in BCD
33h information flags
34h-3Fh reserved
35h-3Ch commonly used for second user-configurable drive type
3Dh-3Eh word to 82335 MCR memory config register at [22] (Phoenix)
42h-4Ch AMI 1990 Hyundai super-NB368S notebook
54h-57h AMI 1990 Hyundai super-NB368S notebook
5Ch-5Dh AMI 1990 Hyundai super-NB368S notebook
60h-61h AMI 1990 Hyundai super-NB368S notebook
PORT 0073 - Intel 82378IB ("Saturn"/"Neptune" chipsets) - MBOARD CONFIGURATION
SeeAlso: PORT 0075h
0073 RW ???
bit 7: ???
bit 6: disable ROM shadowing
bit 5: ??? (related to IDE controller)
bit 4: ???
bit 3: ???
Note: NVRAM may be 2K, 8K, or 16K
SeeAlso: PORT 0070h-007Fh,CMOS.LST
0074 -W secondary CMOS RAM (IBM NVRAM) index, low byte
0075 -W secondary CMOS RAM (IBM NVRAM) index, high byte
0076 RW secondary CMOS RAM (IBM NVRAM) data byte
PORT 0075 - Intel 82378IB ("Saturn"/"Neptune" chipsets) - MBOARD CONFIGURATION
SeeAlso: PORT 0073h,PORT 0078h"82378IB"
0075 R- ???
bits 3-2: external bus speed???
00 50 MHz
01 66 MHz
10 60 MHz
11 40 MHz
0078 ?W NMI enable/disable
bit 7 = 0 disable & clear hard reset from HP-HIL controller
= 1 enable hard reset from HP-HIL controller chip
bit 6-0 reserved
PORT 0078 - Intel 82378IB ("Saturn"/"Neptune" chipsets) - BIOS COUNT-DOWN TIMER
Notes: the BIOS uses this port for certain fine timings; presumably it is
independent of processor speed (it appears to decrement at 1 MHz)
the address at which this port appears may be set via the 82378's
PCI configuration space word at offset 0080h (see #0642), or the
timer may be disabled entirely
SeeAlso: PORT 0075h
0078w -W set count-down timer
0078w R- get current count (timer stops when it reaches 0000h)
PORT 0078-007F - PC radio by CoZet Info Systems
Range: The I/O address range is dipswitch selectable from:
038-03F and 0B0-0BF
078-07F and 0F0-0FF
138-13F and 1B0-1BF
178-17F and 1F0-1FF
238-23F and 2B0-2BF
278-27F and 2F0-2FF
338-33F and 3B0-3BF
378-37F and 3F0-3FF
Note: All of these addresses show a readout of FFh in initial state.
Once started, all of the addresses show FBh, whatever might happen.
Notes: cascaded to first controller.
used for keyboard and input device interface.
SeeAlso: PORT 0020h-0021h,INT 68"Vectra",INT 6E"Vectra"
007C RW HP-Vectra PIC 3 see at 0020 PIC 1
007D RW HP-Vectra PIC 3 see at 0021 PIC 1
Note: sometimes used for a POST hex display
0080 -W Manufacturing Diagnostics port
0080 R- ???
(Table P074)
Values for AMI BIOS diagnostics codes:
00h system boot completed, control passed to INT 19 bootstrap loader
01h register test
02h video initialization; NMIs disabled
03h power-on delay complete
04h pre-keyboard-test initializations complete
05h soft-reset/power-on setting determined
06h ROM enabled
07h ROM BIOS checksum test passed
08h keyboard BAT command issued
09h keyboard controller BAT result verified
0Ah keyboard controller command code issued
0Bh keyboard controller command byte written
0Ch keyboard controller pins 23/24 blocked and unblocked
0Dh keyboard controller NOP processing in progress
0Eh CMOS RAM shutdown register read/write test passed
0Fh CMOS RAM checksum calculation complete
10h CMOS RAM initialization complete
11h CMOS RAM status register initialized
12h DMA controllers 1/2 and interrupt controllers 1/2 disabled
13h video display disabled, port B initialized
14h chipset initialization, auto memory detection
15h 8254 channel 2 test half complete
16h 8254 channel 2 test completed
17h 8254 channel 1 test completed
18h 8254 channel 0 test completed
19h memory refresh started
1Ah memory refresh line is toggling
1Bh memory refresh test completed
20h base 64K memory test started
21h address line test passed
22h parity toggle complete
23h base 64K sequential read/write test passed
24h pre-interrupt-vector-initialization configuration complete
25h interrupt vectors initialized
26h 8042 input port read
27h global data initialization complete
28h post-interrupt-vector-initialization initialization complete
29h monochrome mode set
2Ah color mode set
2Bh parity toggle on option video ROM test complete
2Ch initialization before video ROM control complete
2Dh video ROM check complete
2Eh !!!
A9h returned from E0000h adapter ROM
AAh final initializations after adapter ROM initializations complete
PORT 0080-008F - DMA PAGE REGISTERS (74612)
0080 RW extra page register (temporary storage)
0081 RW DMA channel 2 address byte 2
0082 RW DMA channel 3 address byte 2
0083 RW DMA channel 1 address byte 2
0084 RW extra page register
0085 RW extra page register
0086 RW extra page register
0087 RW DMA channel 0 address byte 2
0088 RW extra page register
0089 RW DMA channel 6 address byte 2
008A RW DMA channel 7 address byte 2
008B RW DMA channel 5 address byte 2
008C RW extra page register
008D RW extra page register
008E RW extra page register
008F RW DMA refresh page register
PORT 0080-009F - Intel386sx CHIPSET 82231
Note: includes the DMA controller functionality on PORT 0080h to PORT 008Fh
PORT 0084 - Compaq POST Diagnostic
PORT 0085-0086 - Intel "Triton" chipset - ???
SeeAlso: PORT 00EBh"Triton"
0085 ?W ???
0086 ?W ???
0090 ?? Central arbitration control port
0091 R- Card selection feedback
0092 RW PS/2 system control port A (port B is at 0061) (see #P075)
0094 -W system board enable/setup register (see #P076)
0095 -- reserved
0096 -W adapter enable / setup register
bit 3 = 1 setup adapters
= 0 enable registers
0097 -- reserved
Bitfields for PS/2 system control port A:
Bit(s) Description (Table P075)
7-6 any bit set to 1 turns activity light on
5 reserved
4 watchdog timout occurred
3 =0 RTC/CMOS security lock (on password area) unlocked
=1 CMOS locked (done by POST)
2 reserved
1 A20 is active
0 =0 system reset or write
=1 pulse alternate reset pin (alternate CPU reset)
SeeAlso: #P076,MSR 00001000h
Bitfields for PS/2 system board enable/setup register:
Bit(s) Description (Table P076)
7 =1 enable functions
=0 setup functions
5 =1 enables VGA
=0 setup VGA
2 =1 enable integrated SCSI (PS/2 M77)
=0 setup integrated SCSI
SeeAlso: #P075
SeeAlso: PORT 0020h-003Fh"PIC 1",INT 70"IRQ8",INT 77"IRQ15"
00A0 RW NMI mask register (XT)
bit 7 = 0 disabled
= 1 enabled
00A0 RW PIC 2 same as 0020 for PIC 1
00A1 RW PIC 2 same as 0021 for PIC 1 except for OCW1 (see #P077)
Bitfields for PIC2 output control word OCW2:
Bit(s) Description (Table P077)
7 disable IRQ15 (reserved)
6 disable IRQ14 (fixed disk interrupt)
5 disable IRQ13 (coprocessor exception interrupt)
4 disable IRQ12 (mouse interrupt)
3 disable IRQ11 (reserved)
2 disable IRQ10 (reserved)
1 disable IRQ9 (redirect cascade)
0 disable IRQ8 (real-time clock interrupt)
SeeAlso: #P010
PORT 00B0-00BF - PC radio by CoZet Info Systems
Range: The I/O address range is dipswitch selectable from:
038-03F and 0B0-0BF
078-07F and 0F0-0FF
138-13F and 1B0-1BF
178-17F and 1F0-1FF
238-23F and 2B0-2BF
278-27F and 2F0-2FF
338-33F and 3B0-3BF
378-37F and 3F0-3FF
Notes: All of these addresses show a readout of FFh in initial state.
Once started, all of the addresses show FBh, whatever might happen.
PORT 00B2 - Intel 82420EX chipset - Advanced Power Management Control
Notes: used to pass data between the operating system and the System
Management Interrupt (SMI) handler
writes to this port can cause an SMI; reads can cause STPCLK# to be
asserted (putting the CPU in sleep mode)
SeeAlso: PORT 00B3h
00B2 RW control
PORT 00B3 - Intel 82420EX chipset - Advanced Power Management Status
Note: used to pass data between the operating system and the System
Management Interrupt (SMI) handler
SeeAlso: PORT 00B2h
00B3 RW status
PORT 00C0 - TI SN746496 programmable tone/noise generator (PCjr)
00C0 RW DMA channel 4 memory address bytes 1 and 0 (low) (ISA, EISA)
00C2 RW DMA channel 4 transfer count bytes 1 and 0 (low) (ISA, EISA)
00C4 RW DMA channel 5 memory address bytes 1 and 0 (low) (ISA, EISA)
00C6 RW DMA channel 5 transfer count bytes 1 and 0 (low) (ISA, EISA)
00C8 RW DMA channel 6 memory address bytes 1 and 0 (low) (ISA, EISA)
00CA RW DMA channel 6 transfer count bytes 1 and 0 (low) (ISA, EISA)
00CC RW DMA channel 7 memory address byte 0 (low), then 1 (ISA, EISA)
00CE RW DMA channel 7 transfer count byte 0 (low), then 1 (ISA, EISA)
00D0 R- DMA channel 4-7 status register (ISA, EISA) (see #P078)
00D0 -W DMA channel 4-7 command register (ISA, EISA) (see #P079)
00D2 -W DMA channel 4-7 write request register (ISA, EISA)
00D4 -W DMA channel 4-7 write single mask register (ISA, EISA) (see #P080)
00D6 -W DMA channel 4-7 mode register (ISA, EISA) (see #P081)
00D8 -W DMA channel 4-7 clear byte pointer flip-flop (ISA, EISA)
00DA R- DMA channel 4-7 read temporary register (ISA, EISA)
00DA -W DMA channel 4-7 master clear (ISA, EISA)
00DC -W DMA channel 4-7 clear mask register (ISA, EISA)
00DE -W DMA channel 4-7 write mask register (ISA, EISA)
Bitfields for DMA channel 4-7 status register:
Bit(s) Description (Table P078)
7 = 1 channel 7 request
6 = 1 channel 6 request
5 = 1 channel 5 request
4 = 1 channel 4 request
3 = 1 terminal count on channel 7
2 = 1 terminal count on channel 6
1 = 1 terminal count on channel 5
0 = 1 terminal count on channel 4
SeeAlso: #P001,#P079
Bitfields for DMA channel 4-7 command register:
Bit(s) Description (Table P079)
7 DACK sense active high
6 DREQ sense active high
5 =1 extended write selection
=0 late write selection
4 rotating priority instead of fixed priority
3 compressed timing
2 =1 enable controller
=0 enable memory-to-memory transfer
1-0 channel number (00 = 4 to 11 = 7)
SeeAlso: #P002,#P078,#P080
Bitfields for DMA channel 4-7 write single mask register:
Bit(s) Description (Table P080)
7-3 reserved
2 =0 clear mask bit
=1 set mask bit
1-0 channel select
00 channel 4 select
01 channel 5 select
10 channel 6 select
11 channel 7 select
SeeAlso: #P004,#P079
Bitfields for DMA channel 4-7 mode register:
Bit(s) Description (Table P081)
7-6 transfer mode
00 demand mode
01 single mode
10 block mode
11 cascade mode
5 direction
0 address increment select
1 address decrement select
4 autoinitialisation enabled
3-2 operation
00 verify operation
01 write to memory
10 read from memory
11 reserved
1-0 channel number
00 channel 4 select
01 channel 5 select
10 channel 6 select
11 channel 7 select
SeeAlso: #P005,#P080
00E0 ?W index for accesses to data port
00E1 R? chip set data
00E0 RW split address register, memory encoding registers PS/2m80 only
00E1 RW memory register
00E3 RW error trace
00E4 RW error trace
00E5 RW error trace
00E7 RW error trace
PORT 00E1 - STB PowerMEG - ???
Desc: the STB PowerMEG is a memory expansion card capable of providing EMS
00E1 RW ???
bit 0: ???
PORT 00EB - Intel "Triton" chipset - ???
SeeAlso: PORT 0085h"Triton"
00EB ?W ???
PORT 00EC-00ED - Compaq LTE Elite
PORT 00ED - ???
Note: on a number of machines, the BIOS appears to write a copy of any
data sent to numerous other ports to this port as well
00EDw ?W ???
PORT 00EF - Hyunday Super-NB386S (AMD386sx with Intel chipset)
Warning: any access to this port causes a cold reset on this machine!
PORT 00F0-00F5 - PCjr Disk Controller
00F0 ?? disk controller
00F2 ?? disk controller control port
00F4 ?? disk controller status register
00F5 ?? disk controller data port
PORT 00F0-00FF - coprocessor (8087..80387)
00F0 -W math coprocessor clear busy latch
00F1 -W math coprocessor reset
00F8 RW opcode transfer
00FA RW opcode transfer
00FC RW opcode transfer
PORT 00F9 - Compaq LTE Elite
PORT 00FB - Compaq LTE Elite
PORT 00F9-00FF - PC radio by CoZet Info Systems
Range: The I/O address range is dipswitch selectable from:
038-03F and 0B0-0BF
078-07F and 0F0-0FF
138-13F and 1B0-1BF
178-17F and 1F0-1FF
238-23F and 2B0-2BF
278-27F and 2F0-2FF
338-33F and 3B0-3BF
378-37F and 3F0-3FF
Notes: All of these addresses show a readout of FFh in initial state.
Once started, all of the addresses show FBh, whatever might happen.
PORT 0100 - 3COM 3C509 Ethernet card - ID port
Note: this port is present only on the 3C509, not on any other 3COM card
SeeAlso: PORT 0110h,PORT 0120h
PORT 0100-0107 - PS/2 POS (Programmable Option Select)
Note: the default value for PORT 0102h is stored in CMOS 31h
0100 R POS register 0 Low adapter ID byte
0101 R POS register 1 High adapter ID byte
0102 RW POS register 2 option select data byte 1 (see #P082)
0103 RW POS register 3 option select data byte 2
0104 RW POS register 4 option select data byte 3
0105 RW POS register 5 option select data byte 4
bit 7 channel active (-CHCK)
bit 6 channel status
0106 RW POS register 6 Low subaddress extension
0107 RW POS register 7 High subaddress extension
Bitfields for PS/2 POS register 2, option select data byte 1:
Bit(s) Description (Table P082)
7 0 = unidirectional LPT port
1 = bidirectional LPT port
6-5 PS/2 Model 50 and higher
00b = default LPT port at 3BCh
01b = "" 378h
10b = "" 278h
11b = reserved
4 reserved
0 card enable (CDEN)
0 =1 VGA sleep bit, disconnects output drivers from VGA (usage for VGA
without monitor)
7-4 reserved???
3 video RAM wait enable
2 ET4000: ROM BIOS wait enable
1 ET4000: I/O wait enable
Note: access to this port is only possible when PORT 0094h bit 7 is low.
PORT 0100-010F - CompaQ Tape drive adapter. alternate address at 0300
PORT 0108-010F - IBM PS/2 - 8 digit LED info panel
010F -W leftmost character on display
010E -W second character
0108 -W eighth character
PORT 0110 - 3COM 3C509 Ethernet card - ID port (alternate address)
Note: this port is present only on the 3C509, not on any other 3COM card
SeeAlso: PORT 0100h"3COM",PORT 0120h"3COM"
PORT 0120 - 3COM 3C509 Ethernet card - ID port (alternate address)
Note: this port is present only on the 3C509, not on any other 3COM card
SeeAlso: PORT 0100h"3COM",PORT 0110h"3COM"
PORT 0130-013F - CompaQ SCSI adapter. alternate address at 0330
PORT 0130-0133 - Adaptec 154xB/154xC SCSI adapter.
Range: alternate address at 0134, 0230, 0234, 0330 and 0334
PORT 0134-0137 - Adaptec 154xB/154xC SCSI adapter.
Range: alternate address at 0130, 0230, 0234, 0330 and 0334
PORT 0138-013F - PC radio by CoZet Info Systems
Range: The I/O address range is dipswitch selectable from:
038-03F and 0B0-0BF
078-07F and 0F0-0FF
138-13F and 1B0-1BF
178-17F and 1F0-1FF
238-23F and 2B0-2BF
278-27F and 2F0-2FF
338-33F and 3B0-3BF
378-37F and 3F0-3FF
Notes: All of these addresses show a readout of FFh in initial state.
Once started, all of the addresses show FBh, whatever might happen.
PORT 0140-014F - SCSI (alternate Small Computer System Interface) adapter
Note: first adapter is at 0340-034F
PORT 0140-0157 - RTC (alternate Real Time Clock for XT) (1st at 0340-0357)
PORT 015C-015D - Dell Enhanced Parallel Port
SeeAlso: PORT 002Eh,PORT 026Eh,PORT 0398h
015C -W index for data port
015D RW EPP command data
PORT 015F - ARTEC Handyscanner A400Z. alternate address at 35F.
PORT 0168-016F - 4th (Quaternary) EIDE Controller
Range: 01F0-01F7 for primary controller, 0170-0177 for secondary controller
SeeAlso: PORT 0170h-0177h,PORT 01E8h-01EFh,PORT 01F0h-01F7h
PORT 0170-0177 - HDC 2 (2nd Fixed Disk Controller) (ISA, EISA)
Range: 01F0-01F7 for primary controller, 0170-0177 for secondary controller
SeeAlso: PORT 0168h-016Fh,PORT 01E8h-01EFh,PORT 01F0h-01F7h
PORT 0178-0179 - Power Management
0178 -W index selection for data port
0179 RW power management data
PORT 0178-017F - PC radio by CoZet Info Systems
Range: The I/O address range is dipswitch selectable from:
038-03F and 0B0-0BF
078-07F and 0F0-0FF
138-13F and 1B0-1BF
178-17F and 1F0-1FF
238-23F and 2B0-2BF
278-27F and 2F0-2FF
338-33F and 3B0-3BF
378-37F and 3F0-3FF
Notes: All of these addresses show a readout of FFh in initial state.
Once started, all of the addresses show FBh, whatever might happen.
PORT 01CE-01CF - ATI Mach32 video chipset - ???
01CE -W index register
01CF RW data register
PORT 01E8-01EF - Headland HL21 & Acer M5105 chipsets - SYSTEM CONTROL
01ED RW select internal register. Data to/from 01EF
01EE R- ???
01EF RW register value
05h = 1000xxxx for low CPU clock speed (4MHz on Morse/Mitac)
= 0xxxxxxx for high CPU clock speed (16MHz on Morse/Mitac)
10h memory size
bits 2-0 = size
14h ???
bit 2: 384K RAM of first 1024K relocated to top of memory
PORT 01E8-01EF - 3rd (Tertiary) EIDE Controller
Range: 01F0-01F7 for primary controller, 0170-0177 for secondary controller
SeeAlso: PORT 0168h-016Fh,PORT 0170h-0177h,PORT 01F0h-01F7h
PORT 01F0-01F7 - HDC 1 (1st Fixed Disk Controller) (ISA, EISA)
Range: 01F0-01F7 for primary controller, 0170-0177 for secondary controller
SeeAlso: PORT 0170h-0177h
01F0 RW data register
01F1 R- error register (see #P083)
01F1 -W WPC/4 (Write Precompensation Cylinder divided by 4)
01F2 RW sector count
01F3 RW sector number (CHS mode)
logical block address, bits 0-7 (LBA mode)
01F4 RW cylinder low (CHS mode)
logical block address, bits 15-8 (LBA mode)
01F5 RW cylinder high (CHS mode)
logical block address, bits 23-16 (LBA mode)
01F6 RW drive/head (see #P084)
01F7 R- status register (see #P085)
01F7 -W command register (see #P086)
Bitfields for Hard Disk Controller error register:
Bit(s) Description (Table P083)
---diagnostic mode errors---
7 which drive failed (0 = master, 1 = slave)
6-3 reserved
2-0 error code
001 no error detected
010 formatter device error
011 sector buffer error
100 ECC circuitry error
101 controlling microprocessor error
---operation mode---
7 bad block detected
6 uncorrectable ECC error
5 reserved
4 ID found
3 reserved
2 command aborted prematurely
1 track 000 not found
0 DAM not found (always 0 for CP-3022)
SeeAlso: #P084,#P085
Bitfields for hard disk controller drive/head specifier:
Bit(s) Description (Table P084)
7 =1
6 LBA mode enabled, rather than default CHS mode
5 =1
4 drive select (0 = drive 0, 1 = drive 1)
3-0 head select bits (CHS mode)
logical block address, bits 27-24 (LBA mode)
SeeAlso: #P083,#P085
Bitfields for hard disk controller status register:
Bit(s) Description (Table P085)
7 controller is executing a command
6 drive is ready
5 write fault
4 seek complete
3 sector buffer requires servicing
2 disk data read successfully corrected
1 index - set to 1 each disk revolution
0 previous command ended in an error
SeeAlso: #P083,#P086
(Table P086)
Values for hard disk controller command codes:
Command Spec Type Proto Description class:
00h opt nondata NOP
1xh opt nondata recalibrate 1
20h req PIOin read sectors with retry 1
21h req PIOin read sectors without retry 1
22h req PIOin read long with retry 1
23h req PIOin read long without retry 1
30h req PIOout write sectors with retry 2
31h req PIOout write sectors without retry 2
32h req PIOout write long with retry 2
33h req PIOout write long without retry 2
3Ch IDE opt PIOout write verify 3
40h req nondata read verify sectors with retry 1
41h req nondata read verify sectors without retry 1
50h req vend format track 2
7xh req nondata seek 1
8xh IDE vendor vend vendor unique 3
90h req nondata execute drive diagnostics 1
91h req nondata initialize drive parameters 1
92h opt PIOout download microcode
94h E0h IDE opt nondata standby immediate 1
95h E1h IDE opt nondata idle immediate 1
96h E2h IDE opt nondata standby 1
97h E3h IDE opt nondata idle 1
98h E5h IDE opt nondata check power mode 1
99h E6h IDE opt nondata set sleep mode 1
9Ah IDE vendor vend vendor unique 1
A1h ATAPI opt PIOin ATAPI Identify (see #P089)
C0h-C3h IDE vendor vend vendor unique 2
C4h IDE opt PIOin read multiple 1
C5h IDE opt PIOout write multiple 3
C6h IDE opt nondata set multiple mode 1
C8h IDE opt DMA read DMA with retry 1
C9h IDE opt DMA read DMA without retry 1
CAh IDE opt DMA write DMA with retry 3
CBh IDE opt DMA write DMA w/out retry 3
DBh ATA-2 opt vend acknowledge media chng [Removable]
DCh ATA-2 opt vend Boot / Post-Boot [Removable]
DDh ATA-2 opt vend Boot / Pre-Boot (ATA-2) [Removable]
DEh ATA-2 opt vend door lock [Removable]
DFh ATA-2 opt vend door unlock [Removable]
E0h-E3h (see 94h-96h)
E4h IDE opt PIOin read buffer 1
E5h-E6h (see 98h-99h)
E8h IDE opt PIOout write buffer 2
E9h IDE opt PIOout write same 3
EAh ATA-3 opt Secure Disable [Security Mode]
EAh ATA-3 opt Secure Lock [Security Mode]
EAh ATA-3 opt Secure State [Security Mode]
EAh ATA-3 opt Secure Enable WriteProt [Security Mode]
EBh ATA-3 opt Secure Enable [Security Mode]
EBh ATA-3 opt Secure Unlock [Security Mode]
ECh IDE req PIOin identify drive 1 (see #P087)
EDh ATA-2 opt nondata media eject [Removable]
EEh ATA-3 opt identify device DMA (see #P087)
EFh IDE opt nondata set features 1
F0h-F4h IDE vend EATA standard
F5h-FFh IDE vendor vend vendor unique 4
SeeAlso: #P083,#P085
Format of IDE Identify Drive information:
Offset Size Description (Table P087)
00h WORD general configuration
02h WORD number of logical cylinders
04h WORD reserved
06h WORD number of logical heads
08h WORD vendor-specific
0Ah WORD vendor-specific
0Ch WORD number of logical sectors
0Eh WORD vendor-specific
10h WORD vendor-specific
12h WORD vendor-specific
14h 10 WORDs serial number
no serial number if first word is 0000h
else blank-padded ASCII serial number
28h WORD vendor-specific
[controller type]
2Ah WORD vendor-specific
[controller buffer size in 512-byte sectors]
2Ch WORD number of vendor-specific (usually ECC) bytes on
Read/Write Long
2Eh 4 WORDs firmware revision
no revision number if first word is 0000h
else blank-padded ASCII revision number
36h 20 WORDs model number
no model number if first word is 0000h
else blank-padded ASCII model string
5Eh WORD read/write multiple support
bits 7-0: maximum number of sectors per block supported
00h if read/write multiple not supported
60h WORD reserved (0)
able to do doubleword transfers if nonzero ???
62h WORD capabilities (see #P088)
64h WORD security mode
bit 15: security-mode feature set supported
bits 14-8: maximum number of passwords supported
66h WORD PIO data transfer cycle timing
68h WORD single-word DMA data transfer cycle timing
6Ah WORD field validity
bit 0: offsets 6Ch-73h valid
bit 1: offsets 80h-8Dh valid
6Ch WORD logical cylinders in current translation mode
6Eh WORD logical heads in current translation mode
70h WORD logical sectors per track in current translation mode
72h 2 WORDs current capacity in sectors (excluding device-specific uses)
76h WORD multiple-sector count for read/write multiple command
78h 2 WORDs total number of user-addressable sectors (LBA mode)
00000000h if LBA mode not supported
7Ch WORD single-word DMA transfer modes
low byte is bitmap of supported modes (bit 0 = mode 0, etc.)
high bytes is bitmap of active mode (bit 8 = mode 0, etc.)
7Eh WORD multiword DMA transfer
low byte is bitmap of supported modes (bit 0 = mode 0, etc.)
high bytes is bitmap of active mode (bit 8 = mode 0, etc.)
80h WORD supported flow control PIO transfer modes
82h WORD minimum multiword DMA transfer cycle time
84h WORD recommended multiword DMA cycle time
86h WORD minimum non-flow-control PIO transfer cycle time
88h WORD minimum PIO transfer cycle time with IORDY
8Ah 2 WORDs reserved for future PIO modes (0)
8Eh 58 WORDs reserved (0)
100h 32 WORDs vendor-specific
140h 96 WORDs reserved (0)
SeeAlso: #P089
Bitfields for IDE capabilities:
Bit(s) Description (Table P088)
13 Standby Timer values used according to ATA standard
11 IORDY supported
10 device can disable use of IORDY
9 LBA mode supported
8 DMA supported
SeeAlso: #P087
Format of ATAPI Identify Information:
Offset Size Description (Table P089)
00h WORD general configuration (see #P090)
14h 10 WORDs serial number
no serial number if first word is 0000h
else blank-padded ASCII serial number
28h 3 WORDs vendor-specific
2Eh 4 WORDs firmware revision
no revision number if first word is 0000h
else blank-padded ASCII revision number
36h 20 WORDs model number
no model number if first word is 0000h
else blank-padded ASCII model string
5Eh WORD vendor-specific
60h WORD reserved (0)
62h WORD capabilities (see #P088)
64h WORD security mode???
66h WORD PIO data transfer cycle timing
68h WORD single-word DMA data transfer cycle timing
6Ah WORD field validity
bit 0: offsets 6Ch-73h valid
bit 1: offsets 80h-8Dh valid
6Ch WORD ??? logical cylinders in current translation mode
6Eh WORD ??? logical heads in current translation mode
70h WORD ??? logical sectors per track in current translation mode
72h 2 WORDs ??? current capacity in sectors
76h WORD ??? multiple-sector count for read/write multiple command
78h 2 WORDs ??? total number of user-addressable sectors (LBA mode)
7Ch WORD single-word DMA transfer modes
low byte is bitmap of supported modes (bit 0 = mode 0, etc.)
high bytes is bitmap of active mode (bit 8 = mode 0, etc.)
7Eh WORD multiword DMA transfer
low byte is bitmap of supported modes (bit 0 = mode 0, etc.)
high bytes is bitmap of active mode (bit 8 = mode 0, etc.)
80h WORD supported flow control PIO transfer modes
82h WORD minimum multiword DMA transfer cycle time
84h WORD recommended multiword DMA cycle time
86h WORD minimum non-flow-control PIO transfer cycle time
88h WORD minimum PIO transfer cycle time with IORDY
8Ah 2 WORDs reserved for future PIO modes (0)
8Eh WORD typical time for release when processing overlapped CMD in
90h WORD ???
92h WORD major ATAPI version number
94h WORD minor ATAPI version number
96h 54 WORDs reserved (0)
100h 32 WORDs vendor-specific
140h 96 WORDs reserved (0)
SeeAlso: #P087
Bitfields for ATAPI General Configuration:
Bit(s) Description (Table P090)
15-14 device type
13 reserved
12 device present
7 device is removable
6-5 CMD DMA Request type
00 microprocessor DRQ
01 interrupt DRQ
10 accelerated DRQ
11 reserved
4-2 reserved
1-0 CMD packet size (00 = 12 bytes, 01 = 16 bytes)
SeeAlso: #P089
PORT 01F8 - ???
01F8 RW ???
bit 0: A20 gate control (set = A20 enabled, clear = disabled)
PORT 01F9-01FF - PC radio by CoZet Info Systems
Range: The I/O address range is dipswitch selectable from:
038-03F and 0B0-0BF
078-07F and 0F0-0FF
138-13F and 1B0-1BF
178-17F and 1F0-1FF
238-23F and 2B0-2BF
278-27F and 2F0-2FF
338-33F and 3B0-3BF
378-37F and 3F0-3FF
Notes: All of these addresses show a readout of FFh in initial state.
Once started, all of the addresses show FBh, whatever might happen.
PORT 0200 - Digidesign 'Session 8' HARD-DISK RECORDING SYSTEM
SeeAlso: PORT 0300h"Digidesign"
PORT 0200-020F - Game port reserved I/O address space
0200-0207 - Game port, eight identical addresses on some boards
0201 R- read joystick position and status (see #P091)
0201 -W fire joystick's four one-shots
0201 RW gameport on mc-soundmachine, mc 03-04/1992: Adlib-compatible,
Covox 'voice master' & 'speech thing' compatible soundcard.
(enabled if bit1=1 in PORT 038Fh. Because it is disabled on
power-on, it cannot be found by BIOS) (see PORT 0388h-038Fh)
Bitfields for joystick position and status:
Bit(s) Description (Table P091)
7 status B joystick button 2 / D paddle button
6 status B joystick button 1 / C paddle button
5 status A joystick button 2 / B paddle button
4 status A joystick button 1 / A paddle button
3 B joystick Y coordinate / D paddle coordinate
2 B joystick X coordinate / C paddle coordinate
1 A joystick Y coordinate / B paddle coordinate
0 A joystick X coordinate / A paddle coordinate
PORT 0200-02FF - Sunshine uPW48, programmer for EPROM version CPU's 8748/8749
Range: 4 bit DIP switch installable in the range 20x-2Fx
0200-0203 adresses of the 8255 on the uPW48
0208-020B adresses of ??? on the uPW48 (all showing zeros)
PORT 0208-0209 - Intel 82C212B "Neat" chipset - EMS emulation control
Range: may be set to 0208, 0218, 0258, 0268, 02A8, 02B8, 02E8
PORT 020C-020F - AIMS LAB PC Radio
Range: configurable to 020C or 030C
PORT 0210-0217 - Expansion unit (XT)
0210 -W latch expansion bus data
0210 R- verify expansion bus data
0211 -W clear wait, test latch
0211 R- High byte data address
0212 R- Low byte data address
0213 -W 0=enable, 1=disable expansion unit
0214 -W latch data (receiver card port)
0214 R- read data (receiver card port)
0215 R- High byte of address, then Low byte (receiver card port)
PORT 0210-0211 - Game Blaster
Range: PORT 02x0h-02x1h, x=1,2,...
0210 -W register index
0211 ?W register data
PORT 0218-0219 - Intel 82C212B "Neat" chipset - EMS emulation control
Range: base address may be set to 0208, 0218, 0258, 0268, 02A8, 02B8, or 02E8
PORT 0220-0223 - Sound Blaster / Adlib port (Stereo)
SeeAlso: PORT 0388h-0389h
0220 R- Left speaker -- Status port
0220 -W Left speaker -- Address port
0221 -W Left speaker -- Data port
0222 R- Right speaker -- Status port
0222 -W Right speaker -- Address port
0223 -W Right speaker -- Data port
PORT 0220-0227 - Soundblaster PRO and SSB 16 ASP
PORT 0220-022F - Soundblaster PRO 2.0
PORT 0220-022F - Soundblaster PRO 4.0
Note: the FM music is accessible on 0388/0389 for compatibility.
0220 R- left FM status port
0220 -W left FM music register address port (index)
0221 RW left FM music data port
0222 R- right FM status port
0222 -W right FM music register address port (index)
0223 RW right FM music data port
0224 -W mixer register address port (index)
0225 RW mixer data port
0226 -W DSP reset
0228 R- FM music status port
0228 -W FM music register address port (index)
0229 -W FM music data port
022A R- DSP read data (voice I/O and Midi)
022C -W DSP write data / write command
022C R- DSP write buffer status (bit 7)
022E R- DSP data available status (bit 7)
PORT 022B - GI1904 Scanner Interface Adapter
Range: PORT 026Bh, PORT 02ABh (default), PORT 02EBh, PORT 032Bh, PORT 036Bh
Range: PORT 03ABh, PORT 03EBh
PORT 022C - GS-IF Scanner Interface adapter
Range: PORT 022Ch, PORT 026Ch, PORT 02ACh, PORT 02ECh (default),
PORT 032Ch, PORT 036Ch, PORT 03ACh, PORT 03ECh
Note: many SPI 400dpi/800dpi gray / H/T handy scanner by Marstek, Mustek and
others use this interface
PORT 022F - mc-soundmachine, mc 03-04/1992 - SPEECH I/O
Note: An Adlib-compatible Covox 'voice master' & 'speech thing' compatible
SeeAlso: PORT 0378h"Covox",PORT 0388h-038Fh"soundmachine"
022F RW Covox compatible speech I/O (via internal A/D converter,
each read access starts a new conversion cycle)
register enabled if bit7=1 in PORT 038Fh
PORT 0230-0233 - Adaptec 154xB/154xC SCSI adapter.
alternate address at 0130, 0134, 0230, 0330 and 0334
PORT 0234-0237 - Adaptec 154xB/154xC SCSI adapter.
alternate address at 0130, 0134, 0230, 0330 and 0334
PORT 0238-023F - COM port addresses on UniRAM card by German magazine c't
selectable from 238, 2E8, 2F8, 338, 3E0, 3E8, 3F8
PORT 0238-023x - Bus Mouse Port (secondary address)
Note: secondary address for bus mice from MS and Logitech, and the ATI
video adapter mouse
PORT 023C-023x - Bus Mouse Port (primary address)
Note: primary address for bus mice from MS and Logitech, the ATI video
adapter mouse, and the Commodore PC30III bus mouse
PORT 0240-024F - Gravis Ultra Sound by Advanced Gravis
Range: The I/O address range is dipswitch selectable from:
0200-020F and 0300-030F
0210-021F and 0310-031F
0220-022F and 0320-032F
0230-023F and 0330-033F
0240-024F and 0340-034F
0250-025F and 0350-035F
0260-026F and 0360-036F
0270-027F and 0370-037F
SeeAlso: PORT 0340h-034Fh,PORT 0746h
0240 -W Mix Control register (see #P092)
0241 R- Read Data
0241 -W Trigger Timer
0246 R- IRQ Status Register (see #P093)
0248 RW Timer Control Reg
Same as ADLIB Board (see PORT 0200h)
0249 -W Timer Data (see #P094)
024B -W IRQ Control Register (0240 bit 6 = 1) (see #P095)
024B -W DMA Control Register (0240 bit 6 = 0) (see #P096)
024F RW Register Controls (rev 3.4+)
Bitfields for Gravis Ultra Sound mix control register:
Bit(s) Description (Table P092)
6 Control Register Select (see 024B)
5 Enable MIDI Loopback
4 Combine GF1 IRQ with MIDI IRQ
3 Enable Latches
2 Enable MIC IN
1 Disable LINE OUT
0 Disable LINE IN
SeeAlso: #P093
Bitfields for Gravis Ultra Sound IRQ status register:
Bit(s) Description (Table P093)
6 Volume Ramp IRQ
5 WaveTable IRQ
3 Timer 2 IRQ
2 Timer 1 IRQ
1 MIDI Receive IRQ
0 MIDI Transmit IRQ
SeeAlso: #P092,#P095,#P096
Bitfields for Gravis Ultra Sound timer data:
Bit(s) Description (Table P094)
7 Reset Timr IRQ
6 Mask Timer 1
5 Mask Timer 2
1 Timer 2 Start
0 Timer 1 Start
SeeAlso: #P093,#P095
Bitfields for Gravis Ultra Sound IRQ control register:
Bit(s) Description (Table P095)
6 Combine Both IRQ
5-3 MIDI IRQ Selector
000 No IRQ
001 IRQ 2
010 IRQ 5
011 IRQ 3
100 IRQ 7
101 IRQ 11
110 IRQ 12
111 IRQ 15
2-0 GF1 IRQ Selector
000 No IRQ
001 IRQ 2
010 IRQ 5
011 IRQ 3
100 IRQ 7
101 IRQ 11
110 IRQ 12
111 IRQ 15
SeeAlso: #P093,#P096
Bitfields for Gravis Ultra Sound DMA Control Register:
Bit(s) Description (Table P096)
6 Combine Both DMA
5-3 DMA Select Register 2
000 No DMA
001 DMA 1
010 DMA 3
011 DMA 5
100 DMA 6
101 DMA 7
2-0 DMA Select Register 1
000 No DMA
001 DMA 1
010 DMA 3
011 DMA 5
100 DMA 6
101 DMA 7
SeeAlso: #P093,#P095,#P100
PORT 0240-0257 - RTC (alternate Real Time Clock for XT) (1st at 0340-0357)
(used by TIMER.COM v1.2 which is the 'standard' timer program)
PORT 0258-0259 - Intel 82C212B "Neat" chipset - EMS emulation control
Range: base address may be set to 0208, 0218, 0258, 0268, 02A8, 02B8, or 02E8
PORT 0258-0259 - AT RAMBANK Memory Expansion Board - EXT MEMORY AND EMS-SUPPORT
Range: base address may be set to 0218h, 0228h, 0238h, 0258h, 0268h, 0298h,
or 02A8h
PORT 0258-025F - Intel Above Board
PORT 0260-0268 - LPT port address on the UniRAM card by German magazine c't
selectable from 260, 2E0, 2E8, 2F0, 3E0, 3E8.
PORT 0268-0269 - Intel 82C212B "Neat" chipset - EMS emulation control
Range: base address may be set to 0208, 0218, 0258, 0268, 02A8, 02B8, or 02E8
PORT 026B - GI1904 Scanner Interface Adapter
Range: PORT 022Bh, PORT 02ABh (default), PORT 02EBh, PORT 032Bh, PORT 036Bh
Range: PORT 03ABh, PORT 03EBh
PORT 026C - GS-IF Scanner Interface adapter
Range: PORT 022Ch, PORT 026Ch, PORT 02ACh, PORT 02ECh (default),
PORT 032Ch, PORT 036Ch, PORT 03ACh, PORT 03ECh
Note: many SPI 400dpi/800dpi gray / H/T handy scanner by Marstek, Mustek and
others use this interface
PORT 026E-026F - Dell Enhanced Parallel Port
SeeAlso: PORT 002Eh,PORT 015Ch,PORT 0398h
026E -W index for data port
026F RW EPP command data
PORT 0278 - Covox 'Speech Thing' COMPATIBLES
SeeAlso: PORT 022Fh"Covox",PORT 0388h-038Fh"soundmachine"
0278 -W speech data output via printer data port
(with mc-soundmachine, enabled if bit5=1 in 38F)
PORT 0278-027E - parallel printer port, same as 0378 and 03BC
0278 -W data port
0279 Rw status port
027A RW control port
SeeAlso: PORT 0A79h
0279 -W index into Plug-and-Play register set for Read Data Port and
Write Data Port I/O (see #P097,#P098)
(Table P097)
Values for Plug-and-Play Card-Level Registers:
00h set Read Port address
bits 9-2 of Read Data port address (bits 15-10 are always 0, bits 1-0
are always 11); valid Read Port addresses are 0203h-03FFh
01h serial isolation
02h configuration control
03h Wake command
(specifies which card is accessed through configuration registers)
04h resource data
05h status
06h Card Select Number (CSN)
07h logical device number
(selects which logical device on card is accessed at locations 30h-FFh)
(see #P098)
08h-1Fh reserved
20h-2Fh vendor-specific
Note: there is one set of these registers per installed card
SeeAlso: #P098
(Table P098)
Values for Plug-and-Play Logical Device Registers:
30h activate
bit 0: device is active on ISA bus
bits 7-1: reserved (0)
31h I/O range check
bit 0: I/O Read Pattern select (if bit 1 set, then I/O reads return
55h if this bit is set, AAh if this bit is clear)
bit 1: I/O Range Check Enable: if set, all reads from device I/O
registers return 55h or AAh, depending on bit 0
bits 7-2: reserved (0)
32h-37h reserved
38h-3Fh vendor-specific
40h-44h 24-bit ISA memory descriptor 0
45h-47h reserved
48h-4Ch 24-bit ISA memory descriptor 1
4Dh-4Fh reserved
50h-54h 24-bit ISA memory descriptor 2
55h-57h reserved
58h-5Ch 24-bit ISA memory descriptor 3
5Dh-5Fh reserved
60h-6Fh I/O configuration registers 0-7
70h-71h IRQ channel select 0
72h-73h IRQ channel select 1
74h-75h DMA configuration registers 0-1
76h-7Eh 32-bit memory range configuration register 0
7Fh reserved
80h-88h 32-bit memory range configuration register 1
89h-8Fh reserved
90h-98h 32-bit memory range configuration register 2
99h-9Fh reserved
A0h-A8h 32-bit memory range configuration register 3
A9h-EFh reserved for logical device configuration
F0h-FEh vendor-specific
FFh reserved
Note: there is one set of these registers per logical device
SeeAlso: #P097
PORT 0280 - LCD display on Wyse 2108 PC
PORT 0280-0288 - non-standard COM port addresses (V20-XT by German magazine c't)
selectable from 0280, 0288, 0290, 0298, 6A0, 6A8
PORT 0288-028F - non-standard COM port addresses (V20-XT by German magazine c't)
0280-0288 selectable from 0280, 0288, 0290, 0298, 06A0, 06A8
PORT 02A0-02A7 - Sunshine EW-901BN, EW-904BN
EPROM writer card (release 1986) for EPROMs up to 27512
02A0-02A3 adresses of the 8255 on the EW-90xBN
PORT 02A2-02A3 - MSM58321RS clock
PORT 02A8-02A9 - Intel 82C212B "Neat" chipset - EMS emulation control
Range: base address may be set to 0208, 0218, 0258, 0268, 02A8, 02B8, or 02E8
PORT 02AB - GI1904 Scanner Interface Adapter (default)
Range: PORT 022Bh, PORT 026Bh, PORT 02EBh, PORT 032Bh, PORT 036Bh
Range: PORT 03ABh, PORT 03EBh
Note: the GI1904 is used by many SPI 400/800dpi gray/halftone/color handy
scanners by Marstek, Mustek, Conrad, Völkner and others
PORT 02AC - GS-IF Scanner Interface adapter
Range: PORT 022Ch, PORT 026Ch, PORT 02ACh, PORT 02ECh (default),
PORT 032Ch, PORT 036Ch, PORT 03ACh, PORT 03ECh
Note: many SPI 400dpi/800dpi gray / H/T handy scanner by Marstek, Mustek and
others use this interface
PORT 02B0-02BF - Trantor SCSI adapter
PORT 02B0-02DF - alternate EGA, primary EGA at 03C0
PORT 02B8-02B9 - Intel 82C212B "Neat" chipset - EMS emulation control
Range: base address may be set to 0208, 0218, 0258, 0268, 02A8, 02B8, or 02E8
PORT 02C0-02Cx - AST-clock
PORT 02C0-02DF - XT-Real Time Clock 2 (default jumpered address)
PORT 02E0-02E8 - LPT port address on the UniRAM card by German magazine c't
Range: base address selectable from 0260, 02E0, 02E8, 02F0, 03E0, and 03E8.
PORT 02E0-02EF - GPIB (General Purpose Interface Bus, IEEE 488 interface)
(GAB 0 on XT)
02E1 ?? GPIB (adapter 0)
PORT 02E0-02EF - data aquisition (AT)
02E2 ?? data aquisition (adapter 0)
02E3 ?? data aquisition (adapter 0)
PORT 02E8 - S3 86C928 video controller (ELSA Winner 1000)
PORT 02E8-02E9 - Intel 82C212B "Neat" chipset - EMS emulation control
Range: base address may be set to 0208, 0218, 0258, 0268, 02A8, 02B8, or 02E8
PORT 02E8-02EF - serial port, same as 02F8, 03E8 and 03F8 (COM4)
PORT 02E8-02EF - 8514/A and compatible video cards (e.g. ATI Graphics Ultra)
02E8 R- display status
02E8 -W horizontal total
02EA RW Lookup: DAC mask
02EB -W Lookup: DAC read index
02EC -W Lookup: DAC write index
02ED RW Lookup: DAC data
PORT 02EA - S3 86C928 video controller (ELSA Winner 1000)
PORT 02EB - GI1904 Scanner Interface Adapter
Range: PORT 022Bh, PORT 026Bh, PORT 02ABh (default), PORT 032Bh, PORT 036Bh,
PORT 02EC - GS-IF Scanner Interface adapter
Range: PORT 022Ch, PORT 026Ch, PORT 02ACh, PORT 02ECh (default),
PORT 032Ch, PORT 036Ch, PORT 03ACh, PORT 03ECh
Note: many SPI 400dpi/800dpi gray / H/T handy scanner by Marstek, Mustek and
others use this interface
PORT 02F0-02F8 - LPT port address on the UniRAM card by German magazine c't
selectable from 260, 2E0, 2E8, 2F0, 3E0, 3E8.
PORT 02F8-02FF - serial port, same as 02E8, 03E8 and 03F8 (COM2)
02F8 -W transmitter holding register
02F8 R- receiver buffer register
02F8 RW divisor latch, low byte when DLAB=1
02F9 RW divisor latch, high byte when DLAB=1
02F9 RW interrupt enable register when DLAB=0
02FA R- interrupt identification register
02FB RW line control register
02FC RW modem control register
02FD R- line status register
02FF RW scratch register
PORT 0300 - Award POST Diagnostic
PORT 0300 - Digidesign 'Session 8' HARD-DISK RECORDING SYSTEM
SeeAlso: PORT 0200h"Digidesign"
PORT 0300-0301 - Soundblaster 16 ASP MPU-Midi
PORT 0300-???? - HP IEC/HP-IB adapter (e.g. for use with tape streamer HP9142)
PORT 0300-031F - 3com Ethernet adapters (default address)
PORT 0300-???? - NE2000 compatible Ethernet adapters
Range: may be placed at 0300h, 0320h, 0340h, or 0360h
PORT 0300-0303 - Panasonic 52x CD-ROM SCSI Miniport
Range: PORT 0300h-0303h,PORT 0320h-0323h,PORT 0340h-0343h,PORT 0360h-0363h,
and PORT 0380h-0383h
PORT 0300-030F - Philips CD-ROM player CM50
PORT 0300-030F - CompaQ Tape drive adapter. alternate address at 0100
PORT 0300-031F - prototype cards
Periscope hardware debugger
PORT 030C-030F - AIMS LAB PC Radio
configurable to 020C or 030C
PORT 0310-031F - Philips CD-ROM player CM50
PORT 0320-0323 - XT HDC 1 (Hard Disk Controller)
SeeAlso: PORT 01F0h-01F7h
0320 RW data register
0321 -W reset controller
0321 R- read controller hardware status (see #P099)
0322 R- read DIPswitch setting on XT controller card
0322 -W generate controller-select pulse
0323 -W write pattern to DMA and INT mask register
Bitfields for XT hard disk controller hardware status:
Bit(s) Description (Table P099)
7-6 always 0
5 logical unit number
4-2 always 0
1 error occurred
0 always 0
PORT 0324-0327 - XT HDC 2 (Hard Disk Controller)
PORT 0328-032B - XT HDC 3 (Hard Disk Controller)
PORT 032B - GI1904 Scanner Interface Adapter
Range: PORT 022Bh, PORT 026Bh, PORT 02ABh (default), PORT 02EBh, PORT 036Bh,
PORT 032C - GS-IF Scanner Interface adapter
Range: PORT 022Ch, PORT 026Ch, PORT 02ACh, PORT 02ECh (default),
PORT 032Ch, PORT 036Ch, PORT 03ACh, PORT 03ECh
Note: many SPI 400dpi/800dpi gray / H/T handy scanner by Marstek, Mustek and
others use this interface
PORT 032C-032F - XT HDC 4 (Hard Disk Controller)
PORT 0330-0331 - MIDI interface
PORT 0330-0333 - Adaptec 154xB/154xC SCSI adapter. default address.
Range: alternate address at 0130, 0134, 0230, 0234 and 0334
PORT 0330-033F - CompaQ SCSI adapter. alternate address at 0130
PORT 0330-033F - Philips CD-ROM player CM50
PORT 0334-0337 - Adaptec 154xB/154xC SCSI adapter.
Range: alternate address at 0130, 0134, 0230, 0234 and 0330
PORT 0338 - AdLib soundblaster card
PORT 0338-033F - COM port addresses on UniRAM card by German magazine c't
Range: selectable from 0238, 02E8, 02F8, 0338, 03E0, 03E8, 03F8
PORT 0340-034F - Philips CD-ROM player CM50
PORT 0340-034F - SCSI (1st Small Computer System Interface) adapter
Note: alternate address at 0140-014F
PORT 0340-034F - Gravis Ultra Sound by Advanced Gravis
Range: The I/O address range is dipswitch selectable from:
0200-020F and 0300-030F
0210-021F and 0310-031F
0220-022F and 0320-032F
0230-023F and 0330-033F
0240-024F and 0340-034F
0250-025F and 0350-035F
0260-026F and 0360-036F
0270-027F and 0370-037F
SeeAlso: PORT 0240h-024Fh,PORT 0746h
0340 -W MIDI Control (see #P100)
0340 R- MIDI Status (see #P101)
0341 -W MIDI Transmit Data
0341 R- MIDI Receive Data
0342 RW GF1 Page Register / Voice Select
0343 RW GF1/Global Register Select (see #P102)
0344 RW GF1/Global Data Low Byte (16 bits)
0345 RW GF1/Global Data High Byte (8 bits)
0346 -W Mixer Data Port
0347 RW GF1 DRAM
Direct Read Write at Loction pointed with regs 43 and 44
Bitfields for Gravis Ultra Sound MIDI control register:
Bit(s) Description (Table P100)
7 Receive IRQ (1 = enabled)
5-6 Xmit IRQ
0-1 Master Reset (1 = enabled)
SeeAlso: #P093,#P095,#P101
Bitfields for Gravis Ultra Sound MIDI status register:
Bit(s) Description (Table P101)
7 Interrupt pending
5 Overrun Error
4 Framing Error
1 Transmit Register Empty
0 Receive Register Empty
SeeAlso: #P100,#P102
(Table P102)
Values for Gravis Ultra Sound GF1/Global Registers:
---Voice specific registers---
00h w Voice Control (see #P103)
01h w Frequency Control
bit 15-10 Integer Portion
bit 9-1 Fractional Portion
02h w Start Address HIGH
bit 12-0 Address Lines 19-7
03h w Start Address LOW
bit 15-9 Address Lines 6-0
bit 8-5 Fractional Part of Start Address
04h w End Address HIGH
bit 12-0 Address Lines 19-7
05h w End Address LOW
bit 15-9 Address Lines 6-0
bit 8-5 Fractional Part of End Address
06h w Volume Ramp Rate
bit 5-0 Amount added
bit 7-6 Rate
07h w Volume Ramp Start
bit 7-4 Exponent
bit 3-0 Mantissa
08h w Volume Ramp End
bit 7-4 Exponent
bit 3-0 Mantissa
09h w Current Volume
bit 15-12 Exponent
bit 11-4 Mantissa
0Ah w Current Address HIGH
bit 12-0 Address Lines 19-7
0Bh w Current Address LOW
bit 15-9 Address Lines 6-0
bit 8-0 Fractional Position
0Ch w Pan Position
bit 3-0 Pan Postion
0Dh w Volume Control (see #P104)
0Eh w Active Voices
bit 5-0 #Voices -1 (allowed 13 - 31)
0Fh w IRQ Source Register (see #P105)
---NOT voice specific---
41h r/w DRAM DMA Control (see #P106)
42h w DMA Start Address
bits 15-0 DMA Address Lines 19-4
43h w DRAM I/O Address LOW
44h w DRAM I/O Address HIGH
bits 0-3 Upper 4 Address Lines
45h r/w Timer Control
bit 3 Enable Timer 2
bit 2 Enable Timer 1
46h w Timer 1 Count (granularity of 80 micro sec)
47h w Timer 2 Count (granulatity of 320 micro sec)
48h w Sampling Frequency
rate = 9878400 / (16 * (FREQ + 2))
49h r/w Sampling Control (see #P107)
4Bh w Joystick Trim DAC
4Ch r/w RESET
bit 2 GF1 Master IRQ Enable
bit 1 DAC Enable
bit 0 Master Reset
---Voice specific registers---
80h r Voice Control (see 00h)
81h r Frequency Control (see 01h)
82h r Start Address HIGH (see 02h)
83h r Start Address LOW (see 03h)
84h r End Address HIGH (see 04h)
85h r End Address LOW (see 05h)
86h r Volume Ramp Rate (see 06h)
87h r Volume Ramp Start (see 07h)
88h r Volume Ramp End (see 08h)
89h r Current Volume (see 09h)
8Ah r Current Address HIGH (see 0Ah)
8Bh r Current Address LOW (see 0Bh)
8Ch r Pan Position (see 0Ch)
8Dh r Volume Control (see 0Dh)
8Eh r Active Voices (see 0Eh)
8Fh r IRQ Status (see 0Fh)
SeeAlso: #P101
Bitfields for Gravis Ultra Sound voice control global register:
Bit(s) Description (Table P103)
7 IRQ pending
6 Direction
5 Enable WAVE IRQ
4 Enable bi-directional Looping
3 Enable Looping
2 Size data (8/16 bits)
1 Stop Voice
0 Voice Stopped
SeeAlso: #P102,#P104
Bitfields for Gravis Ultra Sound volume control global register:
Bit(s) Description (Table P104)
7 IRQ Pending
6 Direction
5 Enable Volume Ramp IRQ
4 Enable bi-directional Looping
3 Enable Looping
2 Rollover Condition
1 Stop Ramp
0 Ramp Stopped
SeeAlso: #P102,#P103
Bitfields for Gravis Ultra Sound IRQ source register:
Bit(s) Description (Table P105)
7 WaveTable IRQ pending
6 Volume Ramp IRQ pending
4-0 Voice Number
SeeAlso: #P102,#P103,#P106
Bitfields for Gravis Ultra Sound DRAM DMA control register:
Bit(s) Description (Table P106)
7 Invert MSB
6 Data Size (8/16 bits)
5 DMA Pending
3-4 DMA Rate Divider
2 DMA Channel Width (8/16 bits)
1 DMA Direction (1 = read)
0 DMA Enable
SeeAlso: #P102,#P105
Bitfields for Gravis Ultra Sound sampling control register:
Bit(s) Description (Table P107)
7 Invert MSB
6 DMA IRQ pending
5 DMA IRQ enable
2 DMA width (8/16 bits)
1 Mode (mone/stereo)
0 Start Sampling
SeeAlso: #P102
PORT 0340-0357 - RTC (1st Real Time Clock for XT)
(used by TIMER.COM v1.2 which is the 'standard' timer program)
Range: alternate at 0240-0257
SeeAlso: PORT 0240h-0257h
0340 RW 0.001 seconds 0-99
0341 RW 0.1 and 0.01 seconds 0-99
0342 RW seconds 0-59
0343 RW minutes 0-59
0343 RW hours 0-23
0345 RW day of week 1-7
0346 RW day of month 1-31
0347 RW month 1-12
0348 RW RAM (upper nybble only)
0349 RW year 0-99
034A RW RAM last month storage
034B RW RAM year storage (-80)
034C RW RAM reserved
034D RW RAM not used
034E RW RAM not used
034F RW RAM not used
0350 R- interrupt status register
0351 -W interrupt control register
0352 -W counter reset
0353 -W RAM reset
0354 R- status bit
0355 -W GO command
0356 ?? standby interrupt
0357 ?? test mode
PORT 0348-0357 - DCA 3278
PORT 034C-034F - Gravis UltraMax by Advanced Gravis
Range: The I/O address range is dipswitch selectable from:
0200-020F and 0300-030F
0210-021F and 0310-031F
0220-022F and 0320-032F
0230-023F and 0330-033F
0240-024F and 0340-034F
0250-025F and 0350-035F
0260-026F and 0360-036F
0270-027F and 0370-037F
PORT 035A-035B - Adaptec AH1520 jumper settings
035A R I/O channel setup (see #P108)
035B R transfer mode setup (see #P109)
Bitfields for Adaptec AH1520 channel setup jumper settings:
Bit(s) Description (Table P108)
7 SCSI parity disabled
6-5 DMA channel (00 = channel 0, 01 = 5, 10 = 6, 11 = 7)
4-3 IRQ number (00 = IRQ9, 01 = IRQ10, 10 = IRQ11, 11 = IRQ12)
SeeAlso: #P109
Bitfields for Adaptec AH1520 transfer mode setup jumper settings:
Bit(s) Description (Table P109)
7 DMA transfer mode (clear for PIO)
6 boot enabled
5-4 boot type
00 ???
01 boot from floppy
10 print configured options
11 boot from hard disk
3 enable sync negotiation
2 enable target disconnection
1-0 unused???
SeeAlso: #P108
PORT 035F - ARTEC Handyscanner A400Z. alternate address at 15F.
PORT 0360-0367 - PC network (XT only)
PORT 0360-036F - PC network (AT)
PORT 0360-036F - National Semiconductor DP8390(1)C/NS3249C network chipset
Note: cards based on this IEEE 802.3 networking chipset can use any range
of 16 consecutive addresses, and provide a total of four pages of
sixteen registers (see #P110,#P111,#P112,#P143)
(Table P110)
Values for NS DP8390C/NS3249C network chipset Page 0 registers:
Number Read Register Write Register
00h Command reg. (see #P114) CR Command reg. CR
01h current local DMA address 0 CLDA0 page start reg. PSTART
02h current local DMA address 1 CLDA1 page stop reg. PSTOP
03h boundary pointer BNRY boundary pointer BNRY
04h transmit status reg. TSR Tx page start address TPSR
05h number of collisions reg. NCR Tx byte count reg.0 TBCR0
06h FIFO Tx byte count reg.1 TBCR1
07h interrupt status reg. ISR interrupt status reg. ISR
08h current remote DMA address 0 CRDA0 remote start addr.reg.0 RSAR0
09h current remote DMA address 1 CRDA1 remote start addr.reg.1 RSAR1
0Ah reserved remote byte count reg.0 RBCR0
0Bh reserved remote byte count reg.1 RBCR1
0Ch receive status reg. RSR Rx configuration reg. RCR
0Dh tally counter 0 (frame errors) CNTR0 Tx configuration reg. TCR
0Eh tally counter 1 (CRC errors) CNTR1 data configuration reg. DCR
0Fh tally counter 2 (missed pkt) CNTR2 interrupt mask reg. IMR
SeeAlso: #P111,#P112,#P113
(Table P111)
Values for NS DP8390C/NS3249C network chipset Page 1 registers:
Number Read/Write
00h Command CR (see #P114)
01h physical address reg.0 PAR0
02h physical address reg.1 PAR1
03h physical address reg.2 PAR2
04h physical address reg.3 PAR3
05h physical address reg.4 PAR4
06h physical address reg.5 PAR5
07h current page reg. CURR
08h multicast address reg.0 MAR0
09h multicast address reg.1 MAR1
0Ah multicast address reg.2 MAR2
0Bh multicast address reg.3 MAR3
0Ch multicast address reg.4 MAR4
0Dh multicast address reg.5 MAR5
0Eh multicast address reg.6 MAR6
0Fh multicast address reg.7 MAR7
SeeAlso: #P110,#P112,#P113
(Table P112)
Values for NS DP8390C/NS3249C network chipset Page 2 registers:
Number Read Register Write Register
00h Command CR Command CR
01h page start reg. PSTART current local DMA addr.0 CLDA0
02h page stop reg. BPSTOP current local DMA addr.1 CLDA1
03h remote next packet pointer remote next packet pointer
04h Tx page start address TPSR reserved
05h local next packet pointer local next packet pointer
06h address counter (upper) address counter (upper)
07h address counter (lower) address counter (lower)
08h reserved reserved
09h reserved reserved
0Ah reserved reserved
0Bh reserved reserved
0Ch Rx configuration reg. RCR reserved
0Dh Tx configuration reg. TCR reserved
0Eh data configuration reg. DCR reserved
0Fh interrupt mask reg. IMR reserved
Note: this is a diagnostics page, and should never be modfied under normal
SeeAlso: #P110,#P111,#P113
(Table P113)
Values for NS DP8390C/NS3249C network chipset Page 3 registers:
Number Read Register Write Register
00h Command CR (see #P114) Command CR
Note: Test Page - should never be modified!
SeeAlso: #P110,#P111,#P112
Bitfields for NS DP8390C/NS3249C network chipset command register (00h):
Bit(s) Description (Table P114)
0 software reset command (1=offline, 0=online)
1 do not activate NIC after reset command
2 start transmision of a packet
3-5 remote DMA command
000 not allowed
001 remote read
010 remote write
011 send packet
1xx abort/complete rmote DMA
6-7 page select
00 register page 0
01 register page 1
10 register page 2
11 register page 3
SeeAlso: #P113
PORT 036B - GI1904 Scanner Interface Adapter
Range: PORT 022Bh, PORT 026Bh, PORT 02ABh (default), PORT 02EBh, PORT 032Bh,
PORT 036C - GS-IF Scanner Interface adapter
Range: PORT 022Ch, PORT 026Ch, PORT 02ACh, PORT 02ECh (default),
PORT 032Ch, PORT 036Ch, PORT 03ACh, PORT 03ECh
Note: many SPI 400dpi/800dpi gray / H/T handy scanner by Marstek, Mustek and
others use this interface
PORT 0370-0377 - FDC 2 (2nd Floppy Disk Controller) first FDC at 03F0
Note: floppy disk controller is usually an 8272, 8272A, NEC765 (or
compatible), or an 82072 or 82077AA for perpendicular recording at
SeeAlso: PORT 03F0h-03F7h
0370 R- diskette Extra High Density controller board jumpers (AT)
0370 R- diskette controller status A (PS/2, PS/2 model 30)
0371 R- diskette controller status B (PS/2, PS/2 model 30)
0372 -W diskette controller DOR (Digital Output Register)
0374 R- diskette controller main status register
0374 -W diskette controller datarate select register
0375 RW diskette controller command/data register
0376 RW (2nd FIXED disk controller status/data register)
0377 RW (2nd FIXED disk controller drive address register)
0377 R- diskette controller DIR (Digital Input Register)
0377 -W select register for diskette data transfer rate
SeeAlso: PORT 022Fh"mc-soundmachine",PORT 0388h-038Fh"soundmachine"
0378 -W speech output via printer port
(with mc-soundmachine, enabled if bit4=1 in 38F)
PORT 0378-037A - parallel printer port, same as 0278 and 03BC
0378 -W data port
0379 RW status port
037A RW control port
037B ?? bit 7: shadow RAM on/off (UniRAM adapter,according to c't 7/90)
PORT 0380-038F - 2nd BSC (Binary Synchronous Communication) adapter
SeeAlso: PORT 03A0h"BSC"
PORT 0380-038C - 2nd SDLC (Synchronous Data Link Control) adapter
Notes: Initialization of the SDLC adapter is performed in a typical
sequence like this: Setup 8255 port A-C configuration by writing
98h to 383h, followed by initializing 8255 port C by writing 0Dh
to 382h. Reset 8273 internal registers by pulsing 8255 port B4.
After this the 8253 has to be programmed to the desired values
(counter 0 in mode 3). Now the 8273 is ready to be configured for
the operating mode that defines the communication environment in
which it will be used.
Note on 8273: Each 8273 protocol controllers internal register is
programmed by individual set/reset commands (via 388h) in
conjunction with a parameter (via 389h) that give an OR/AND mask
to the internal register value.
Although the 8273 is a full duplex device, there is only one
command register. Thus, the command register must be used for
only one command sequence at a time and the transmitter and
receiver may never be simultaneously in a command phase.
The system software starts the command phase by writing a command
byte into the command register. If further information is required
by the 8273 prior to execution of the command, the system software
must write the list of parameters into the parameter register.
SeeAlso: PORT 03A0h"SDLC"
0380 R- on adapter 8255(A5) port A: internal/external sensing (see #P115)
0381 -W on adapter 8255(A5) port B: external modem interface (see #P116)
0382 RW on adapter 8255(A5) port C: internal control (see #P117)
0383 ?W on adapter 8255(A5) mode initialization
0384 RW on adapter 8253 (programmable counter) counter 0:
LSB / MSB square wave generator (input for timer 2, connected
to 8255 bitC5)
0385 RW on adapter 8253 counter 1: LSB / MSB inactivity time-outs
(connected to 8255 bitA7, IRQ4 level)
0386 RW on adapter 8253 counter 2: LSB / MSB inactivity time-outs
(connected to 8255 bitA6, IRQ4 level)
0387 ?W on adapter 8253 mode register (see #P118)
0388 R- on adapter 8273 status register (see #P119)
0388 -W on adapter 8273 command register (see #P120)
0389 R- on adapter 8273 (immediate) result register (see #P127)
0389 -W on adapter 8273 parameter register
Commands issued via PORT 0388h may need additional parameters,
which have to be passed through this port (see table).
038A R- on adapter 8273 transmit INT status (DMA/INT)
038A -W on adapter 8274 reset
038B R- on adapter 8273 receive INT status (DMA/INT)
038C -W on adapter 8273 data: direct program control (DPC)
Bitfields for SDLC 8255 port A:
Bit(s) Description (Table P115)
7 =1 timer 1 output active
6 =1 timer 2 output active
5 =1 modem status changed
4 receive clock active (if pulsing)
3 =0 clear to send is on from interface
2 transmit clock active (if pulsing)
1 =0 data carrier detect is on from interface
0 =0 ring indicator is on from interface
SeeAlso: #P116,#P117
Bitfields for SDLC 8255 port B:
Bit(s) Description (Table P116)
7 enable IRQ 4 level interrupt
6 =1 gate timer 1
5 =1 gate timer 2
4 =1 reset 8273
3 =1 reset modem status changed logic
2 =0 turn on test
1 =0 turn on select standby at modem interface
0 =0 turn on data signal rate select at modem interface
SeeAlso: #P115,#P117
Bitfields for SDLC 8255 port C:
Bit(s) Description (Table P117)
7 R- =? not used (detection: =1 SDLC, =0 may be SDLC or BSC??)
6 R- =0 test indicate active
5 R- timer 0 output (if pulsing)
4 R- receive data (if pulsing)
3 -W =0 gate interrupts 3 and 4
2 -W =1 electronic wrap
1 -W =1 gate external clock
0 -W =1 gate internal clock
SeeAlso: #P115,#P116
Bitfields for SDLC 8253 mode register:
Bit(s) Description (Table P118)
7-6 SC1-SC0 00, 01, 10= select counter 0,1,2; 11=illegal
5-4 RL1-RL0 00= couner latching operation
01= read/load most significant byte (MSB)
10= read/load least significant byte (LSB)
11= read/load LSB first, then MSB
3-1 M2-M0 000= mode 0
001= mode 1
x10= mode 2
x11= mode 3
100= mode 4
101= mode 5
0 BCD 0= binary counter 16bits
1= BCD counter 4 decades
Bitfields for SDLC 8273 status register:
Bit(s) Description (Table P119)
7 =1 command busy (CBSY)
6 =1 command buffer full (CBF)
5 =1 command parameter buffer full (CPBF)
4 =1 command result buffer full (CRBF)
3 =1 Rx interupt (RxINT)
2 =1 Tx interupt (TxINT)
1 =1 RxINT result available (RxIRA)
0 =1 TxINT result available (TxIRA)
SeeAlso: #P120
(Table P120)
Values for SDCL 8273 command register:
commands: parameters: results: result port: int:
A4: set one-bit delay set mask - - no
64: reset one-bit delay reset mask - - no
97: set data transfer set mask - - no
57: reset data transfer reset mask - - no
91: set operating mode set mask - - no
51: reset operating mode reset mask - - no
A0: set serial I/O mode set mask - - no
60: reset serial I/O mode reset mask - - no
C0: general receive B0,B1 RIC,R0,R1,A,C RXI/R yes
C1: selective receive B0,B1,A1,A2 RIC,RD,R1,A,C RXI/R yes
C5: receive disable - - - no
C8: transmit frame L0, L1, A, C TIC TXI/R yes
C9: transmit transparent L0, L1 TIC TXI/R yes
CC: abort transmit frame - TIC TXI/R yes
CD: abort transmit - TIC TXI/R yes
22: read 8273 port A - port value result no
23: read 8273 port B - port value result no
A3: set 8273 port A bit set mask - - no
63: set 8273 port B bit reset mask - - no
Notes: B0/B1 LSB/MSB of the receiver buffer length
L0/L1 LSB/MSB of the Tx buffer length
A1/A2 receive frame address match field one/two
A address fieldof received frame. In non-buffered mode, this
result is not provided.
C control field of received frame. In non-buffered mode, this
result is not provided.
RXI/R TXI/R receive/transmit interrupt result register
R0/R1 LBS/MSB of the length of the frame received
RIC/TIC receiver/transmitter interrupt result code
SeeAlso: #P121,#P122,#P123,#P124,#P125,#P126
Bitfields for SDLC 8273 interal port A: Modem Control Input Port:
Bit(s) Description (Table P121)
7-5 not used
4 DSR change (PA4)
3 CTS change (PA3)
2 Data Set Ready (PA2)
1 Carrier Detect (PA1)
0 Clear to Send (PA0)
SeeAlso: #P120
Bitfields for SDLC 8273 interal port B: Modem Control Output Port:
Bit(s) Description (Table P122)
7-6 not used
5 Flag Detect (PB5)
4-3 reserved
2 Data Terminal Ready (PB2)
1 reserved (PB1)
0 Request to Send (PB0)
SeeAlso: #P120
Bitfields for SDLC 8273 internal: Operating Mode Register:
Bit(s) Description (Table P123)
7-6 not used
5 =1 HDLC abort enable
4 =1 EOP interrupt enable
3 =1 enable early Tx interrupt
2 =1 Buffered Mode
1 =1 Two Preframe Sync Characters
0 =1 Flag Stream Mode
SeeAlso: #P120
Bitfields for SDLC 8273 internal: Serial I/O Register:
Bit(s) Description (Table P124)
7-3 not used
2 =1 Data Loopback
1 =1 Clock Loopback
0 =1 NRZI Mode
SeeAlso: #P120
Bitfields for SDLC 8273 internal: Data Transfer Mode Register:
Bit(s) Description (Table P125)
7-1 not used
0 =1 Interrupt Data Transfers
SeeAlso: #P120
Bitfields for SDLC 8273 internal: One-Bit Delay Mode Register:
Bit(s) Description (Table P126)
7 =1 One-Bit Delay Enable
6-0 not used
SeeAlso: #P120
(Table P127)
Values for SDLC 8273 result register:
transmit result codes: status after interrupt:
0C: early transmit interrupt transmitter active
0D: frame transmit complete idle or flags
0E: DMA underrun abort
0F: clear to send error abort
10: abort complete idle or flags
receive result codes:
X0: A1 match / general receive active
X1: A2 match active
03: CRC error active
04: abort detected active
05: idle detected disabled
06: EOP detected disabled
07: frame less than 32 bits active
08: DMA overrun disabled
09: memory buffer overflow disabled
0A: carrier detect failure disabled
0B: receiver interrupt overrun disabled
X bits received inlast byte:
E: all eight bits of last byte (bit7-0)
0: bit0 only
8: bit1-0
4: bit2-0
C: bit3-0
2: bit4-0
A: bit5-0
6: bit6-0
PORT 0388-0389 - AdLib - MONO SOUND OUTPUT
Note: also supported by SoundBlaster and compatibles
SeeAlso: PORT 0220h-0223h,PORT 0388h-038Fh"soundmachine"
0388 R- both speakers -- Status
bit7 : interrupt request (IRQ)
bit6 : timer 1 overflow
bit5 : timer 2 overflow
bit4-0: reserved
0388 -W both speakers -- Address port (see #P128)
index in OPL2 (YMF3812), OPL3 (YMF262), OPL4 (YF278-F)
0389 -W data port
Note: the AdLib requires a delay of 3.3 microseconds between writing to
PORT 0388h and writing to PORT 0389h, and a delay of 23 microseconds
after a write to PORT 0389h before any other operation is allowed
(Table P128)
Values for AdLib address port index:
01h Enable waveform control
bit 7-6: (OPL4, OPL3 in OPL2 mode only) lsi test
bit 5: (OPL2 only) wave select enable (WS)
(OPL4, OPL3) lsi test
bit 4-0: lsi test
02h Timer #1 data (OPL2 and OPL3 in OPL2 mode only)
03h Timer #2 data (OPL2 and OPL3 in OPL2 mode only)
04h Timer control flags (OPL2 and OPL3 in OPL2 mode only)
bit 7 : reset interrupt (RST)
bit 6 : timer 1 mask (MASK1)
bit 5 : timer 2 mask (MASK2)
bit 4-2: reserved
bit 1 : start timer 2 (ST2)
bit 0 : start timer 1 (ST1)
04h (OPL3 in OPL3 mode only) connection select
bit 7-6: reserved
bit 5-0: connection selection
05h (OPL3) compatibility register
bit 7-1: reserved
bit 0: enable OPL3 mode (NEW), default disabled
08h Speech synthesis mode
bit 7: (OPL2 only) speech synthesis or FM music mode (CSM)
bit 6: select keyboard split point (SEL/NTS)
bit 5-0: reserved
20h-35h Amplitude Modulation / Vibrato
bit 7: AM modulation (AM)
bit 6: vibrato (VIB)
bit 5: sustain (EG)
bit 4: keyboard scaling rate (KSR)
bit 3-0: multi (MF)
40h-55h Level key scaling / Total level
bit 7-6: key scale level (KSL)
bit 5-0: total level (TL)
60h-75h Attack / Decay rate
bit 7-4: attack rate
bit 3-0: decay rate
80h-95h Sustain / Release rate
bit 7-4: sustain level
bit 3-0: release rate
A0h-A8h Octave / Frequency (LSB)
A9h-AFh ???
B0h-B8h Octave / Frequency Number
bit 7-6: reserved
bit 5 : key on, mute
bit 4-2: block, octave
bit 1-0: f-number (MSB)
BDh percussion, vibrato, AM (OPL2, OPL3 in OPL2 mode only)
bit 7: amplitude modulation (AM)
bit 6: vibrato (VIB)
bit 5: ryhthm, percussion on/off (R)
bit 4: bass drum on/off (BD)
bit 3: snare drum on/off (SD)
bit 2: tom-tom on/off (TOM)
bit 1: top cymbal on/off (TC)
bit 0: hi hat on/off (HH)
C0h-C8h Feedback / Algorithm
bit 7-4: OPL3: channel D-A
bit 3-1: feedback
bit 0: connection
E0h-F5h Waveform Selection
bit 7-3: reserved
bit 2 : (OPL3) waveform bit2
bit 1-0: waveform
SeeAlso: #P129
(Table P129)
Values for Sound Blaster registers inside groups:
+00..+02: operators 1-3 modulator channel 1-3
+03..+05: operators 4-6 carrier channel 1-3
+08..+0A: operators 7-9 modulator channel 4-6
+0B..+0D: operators 10-12 carrier channel 4-6
+10..+12: operators 13-15 modulator channel 7-9
+13..+15: operators 16-18 carrier channel 7-9
+06, +07, +0E, +0F: reserved
SeeAlso: #P128
PORT 0388-0389 - Soundblaster PRO FM-Chip
PORT 0388-038B - Soundblaster 16 ASP FM-Chip
PORT 0388-038F - mc-soundmachine, mc 03-04/1992 - SPEECH I/O
Note: Adlib-compatible, Covox 'voice master' & 'speech thing' compatible
SeeAlso: PORT 022Fh"soundmachine",PORT 0278h"Covox"
0388 -W Covox 'speech thing' compatible speech output via printer port?
enabled if bit 6 set in PORT 038Fh
0388 RW Adlib compatible (YM3812), enabled if bit 0 set in PORT 038Fh
(see PORT 0388h-0389h"Sound Blaster")
0389 -W Adlib compatible (YM3812), enabled if bit 0 set in PORT 038Fh
(see PORT 0388h-0389h"Sound Blaster")
038A -W I²C control for TDA7302 NF-MUX and X24C04 EEPROM
bit 7: I²C bus SDA out (data), enabled if bit2=1 in PORT 038Fh
bit 0: I²C bus SCL out (clock), enabled if bit2=1 in PORT 038Fh
038B R- I²C status for TDA7302 NF-MUX and X24C04 EEPROM
bit 7: I²C bus SDA in (data), enabled if bit2=1 in PORT 038Fh
bit 0: I²C bus SCL in (clock), enabled if bit2=1 in PORT 038Fh
038F RW configuration port (power on default=0, all features disabled)
(see #P130)
Bitfields for mc-soundmachine configuration port:
Bit(s) Description (Table P130)
7 Covox 'voice master' enabled at PORT 022Fh
6 "" 'speech thing' enabled at PORT 03BCh
5 "" enabled at PORT 0278h
4 "" enabled at PORT 0378h
3 not used (0388???)
2 I²C bus enabled (see PORT 038Ah,PORT 038Bh)
1 gameport enabled (see PORT 0201h)
0 AdLib registers (see PORT 0388h,PORT 0389h) enabled
PORT 0390-0397 - Sunshine EW-901B, EW-904B
EPROM writer card for EPROMs up to 27512
0390-0393 ?? adresses of the 8255 on the EW-90xB
PORT 0390-039F - Cluster adapter (AT)
0390 ?? (adapter 0) (XT)
0391 ?? (adapter 0) (XT)
0392 ?? (adapter 0) (XT)
0393 ?? (adapter 0) (XT)
PORT 0398-0399 - Dell Enhanced Parallel Port
SeeAlso: PORT 002Eh,PORT 015Ch,PORT 026Eh
0398 -W index for data port
0399 RW EPP command data
PORT 03A0-03AC - 1st SDLC (Binary Synchronous Data Link Control adapter)
SeeAlso: PORT 0380h"SDLC"
PORT 03A0-03AF - 1st BSC (Binary Synchronous Communication) adapter
Notes: Initialization of the BSC adapter is performed in a typical
sequence like this: Setup 8255 port A-C configuration by writing
98h to 383h, followed by initializing 8255 port C by writing 0Dh
to 382h. Reset 8251A internal registers by pulsing 8255 port B4.
After this the 8253 has to be programmed to the desired values
(counter 0 not used, counters 1 and 2 to mode 0). Now, the 8251A
is ready to be loaded with a set of control words that define the
communication environment.
8251A: The control words are split into two formats, mode
instruction and command instruction. The mode instruction must
be inserted immediately after a reset operation (via 8255 port B4
or setting command instruction bit6 to 'internal reset').
The required synchronization characters are next loaded into the
8251A (usually 32h for BSC). All control words written to the
8251A after this will load the command instruction.
reset -> mode instruction
SYNC character 1
SYNC character 2
command instruction
data ...
command instruction
data ...
command instruction
SeeAlso: PORT 0380h"BSC"
03A0 R- on adapter 8255(A5) port A: internal/external sensing (see #P131)
03A1 -W on adapter 8255(A5) port B: external modem interface (see #P132)
03A2 RW on adapter 8255(A5) port C: internal control (see #P133)
03A3 ?W on adapter 8255(A5) mode initialization
03A4 RW on adapter 8253 (programmable counter) counter 0:
LSB / MSB square wave generator (unused in sync mode)
03A5 RW on adapter 8253 counter 1: LSB / MSB inactivity time-outs
(connected to 8255 bitA7, IRQ4 level)
03A6 RW on adapter 8253 counter 2: LSB / MSB inactivity time-outs
(connected to 8255 bitA6, IRQ4 level)
03A7 ?W on adapter 8253 mode register (see #P134)
03A8 RW on adapter 8251: data (see #P135)
03A9 R- on adapter 8251: command/mode/USART status register (see #P136)
Bitfields for BSC 8255 port A:
Bit(s) Description (Table P131)
7 =1 timer 1 output active
6 =1 timer 2 output active
5 =1 TxRDY active
4 receive clock active (if pulsing)
3 =0 clear to send is on from interface
2 transmit clock active (if pulsing)
1 =0 data carrier detect is on from interface
0 =0 ring indicator is on from interface
SeeAlso: #P132
Bitfields for BSC 8255 port B:
Bit(s) Description (Table P132)
7 =1 enable IRQ 4 level interrupt (timer 1 and 2)
6 =1 gate timer 1
5 =1 gate timer 2
4 =1 reset 8251A
3 =1 not used
2 =0 turn on test
1 =0 turn on select standby
0 =0 turn on data signal rate select
SeeAlso: #P131,#P133
Bitfields for BSC 8255 port C:
Bit(s) Description (Table P133)
7 R- =0 BSC adapter (=1 may be used to detect SDLC??)
6 R- =0 test indicate active
5 R- timer 0 output (if pulsing)
4 R- receive data (if pulsing)
3 -W =0 enable timer 1 and 2 IRQ4 and receive IRQ 4
2 -W =1 electronic wrap
1 -W =1 gate external clock
0 -W =1 gate internal clock
SeeAlso: #P131,#P132
Bitfields for BSC 8253 mode register:
Bit(s) Description (Table P134)
7-6 SC1-SC0 00, 01, 10= select counter 0,1,2; 11=illegal
5-4 RL1-RL0 00= couner latching operation
01= read/load most significant byte (MSB)
10= read/load least significant byte (LSB)
11= read/load LSB first, then MSB
3-1 M2-M0 000= mode 0 (for counter 1 and 2)
001= mode 1 (not used for BSC)
x10= mode 2 (not used for BSC)
x11= mode 3 (not used for BSC)
100= mode 4 (not used for BSC)
101= mode 5 (not used for BSC)
0 BCD 0= binary counter 16bits
1= BCD counter 4 decades
Bitfields for BSC 8251 data:
Bit(s) Description (Table P135)
---mode instruction (W)---
7 =0 Double SYNC Character
6 =1 SYNDET is an Input
5 =1 Even Parity
4 =1 Parity Enable
3-2 Character Length 00=5bits, 01=6bits, 10=7bits, 11=8bits
1-0 not used (always 0)
---SYNC character 1/2 (W)---
string of two characters to be sync'ed at (in hunt mode).
---command instruction (W)---
7 Enter Hunt Mode
6 Internal Reset
5 Request to Send
4 Error Reset
3 Send Break Character
2 Receive Enable
1 Data Terminal Ready
0 Transmit Enable
---data (RW)---
any data
SeeAlso: #P134,#P136
Bitfields for BSC 8251 command/mode/USART status:
Bit(s) Description (Table P136)
7 Data Set Ready (indicated that DSR is at 0 level)
5 Framing Error (not used for synchronous communications)
4 Overrun Error (OE flag on when Overrun Error occurs)
3 Parity Error (PE flag on when a parity error occurs)
2 TxEmpty
1 RxRDY (causing IRQ 3 level)
0 TxRDY (has not the same meaning as 8251A TxRDY output pin).
THIS one is NOT conditioned by CTS and TxEnable (causing IRQ 4 level)
SeeAlso: #P135
PORT 03AB - GI1904 Scanner Interface Adapter
Range: PORT 022Bh, PORT 026Bh, PORT 02ABh (default), PORT 02EBh, PORT 032Bh,
PORT 036Bh, PORT 03ABh, PORT 03EBh
PORT 03AC - GS-IF Scanner Interface adapter
Range: PORT 022Ch, PORT 026Ch, PORT 02ACh, PORT 02ECh (default),
PORT 032Ch, PORT 036Ch, PORT 03ACh, PORT 03ECh
Note: many SPI 400dpi/800dpi gray / H/T handy scanner by Marstek, Mustek and
others use this interface
PORT 03B0-03BF - MDA (Monochrome Display Adapter based on 6845)
03B0 -W same as 03B4
03B1 RW same as 03B5
03B2 -W same as 03B4
03B3 RW same as 03B5
03B4 -W MDA CRT index register (MDA/mono EGA/mono VGA)
selects which register (0-11h) is to be accessed through 03B5h
Note: this port is read/write on some VGAs
bit7-6: (VGA) reserved (0)
bit5 : (VGA) reserved for testing (0)
bit4-0: selects which register is to be accessed through 03B5h
03B5 RW MDA CRT data register (MDA/mono EGA/mono VGA) (see #P137)
selected by port 3B4. registers 0C-0F may be read
Color adapters are at 3D4/3D5, but are mentioned here for
better overview.
There are differences in names and some bits functionality
on EGA, VGA in their native modes, but clones in their
emulation modes emulate the original 6845 at bit level. The
default values are for MDA, HGC, CGA only, if not otherwise
03B6 -W same as 03B4h
03B7 RW same as 03B5h
03B8 rW MDA mode control register (see #P138)
03B9 ?W reserved for color select register on color adapter
03B9 -W MDA/HGC: set lightpen flipflop (value written is ignored)
cannot be found on native mono EGA, mono VGA (without
translation ROM)
03BA R- CRT status register (see #P139)
(EGA/VGA) input status 1 register
03BA -W (mono EGA/mono VGA) feature control register
(see PORT 03DAh-W for details; VGA, see PORT 03CAh-R)
03BB -W light pen strobe reset (on any value)
(Table P137)
Values for mono video adapter CRT data register index:
text graph text1 text2 graph
7 720x348 1 3 5,6
00h horizontal total 61h 35h 38h 71h 38h
ET4000: in VGA mode scanlines-5
in EGA mode scanlines-2
01h horizontal displayed 50h 2Dh 28h 50h 28h
horizontal display end-1 (EGA,VGA)
02h horizontal sync position 52h 2Eh 2Dh 5Ah/5Ch 2Dh
03h sync pulse width 0Fh 07h/0Fh 0Ah 0Ah 0Ah
bit7-4 vsync, bit3-0 hsync
end horizontal blanking (EGA,VGA)
VGA : bit7=1 : enable read access to regs
10h, 11h (otherwise VGA clones
may show lightpen values)
EGA,VGA: bit6-5=0-3: display enable skew control
bit4-0 : end blanking
04h vertical total (vcycle-1) 19h 5Bh 1Fh 1Fh 7Fh
bit7 only used on MCGA
start horizontal retrace (EGA, VGA)
Genoa SuperEGA only???:
bit7 : start at odd memory address
bit6-5: horizontal sync skew
bit4-0: start retrace+ retrace width
05h vertical total adjust 06h 02h 06h 06h 06h
bit7-5 only used on MCGA
end horizontal retrace (EGA, VGA)
bit7 : (EGA) start at odd memory address
(VGA) bit5 of end horizontal retrace
bit6-5: horizontal sync skew
bit4-0: end horizontal retrace
06h vertical displayed 19h 57h 19h 19h 64h
bit7 only used on MCGA
(EGA) vertical total-1
(VGA) vertical total-2
07h vertical sync pulse width-1 19h 57h 1Ch 1Ch 70h/66h
bit7 only used on MCGA
controller overflow (EGA,VGA)
bit7: (VGA) bit9 of start vertical retrace (10h)
bit6: (VGA) bit9 of vertical display end (12h)
bit5: (VGA) bit9 of vertical total (06h)
(EGA) bit5 of cursor-position (0Ah)
bit4: bit8 of line compare (18h)
bit3: bit8 of start vertical blanking (15h)
bit2: bit8 of vertical retrace start (10h)
bit1: bit8 of vertical display end (12h)
bit0: bit8 of vertical total (06h)
08h interlace mode (not MCGA) 02h 02h 02h 02h 02h
bit7-2: reserved
bit1 : delay
bit0=1: interlace on
preset row scan (EGA, VGA)
bit7 : reserved
bit6-5: (VGA) byte panning
bit4-0: start row scan after retrace
09h maximum scan lines 0Dh 03h 07h 07h 01h
bit7 : (VGA) double scan active
bit6 : (VGA) bit9 of line compare (18h)
bit5 : (VGA) bit9 of start vertical blanking (15h)
bit4-0: maximum scan line 00..31 (height-1)
0Ah cursor start 0Bh 00h 06h 06h 06h/00h
bit7 : reserved
bit6-5: original 6845: cursor on/off, blink interval
(not on all adapters, as original MDA, CGA have
extra circuitrity to avoid this!!)
bit6-5: native EGA: not used
bit6 : (VGA) not used
bit5=0: (VGA) cursor on
bit4-0: first cursor scanline
0Bh cursor end 0Ch 00h 07h 07h 07h/00h
bit7 : reserved
bit6-5: EGA, VGA: cursor skew control
bit4-0: end cursor row
0Ch RW start address high 00h 00h 00h 00h 00h
bit7-6 not used by original 6845 (MDA,HGC,CGA)
0Dh RW start address low 00h 00h 00h 00h 00h
0Eh RW cursor location high 00h 00h 00h 00h 00h
bit7-4 not used by original 6845 (MDA,HGC,CGA)
bit5-4 reserved on MCGA
0Fh RW cursor location low 00h 00h 00h 00h 00h
---for 10h-14h MCGA registers see at 3D4h/3D5h---
10h R- light pen high (MDA/CGA/EGA only, some HGC, few VGA
clones in emulation, not with ET4000)
10h R- native VGA with bit7=1 in end horizontal blanking (03h) and ET4000:
start vertical retrace
10h R- MCGA at 3D5h only: mode control status register (see #P174)
10h -W EGA, VGA: start vertical retrace
10h -W MCGA at 3D5h only: mode control register (see #P175)
11h R- light pen low (MDA/CGA/EGA only, some HGC, few VGA
clones in emulation, not with ET4000)
11h R- native VGA with bit7=1 in end horizontal blanking (03h):
end vertical retrace
11h -W EGA, VGA: end vertical retrace
bit7 : VGA: protection bit
=0 enable write access to 00h-07h
=1 read only regs 00h-07h with the exception
of bit4 in 07h. ET4000: protect 35h also.
bit6 : VGA: =0 three, =1 five refreshcycles/line
ET4000: reserved
bit5=0: (MCGA also) enable vertical interrupt
bit4=0: (MCGA also) clear vertical interrupt
=1: no effect
bit3-0: (MCGA also) vertical retrace end
11h RW MCGA at 3D5h only: interrupt control register (see #P176)
12h EGA, VGA: vertical display end register
12h RW MCGA at 3D5h only: character generator/sync polarity register
(see #P177)
12h R- MCGA at 3D5h only: display sense register (see #P173)
(with bit7=1 in 11h only)
13h EGA, VGA: row offset register
logical screen line width in
byte mode : bytes/(line/2)
word mode : bytes/(line/4)
dword mode: bytes/(line/8)
13h -W MCGA at 3D5h only: character font pointer register (see #P173)
14h EGA, VGA: underline location register
bit7=0: reserved
bit6 : VGA: 0=word-mode, 1=dword-mode (see 17h, bit6)
bit5 : VGA: 0=standard address counter clock
1=address counter clock/4 (see 17h, bit3)
bit4-0: horizontal underline row scan
14h -W MCGA at 3D5h only: number of characters to load during
vretrace period (see #P173)
14h -W HGC+,InColor: xMode register
15h EGA, VGA: start vertical blanking-1
15h -W HGC+,InColor: underscore register
16h EGA, VGA: end vertical blanking register
bit7-5 : EGA: reserved, but used on original EGA???
bit4-0 : end vertical blanking
16h -W HGC+,InColor: overstrike register
17h EGA, VGA: mode control register (see #P140)
17h -W InColor: exception register
18h EGA, VGA: line compare register
18h -W InColor: plane mask register
19h Genoa SuperEGA only: double scan control
at 3B5h only in MDA, HGC emulation, but at 3D5h even in
mono EGA modes.
bit7-5 : reserved
bit4 : HR/VR width adjust flag for double scan mode
bit3-1 : 1=test, 0=normal
bit0 : double scan enable
19h -W InColor: read/write control register
1Ah -W InColor: read/write color register
1Bh -W InColor: Latch Protect register
1Bh ET3000 only: x-zoom start register
The existence of this register is often used to decide
between ET3000 and ET4000, as the ET4000 does not offer
hardware-zoom features.
1Ch RW InColor: palette register
1Ch ET3000 only: x-zoom end register
1Dh ET3000 only: y-zoom start register low
1Eh ET3000 only: y-zoom end register low
1Fh ET3000 only: y-zoom start & end high register
20h ET3000 only: zoom start address register low
21h ET3000 only: zoom start address register medium
23h ET3000 only: extended start address (see register 33h)
24h ET3000 only: compatibility register (see register 34h)
25h ET3000 only: overflow high register (see registers 35h, 07h)
2Dh R- S3: extended Chip ID (always 88h???)
2Eh R- S3 7xx/866/x68: new chip ID
2Fh R- S3 7xx/866/x68: chipset revision
30h RW S3: chip ID/revision (see #P146)
31h RW S3: memory configuration (see #P147)
32h ET4000: RAS/CAS configuration ('key' protected) (see #P141)
32h RW S3: backward compatibility 1 (see #P148)
33h ET4000: extended start address
This register is often used to decide between ET4000
and ET3000, when bit3-0 can be reread after write.
bit7-4 : reserved
bit3-2 : cursor address bit 17-16
bit1-0 : linear start address bits 17-16
33h RW S3: backward compatibility 2 (see #P149)
34h ET4000: 6845 compatibility control register ('key' protected)
(see #P142)
34h RW S3: backward compatibility 3
35h ET4000: overflow high register (protected by 11h, bit7) (see #P143)
35h RW S3: CRT register lock
36h ET4000: video system configuration 1 ('key' protected) (see #P144)
36h R S3: Reset State read 1
37h ET4000: video system configuration 2 ('key' protected) (see #P145)
37h R S3: Reset State read 2
38h RW S3: S3 Register lock 1
set reg 38h to 48h and reg 39h to A5h to unlock other S3 registers
39h RW S3: S3 Register lock 2
3Ah RW S3: S3 Miscellaneous
bit 4: ???
3Bh RW S3: Data Transfer Execute position
3Ch RW S3: Interlace Retrace start
40h RW S3: System Configuration
bit 0: enable access to 8514/A-compatible registers at PORT x2E8h
41h S3: BIOS Flag register
42h RW S3: mode control
43h RW S3: extended mode
45h RW S3: hardware graphics cursor mode
46h-47h RW S3: hardware cursor origin X
48h-49h RW S3: hardware cursor origin Y
4Ah RW S3: hardware graphics cursor foreground stack
4Bh RW S3: hardware graphics cursor background stack
4Ch-4Dh RW S3: hardware graphics cursor map start address
4Eh RW S3: hardware cursor pattern start X
4Fh RW S3: hardware cursor pattern start Y
50h RW S3 801+: Extended System Control 1
51h RW S3 801+: Extended System Control 2
52h RW S3 801+: Extended BIOS Flag 1
bits 7-6 are sync polarities (see #P165) for Diamond cards
53h RW S3 801+: Extended Memory Control 1
54h RW S3 801+: Extended Memory Control 2
55h RW S3 801+: Extended Video DAC Control
56h RW S3 801+: External Sync Control 1
57h RW S3 801+: External Sync Control 2
58h RW S3 801+: Linear Address Window Control
59h RW S3 801+: Linear Address Window Position (high)
5Ah RW S3 801+: Linear Address Window Position (low)
5Bh RW S3 801+: Extended BIOS Flag 2
5Ch RW S3 801+: General Output Port
bit 0: ???
bit 1: ???
5Dh RW S3 801+: Extended Horizontal Overlow
5Eh RW S3 801+: Extended Vertical Overflow
5Fh RW S3 928/964: Bus Grant Termination Position
60h RW S3 864/964: extended memory control 3
61h RW S3 864/964: extended memory control 4
62h RW S3 864/964: extended memory control 5
63h RW S3 864/964: external sync delay adjustment (high)
64h RW S3 864/964: genlocking adjustment
65h RW S3 864/964: extended miscellaneous control
66h RW S3 864/964: extended miscellaneous control 1
67h RW S3 864/964: extended miscellaneous control 2
68h RW S3 864/964: configuration 3
69h RW S3 864/964: extended system control 3
6Ah RW S3 864/964: extended system control 4
6Bh RW S3 864/964: extended BIOS flag 3
6Ch RW S3 864/964: extended BIOS flag 4
6Dh RW S3 864/964: extended miscellaneous control
Notes: MDA, HGC, CGA: 6845 registers 00h-0Dh are write only, 0Eh, 0Fh
are r/w, and 10h-11h are read only.
The alternative initial defaults may be used
sometimes on modern adapters.
HGC+(RamFont): as with HGC, but 3 (unknown) registers more for
font control
emulations : more registers may be r/w, but most often it's
the same as with native 6845.
MCGA (CGA+) : Though this is a mixture of CGA and VGA, most
registers are same as with CGA, but with some
enhancements and incompatibilities to EGA, VGA.
native EGA : registers 00h-0Bh are write only, 0Ch-0Fh are
r/w, 10h-11h are read/write, 12h-18h are write
only. More regs may be r/w on enhanced clones.
GenoaSuperEGA: adapter with chips SEQCRT GN006001 and GRAT
GN006002, e.g. c't Super-EGA adapter. Is EGA
clone with up to 800x600 and full 6845 emulation.
native VGA : all registers 00-18h are r/w, but 00h-07h are
write-locked if bit7 in 11h is set.
ET4000 : same as VGA, but with additional r/w registers
32h-37h, protected by 'key' except 33h, 35h
(see 3BFh for details). 35h is protected by
bit7 in 11h. The 'key' must be issued at least
after each power on or synchronous reset.
SeeAlso: #P138,#P139,#P173
Bitfields for mono video adapter mode control register:
Bit(s) Description (Table P138)
7 not used by MDA, page number on HGC
6 not used
6 R-O (mono ET4000 only) report status of bit 1 (enable 2nd page) of
Hercules compatibility register (PORT 03BFh)
5 enable blink (0 = intense background, 1 = blink)
4 not used
3 video enable
2 not used
1 (MDA) not used
(HGC) graphics enable
the 6845 has to be reprogrammed completely, if this bit is
changed, otherwise the TTL-monitor may be damaged by wrong
sync impulses!
0 high resolution mode (always set on MDA)
---mono ET4000 only, W-O ---
7-0 =A0h: second part of 'key', see Hercules compatibility register
(PORT 03BFh) for details
Note: this port might be completely or partially readable on very few MDA,
HGC clones or emulations (e.g. Genoa SuperEGA), but not with the
majority of original and clone chips. It cannot be found on
native mono EGA, mono VGA, but on most clones, where it is usually
SeeAlso: #P137,#P139
Bitfields for mono video adapter CRT status register:
Bit(s) Description (Table P139)
7 HGC: vertical sync pulse in progress
6-4 adapter identification
(MSD says) if bit 7 changes within 8000h reads then
=000 adapter is Hercules or compatible
=001 adapter is Hercules+
=101 adapter is Hercules InColor
else: adapter is unknown
6-4 =111 on MDA and some HGC clones
5-4 (mono EGA, mono ET4000) diagnose video display feedback
select from color plane enable
3 (MDA,HGC) pixel stream (0=currently black, 1=currently white)
(mono EGA, mono VGA) vertical retrace in progress
2-1 (MDA) reserved
2 (HGC, mono EGA) lightpen flipflop set
(mono ET4000) reserved (0)
1 (HGC) lightpen input stream (if set, current value to get from
PORT 03B5h registers 10h-11h)
(mono ET4000) reserved (0)
0 horizontal drive enabled
SeeAlso: #P137,#P138
Bitfields for EGA,VGA mode control register:
Bit(s) Description (Table P140)
7 0=CRTC reset and stop, 1=resume reset
6 0=word-mode, 1=byte-mode (VGA: see 14h, bit6)
5 0=14bit, 1=16bit address wrap
4 (native VGA only) reserved (0)
4 (EGA and most VGA clones) output control
0: video driver active
1: video driver not active
3 linear address counter clock (0 = standard, 1 = clock/2)
(VGA: see register 14h, bit 5)
2 horizontal retrace clock (0 = standard, 1 = clock/2)
1 row scan counter
0: address bit 14 = scan bit 1
1: address bit 14 not altered
0 6845 compatibility mode
0: address bit 13 = scan bit 0 (as with 6845)
1: address bit 13 not altered
SeeAlso: #P137
Bitfields for ET4000 RAS/CAS configuration register:
Bit(s) Description (Table P141)
7 static column memory
ET4000/W32i: interleave mode
6 RAL RAS&CAS column setup time
5 RCD RAS & CAS time
4-3 RSP, RAS pre-charge time
2 CPS, CAS pre-charge time
1-0 CSW, CAS low pulse width
SeeAlso: #P137,#P142
Bitfields for ET4000 compatibility control register:
Bit(s) Description (Table P142)
7 6845 compatibility enabled
6 ENBA enable double scan/underline in AT&T mode
5 ENXL enable translation ROM on writing
4 ENXR enable translation ROM on reading
3 ENVS VSE register port address
2 TRIS tristate ET4000 output pins
1 CS2 MCLCK clock select 2
0 EMCK enable translation of CS0 bit
SeeAlso: #P137,#P141,#P143
Bitfields for ET4000 overflow high register:
Bit(s) Description (Table P143)
7 vertical interlace mode
6 alternate RMW control
5 external sync reset (gen-lock) the line/chr counter
4 line compare bit10
3 vertical sync start bit10
2 vertical display end bit10
1 vertical total bit10
0 vertical blank start bit10
SeeAlso: #P137,#P142,#P144
Bitfields for ET4000 video system configuration 1 register:
Bit(s) Description (Table P144)
7 enable 16bit I/O read/write
6 enable 16bit display memory read/write
5 addressing mode (0=IBM, 1=TLI)
4 0=segment / 1=linear system configuration
3 font width control (1=up to 16bit, 0=8bit)
2-0 refresh count per line-1
SeeAlso: #P137,#P143,#P145
Bitfields for ET4000 video system configuration 2 register:
Bit(s) Description (Table P145)
7 DRAM display memory type (1=VRAM, 0=DRAM)
6 test (1=TLI interal test mode)
5 priority threshold control (0=more mem BW)
4 disable block read-ahead
3 display memory data depth
2 bus read data latch control
1-0 display memory data bus width
SeeAlso: #P137,#P144
(Table P146)
Values for S3 chip ID/Revision register "CR30":
81h 86c911
82h 86c911A/924
90h 86c928 (original)
A0h 86c801/805 A-step or B-step
... !!!
B0h 86c928 PCI
C0h Vision864
C1h Vision864P
D0h Vision964
D1h Vision964P
E0h Trio32/64, 86c866, 86c868, 86c968; actual ID and revision stored in
PORT 03B5h registers 2Eh and 2Fh
E1h Trio32/64, 86c866, 86c868, 86c968; actual ID and revision stored in
PORT 03B5h registers 2Eh and 2Fh
SeeAlso: #P147
Bitfields for S3 "CR31" memory configuration register:
Bit(s) Description (Table P147)
0 enable base-address offset (turn on bank-switched operation)
1 two-page screen image (enables 2048-pixel wide screen)
2 VGA 16-bit memory bus (clear for 8-bit memory bus)
3 video memory above 256K accessible
5-4 display start address, bits 17&16. See also registers 51h and 69h
6 enable page-mode memory access for text-mode font access
7 (except 864/964) enable BIOS ROM address space C6800h-C7FFFh
SeeAlso: #P146,#P148
Bitfields for S3 "CR32" Backwards Compatibility 1 register:
Bit(s) Description (Table P148)
1-0 character clock period
00 IBM-compatible, 8 or 9 dots
01 7 dots
10 9 dits
2 force full character clock for horizontal timing (CGA/HGC emulation),
rather than 1/2 dot clock rate
3 backward-compatible modes (set for MDA/CGA/EGA/HGC)
6 fix VGA screen page using display start address bits 16&17 (see #P147)
7 (928,964) tri-state serial output pins SC, SOE0, and SXNR
SeeAlso: #P147,#P149
Bitfields for S3 "CR33" Backwards Compatibility 2 register:
Bit(s) Description (Table P149)
1 disable VDE protection (PORT 03D4h register 11h bit 7 will not act
on PORT 03D4h register 7h bits 1 and 6)
3 VCLK is inverted DCLK rather than inverted DCLK/2
4 disable writes to RamDAC
5 blank signal does not include border area, is same as display enable
6 lock palette/overscan registers
7 override CGA "enable video" at PORT 03D8h bit 3
SeeAlso: #P148
Range: PORT 0278h, PORT 0378h, or PORT 03BCh
03BC -W data port
03BC R- bidirectional port: input from connector
unidirectional port: last value written to port
03BD RW status port (see #P150)
03BE RW control port (see #P151)
Bitfields for parallel interface status port:
Bit(s) Description (Table P150)
7 busy
6 NOT acknowledge (approx. 5us low pulse)
5 out of paper
4 printer is selected
3 *no* error
2 IRQ has *not* occurred
(PS/2) printer returned -ACK
1-0 reserved
SeeAlso: #P151
Bitfields for parallel interface control port:
Bit(s) Description (Table P151)
7-5 reserved
7 (see PORT 037Bh bit 7)
5 enable bidirectional port
(PS/2 also requires enabling via port 0102h)
4 enable IRQ (via -ACK)
3 select printer (SLCT IN line)
2 =0 initialize printer (-RESET line)
1 automatic line feed
0 strobe (must be set for minimum of 5 microseconds)
SeeAlso: #P150
PORT 03BF - Hercules configuration switch register
Note: can also be found on EGA and VGA clones in Hercules emulation
03BF -W configuration switch register (see #P152)
03BF -W (ET4000) Hercules compatibility register (see #P153)
03BF RW (Genoa SuperEGA) miscellaneous register
Note: only available in MDA, HGC, and CGA emulation; should be
compatible with Hercules configuration register, but may contain
additional features
Bitfields for Hercules configuration switch register:
Bit(s) Description (Table P152)
7-2 reserved
1 =0 disables upper 32K of graphics mode buffer
=1 enables upper 32K of graphics mode buffer
0 =0 prevents graphics mode
=1 allows graphics mode
SeeAlso: #P153
Bitfields for ET4000 compatibility register:
Bit(s) Description (Table P153)
1 =0 disables upper 32K of graphics mode buffer
=1 enables upper 32K of graphics mode buffer
0 reserved (not needed for HGC graphics)
7-0 =03h: first part of 'key' for access to some extra
ET4000 regs. To issue the 'key', the following
code must be executed:
MOV DX, 3D8h (3B8h in mono mode)
MOV AL, 0A0h
SeeAlso: #P152
PORT 03C0-03C7 - Sunshine EW-901, EW-901A, EW-904, EW-904A
EPROM writer card for EPROMs up to 27512
03C0-03C3 adresses of the 8255 on the EW-90x
PORT 03C0-03CF - EGA (1st Enhanced Graphics Adapter) alternate at 02C0
03C0 rW EGA VGA ATC index/data register
Every write access to this register will toggle an internal
index/data selection flipflop, so that consecutive writes to
index & data is possible through this port. To get a defined
start condition, each read access to the input status register
#1 (3BAh in mono / 3DAh in color) resets the flipflop to load
index. If values are changed during the vertical retrace
period only no flicker will occur.
index register (flipflop reset to 'index'): (default 20h)
bit7-6: reserved
bit5 : 0=CPU access (screen dark),
1=video access to registers
bit4-0: index in ATC (0..31)
indexed registers in ATC (flipflop set to 'data'): (see #P154)
03C1 R- VGA ATC index/data read register
03C2 R- EGA VGA input status 0 register
(Genoa SuperEGA in all emulation modes)
bit6-5 are 'key' protected on ET4000.
bit7 : CRT interrupt occured
EGA: 0=vertical retrace in progress, 1=display
bit6 : EGA and ET4000: feature control 1 (pin17)
bit5 : EGA and ET4000: feature control 0 (pin19)
bit4 : DIP switch sense
(0=closed, 1=open/switches readable)
bit3-0: reserved
03C2 -W EGA VGA miscellaneous output register (see #P165)
03C3 RW VGA video subsystem enable (see also port 46E8h)
for IBM, motherboard VGA only
bit7-4=0: reserved
bit3 : select video subsystem (address 46E8h)
bit2-1 : reserved
bit0 : select video subsystem (address 03C3)
03C4 -W EGA TS index register
03C4 RW VGA sequencer index register (see also #P160)
bit7-3 : reserved (VGA only)
bit2-0 : current TS index
03C5 -W EGA TS data register
03C5 RW VGA sequencer data register (see #P160)
03C6 RW (VGA, MCGA) PEL mask register (default FFh)
VGA: AND mask for color-register address.
MCGA: Never change from the default FFh.
03C6 RW HiColor ET4000 (Sierra RAMDACs e.g. SC11486, SC11481, SC11488):
Enable HiColor feature: beside other assignments,
consequtive read 3C6h 4 times and write magic value 80h to it.
03C7 -W (VGA,MCGA,CEG-VGA) PEL address register (read mode)
Sets DAC in read mode and assign start of color register
index (0..255) for following read accesses to 3C9h.
Don't write to 3C9h while in read mode. Next access to
03C8h will stop pending mode immediatly.
03C7 -W (CEG-Color VGA w/ Edsun Labs RAMDACs)
Enable and set Countinous Edge Graphics Mode:
Consecutive write the following three key sequences in read
mode (!) to 3C9h register DEh : 'CEG', 'EDS', 'UNx' (x see
below). Current CEG mode can be read from palette register
BFh 'blue', write access to that register will disable CEG
In CEG modes by combining old with new colors and dynamically
changing palette values, the effective colors displayable
are enhanced dramatically (in EDP modes up to virtually 32bit
truecolor) on standard 16/256 color VGA. Also, effective
resolution enhancement takes effect by anti-aliasing.
Neccessary EDP escape sequences should be moved to image
border or single colored areas, if possible.
REP-mode: if pixel are doubled in current video mode
EDP-mode: pseudo-truecolor with Edsun dynamic palette
(see #P170,#P171)
Palette-color-register single-byte-format (each 3 times):
Mode A: Mode C:
bit7-4: mix code bit3 : 0=color, 1=code
bit3-0: color code bit2-0: color / mix code
Mode B: Mode D:
bit7-5: mix code bit7-0: see mix code table
bit4 : 0=new, 1=old Non-CEG modes:
bit3-0: color code bit7-0: as usual
In EDP modes, video-memory-palette-changing escape-sequences:
Mode A: Mode B: Mode C: Mode D:
7/escape 7/escape 7/escape 0BFh
red red red7-4 red
green green red3-0 green
blue blue green7-4 blue
address address green3-0 address
03C7 R- VGA DAC state register
bit7-2 reserved
bit1-0: 00b write palette cycle (write mode)
01h reserved
10b reserved
11b read palette cycle (read mode)
03C8 RW (VGA,MCGA) PEL address register (write mode)
Sets DAC in write mode and assign start of color register
index (0..255) for following write accesses to 3C9h.
Don't read from 3C9h while in write mode. Next access to
03C8h will stop pending mode immediatly.
03C8 RW (Genoa SuperEGA) SuperEGA control register (all emulation modes)
bit7-2: reserved
bit1 : 0=EGA mode, 1=backward compatibility mode
bit0 : not used
03C9 RW (VGA,MCGA) PEL data register
Three consequtive reads (in read mode) or writes (in write
mode) in the order: red, green, blue. The internal DAC index
is incremented each 3rd access.
bit7-6: HiColor VGA DACs only: color-value bit7-6
bit5-0: color-value bit5-0
03CA -W EGA graphics 2 position register
03CA R- VGA feature control register (see PORT 03BAh,PORT 03DAh-W)
03CB RW (ET4000/W32) GDC segment select register 2 ('key' protected?)
The existence of this r/w register 0..255 is often
used to decide between ET4000 and ET4000/W32.
bit7-6: reserved, but existent
bit5-4: bits 5-4 of read segment pointer
bit3-2: reserved, but existent
bit1-0: bits 5-4 of write segment pointer
03CC -W EGA graphics 1 position register
03CC R- VGA miscellaneous output register (see PORT 03C2h-W,#P165)
03CD RW (ET3000, ET4000, ET4000/W32) GDC segment select ('key' protected)
The existence of this r/w register is often used as
detection of ET3000, ET4000 and ET4000/W32 chips.
bit7-4: read segment pointer for mapping to A0000h
bit3-0: write segment pointer for mapping to A0000h
03CE -W EGA GDC index register
03CE RW VGA graphics address register / GDC index
bit7-4: reserved
bit3-0: index
03CF -W EGA GDC data register
03CF RW VGA other graphics register (see #P166)
(Table P154)
Values for EGA/VGA indexed registers in ATC:
00h-0Fh 16 palette registers (see #P155)
10h mode control register (see #P156)
11h (EGA) overscan color register (see #P157) (default: 00h)
11h (VGA) overscan color register (see #P158) (default: 00h)
12h color enable register (see #P159)
13h horizontal pixel panning register
bit7-4: reserved
bit3-0: horizontal pixel panning
14h (VGA) color select register (default: 00h)
bit7-4: reserved
bit3 : s-color 7
bit2 : s-color 6
bit1 : s-color 5 (only with 16 pages á 16 regs)
bit0 : s-color 4 (only with 16 pages á 16 regs)
16h ET3000, ET4000 only: ATC miscellanenous
(at least on ET4000 'key' protected)
This register is also supported by ET3000, but the
description is proved for ET4000 only.
bit7 : bypass the internal palette
(e.g. for HiColor modes with Sierra RAMDACs)
bit6 : reserved
bit5-4: select high resolution / color mode
bit3-0: reserved
SeeAlso: #P160,#P166
Bitfields for EGA/VGA indexed ATC palette register:
Bit(s) Description (Table P155)
7-6 reserved
5 secondary red video
4 secondary green/intensity video
3 secondary blue/mono video
2 primary red video
1 primary green video
0 primary blue video
SeeAlso: #P154
Bitfields for EGA/VGA ATC mode control register:
Bit(s) Description (Table P156)
7 (VGA) SB/SG select (0=4 pages of 64 regs, 1=16 pages of 16 regs)
6 (VGA) PELCLK/2 (0=4bit color, 1=8bit color)
5 (VGA) enable pixel panning (0=all, 1=up to line compare register value)
4 reserved
3 background intensity (0=16 colors, 1=blink)
2 line graphics enable (0=background, 1=line 8=9)
1 1=mono, 0=color select
0 1=graphics, 0=text select
SeeAlso: #P154
Bitfields for EGA overscan color register:
Bit(s) Description (Table P157)
7-6 reserved
5 secondary red (SR)
4 secondary green (SR) / intensity
3 secondary blue (SB)
2 primary red (PR)
1 primary green (PG)
0 primary blue (PB)
SeeAlso: #P154,#P158
Bitfields for VGA overscan color register:
Bit(s) Description (Table P158)
7 secondary intensity border color (SI)
6 secondary red (SR)
5 secondary green (SG)
4 secondary blue (SB)
3 intensity border color (PI)
2 primary red (PR)
1 primary green (PG)
0 primary blue (PB)
SeeAlso: #P154,#P157
Bitfields for EGA/VGA color enable register:
Bit(s) Description (Table P159)
7-6 reserved
5-4 diagnose / video status select
EGA: VGA, ET4000:
00b = PR/PB PR/PB
01b = SB/PG SG/SB
10b = SR/SG PI/PG
11b = reserved SI/SR
3 enable plane 3
2 enable plane 2
1 enable plane 1
0 enable plane 0
SeeAlso: #P154
(Table P160)
Values for EGA/VGA indexed TS (sequencer) registers:
00h reset register
bit7-2 : reserved
bit1 =0: synchronous reset (EGA/VGA)
bit0 =0: asynchronous reset (EGA, ET4000)
synchronous reset, also (VGA)
01h clocking mode register / TS mode (see #P161)
02h map mask register (see #P162)
03h character map select register / font select (see #P163)
04h memory mode register
bit7-4 : reserved
bit3 =1: (VGA) enable chain 4 linear graphics mode
bit2 : 0=odd/even mode, 1=sequential mode
bit1 =1: extended memory (0=64KB, 1=more)
bit0 : (EGA) 1=textmode, 0=graphics mode
06h ET3000 only: Zoom control register
06h ET4000 only: TS state control (protected by 'key')
bit7-3 : reserved
bit2-1 : timing sequencer state bit2-1
(bit0 is bit0 TS mode register)
00 0b= 9 dots
00 1b= 8 dots
01 0b= 10 (10-16 are ET4000 only)
01 1b= 11
10 0b= 12
11 1b= 16
bit0 : reserved
07h ET3000/ET4000 only: TS auxiliary mode (see #P164)
08h S3 765 (Trio64V): key register -- enable access to S3 extended
registers when set to 06h
---S3 756 (Trio64V) extended registers---
09h ???
bits 7-4: DPMS power mode
0000 On
0001 Standby
0100 Suspend
0101 Off
bits 1-0: ???
10h ??? \
11h ??? / paired
12h ??? \
13h ??? / paired
15h ???
bit 4: ???
18h bit 5 set while reduced-power modes active
bit 7: ???
1Ch bit 0: enable ??? at 000A0000h
bit 1: enable ??? at 01000000h
Bitfields for EGA/VGA sequencer clocking mode register:
Bit(s) Description (Table P161)
7-6 reserved
5 (VGA) =1: screen refresh off
4 (VGA) shift load (0=4x8, 1=1x32)
3 dot clock (0=normal, 1=clock/2)
2 serial shift video load (0=4x8, 1=2x16)
1 (EGA) CRTC bandwidth (0=4/5, 1=2/5)
0 dot clocks (0=9, 1=8) (ET4000: see 06h)
SeeAlso: #P160
Bitfields for EGA/VGA sequencer map mask register:
Bit(s) Description (Table P162)
7-4 reserved
4 Genoa SuperEGA only: plane4 ???
3 write enable display memory plane 3
2 write enable display memory plane 2
1 write enable display memory plane 1
0 write enable display memory plane 0
SeeAlso: #P160
Bitfields for EGA/VGA sequencer character map select register:
Bit(s) Description (Table P163)
7-6 reserved
5 (VGA) bit3 for 2nd text-font
4 (VGA) bit3 for 1st text-font
3-2 2nd text-font (attr bit3=1)
1-0 1st text-font (attr bit3=0)
offset in font memory (4-7: VGA only)
0 00b = 0KB
0 01b = 16KB
0 10b = 32KB
0 11b = 48KB
1 00b = 8KB
1 01b = 24KB
1 10b = 40KB
1 11b = 56KB
SeeAlso: #P160
Bitfields for ET3000/ET4000 sequencer auxiliary mode:
Bit(s) Description (Table P164)
7 compatibility mode (1=VGA, 0=EGA)
6 select MCLK/2 (with bit0=0)
5 BIOS ROM address map 2
4 reserved
3 BIOS ROM address map 1
2 reserved (1)
1 select SCLK input from MCLK
0 select MCLK/4 (with bit6=1)
5+3 ROM address
00 C0000-C3FFF
01 disabled
10 C0000-C5FFF, C6800-C7FFF
11 C0000-C7FFF (default)
Notes: at least on the ET4000, this register is protected by a 'key'
this register is also supported by ET3000, but the above description
is based on the ET4000
SeeAlso: #P160
Bitfields for EGA/VGA miscellaneous output register:
Bit(s) Description (Table P165)
---Genoa SuperEGA in all emulation modes---
7-6: vertical resolution
00 (EGA) 200 lines
01 (VGA) 400 lines
10 (EGA/VGA) 350 lines
11 (VGA) 480 lines
7 vertical sync polarity (0=positive, 1=negative)
6 horizontal sync polarity (0=positive, 1=negative)
5 odd/even pagebit
4 EGA: 0=video driver on,
1=video driver off (feature connector used)
3-2 pixelclock
00 14/25MHz (EGA/VGA)
01 16/28Mhz (EGA/VGA)
10 (EGA/VGA) external clock (EGA)
11 (EGA/VGA) reserved
10 (Genoa SuperEGA) 39Mhz
11 (Genoa SuperEGA) 26.824Mhz
1 enable CPU RAM access
0 CRTC port address
0=3B4 mono
1=3D4 color
(color EGA: enable feature control at 3DAh,status reg 1 at 3D2h)
Bitfields for EGA/VGA indexed registers in GDC:
Bit(s) Description (Table P166)
00h set/reset register (default 00h)
functionality depending on write mode (register 05h) (see #P169)
bit7-4: reserved
bit3 : 0=write 00h, 1=write FFh in plane 3
bit2 : 0=write 00h, 1=write FFh in plane 2
bit1 : 0=write 00h, 1=write FFh in plane 1
bit0 : 0=write 00h, 1=write FFh in plane 0
01h enable set/reset register (default 00h) (see #P167)
02h color compare register (default 00h) (see #P168)
03h data rotate register (default 00h)
bit7-5: reserved
bit4-3: logical function select
00b= CPU-data overwrites
01b= CPU-data AND with latch-register
10b= CPU-data OR with latch-register
11b= CPU-data XOR with latch-register
bit2-0: rotate count
04h read map select register (default 00h)
bit7-3: reserved
bit2 : EGA?? & Genoa SuperEGA: map select bit2
bit1-0: map select (0..3)
05h mode register (see #P169)
06h miscellaneous register
bit7-4: reserved (=0)
bit3-2: memory map
00b = A0000..BFFFF (128KB)
01b = A0000..AFFFF (64KB)
10b = B0000..B7FFF (32KB)
11b = B8000..BFFFF (32KB)
bit1 : chain odd maps to even, 1=subst addess bit0
bit0 : 0=testmode, 1=graphics mode
07h color don't care register
bit7-4: reserved
bit3=1: color plane 3 don't care (ignore bit3)
bit2=1: color plane 2 don't care (ignore bit2)
bit1=1: color plane 1 don't care (ignore bit1)
bit0=1: color plane 0 don't care (ignore bit0)
08h bit mask register (default FFh)
bit7-0: bitmask for latch/databyte
(bit set=change allowed)
0Fh (Paradise SuperVGA) lock register
The ability to write and reread 00h..07h to this register
is often used as detection of Paradise chips.
bit7-0 = 01h lock/hide Paradise specific registers
= 05h unlock Paradise specific registers
bit7-3: reserved
bit2-0: flipflops, reserved
Bitfields for EGA/VGA GDC enable set/reset register:
Bit(s) Description (Table P167)
7-4 reserved (used on Genoa SuperEGA???)
3 enable set/reset plane 3
2 enable set/reset plane 2
1 enable set/reset plane 1
0 enable set/reset plane 0
3-0 0=CPU access, 1=set/reset access to plane
SeeAlso: #P166
Bitfields for EGA/VGA GDC color compare register:
Bit(s) Description (Table P168)
7-4 reserved
3 color compare 3
2 color compare 2
1 color compare 1
0 color compare 0
3-0 (color number)
SeeAlso: #P166
Bitfields for EGA/VGA GDC mode register:
Bit(s) Description (Table P169)
7 reserved
6 (VGA) 0=standard, 1=enable 256 colors
5 shift register mode, 0=standard, 1=CGA-graphics
(not used on Genoa SuperEGA???)
4=1 enable odd/even address mode
3 read mode, 0=mode0, 1=mode1
2 (EGA) test condition, 0=standard, 1=output tristate
1-0 write mode
00 mode0, plane source is CPU or set/reset
01 mode1, plane source is latch-register
10 mode2, plane source is CPU as set/reset
11 (VGA) mode3, CPU as set/reset AND bitmask
SeeAlso: #P166
(Table P170)
Values for EDSUN CEG (Continuous Edge Graphics) modes::
x: mode: colors: mix: pixel depth: effective colors:
0 = disabled 256 - 8 256
1 = A 16 16 8 1920
2 = A+REP 16 16 8 dblscn 1920
3 = A+EDP 15 16 truecolor
4 = reserved - - - -
5 = B 16 8 8 960
6 = B+REP 16 8 8 dblscn 960
7 = B+EDP 15 8 truecolor
8 = reserved - - - -
9 = C 8 8 4 224
10 = C+REP 8 8 4 dblscn 224
11 = C+EDP 7 8 truecolor
12 = reserved - - - -
13 = D 223 32 8 792096
14 = D+REP 223 32 8 dblscn 792096
15 = D+EDP 223 32 truecolor
SeeAlso: #P171
(Table P171)
Values for EDSUN CEG mixing codes:
Mode A: | Mode C:
mix: new: old: | mix: new: old: colorcode:
0 = 32/32 0/32 | 0 = - - 0
1 = 30/32 2/32 | 1 = - - 1
2 = 28/32 4/32 | 2 = - - 2
3 = 26/32 6/32 | 3 = - - 3
4 = 24/32 8/32 | 4 = - - 4
5 = 22/32 10/32 | 5 = - - 5
6 = 20/32 12/32 | 6 = - - 6
7 = 18/32 14/32 | 7 = - - 7/EDP
8 = 16/32 16/32 | 8 = 30/32 2/32 -
9 = 14/32 18/32 | 9 = 28/32 4/32 -
10 = 12/32 20/32 | 10 = 26/32 6/32 -
11 = 10/32 22/32 | 11 = 24/32 8/32 -
12 = 8/32 24/32 | 12 = 22/32 10/32 -
13 = 6/32 26/32 | 13 = 20/32 12/32 -
14 = 4/32 28/32 | 14 = 18/32 14/32 -
15 = 2/32 30/32 | 15 = 16/32 16/32 -
---Mode B: | Mode D:
mix: new: old: | mix: new: old: description:
0 = 30/32 2/32 | 00h..BEh = - - normal color
1 = 26/32 6/32 | BFh = - - EDP
2 = 22/32 10/32 | C0h = 32/32 0/32
3 = 18/32 14/32 | C1h = 31/32 1/32
4 = 14/32 18/32 | C2h = 30/32 2/32
5 = 10/32 22/32 | ... = ... ...
6 = 6/32 26/32 | DFh = 0/32 32/32
7 = 2/32 30/32 | E0h-FFh = - - normal color
SeeAlso: #P170
PORT 03CE-03CF - Compaq Qvision - Functionality Level
03CE -W graphics address register (index for next port) (see #P172)
03CF RW other graphics register
(Table P172)
Values for Compaq QVision graphics register index:
0Ch RO controller version
2Fh Advanced VGA
37h early QVision 1024
71h QVision 1280 or later QVision 1024
0Dh extended controller version
0Eh extended controller capabilities
0Fh environment info
54h available memory
55h phase-locked-loop clock
56h-57h controller capabilities
PORT 03D0-03DF - CGA (Color Graphics Adapter)
03D0 -W same as PORT 03D4h
03D1 RW same as PORT 03D5h
03D2 -W same as PORT 03D4h
03D3 RW same as PORT 03D5h
03D4 rW CRT (6845) index register (CGA/MCGA/color EGA/color VGA)
selects which register (0-11h) is to be accessed through 03D5
this port is r/w on some VGA, e.g. ET4000
bit 7-6 =0: (VGA) reserved
bit 5 =0: (VGA) reserved for testage
bit 4-0 : selects which register is to be accessed through 03D5
03D5 -W CRT (6845) data register (CGA/MCGA/color EGA/color VGA)
selected by port 03D4h. registers 0C-0F may be read
(see also PORT 03B5h)
MCGA, native EGA and VGA use very different defaults from those
mentioned for the other adapters; for additional notes and
registers 00h-0Fh and EGA/VGA registers 10h-18h and ET4000
registers 32h-37h see PORT 03B5h (see #P137)
registers 10h-11h on CGA, EGA, VGA and 12h-14h on EGA, VGA are
conflictive with MCGA (see #P173)
03D6 -W same as 03D4
(under OS/2, reads return 0 if full-screen DOS session,
nonzero if windowed DOS session)
03D7 RW same as 03D5
03D8 RW CGA mode control register (except PCjr) (see #P178)
cannot be found on native color EGA, color VGA, but on most clones
03D9 RW CGA palette register (see #P180)
(MCGA) CGA border control register
Cannot be found on native EGA, VGA (without translation ROM) but
only most clones. Read access on Genoa SuperEGA is 'reset'???
03DA R- CGA status register (see #P179)
color EGA/VGA: input status 1 register
03DA -W color EGA/color VGA feature control register (see #P181)
(at PORT 03BAh w in mono mode, VGA: 3CAh r)
03DA -W HZ309 (MDA/HGC/CGA clone) card from in Heath/Zenith HZ150 PC
bit7-1=0: unknown, zero is default and known to function
properly at least in CGA modes.
bit 0 = 1 override 3x8h bit3 control register that switches
CRT beam off if bit3 is cleared. So screens always
stays on.
bit 0 = 0 3x8h bit3 indicates if CRT beam is on or off.
No more info available. Might conflict with EGA/VGA.
03DB rW clear light pen latch (not MCGA)
(R/W only with Genoa SuperEGA)
03DC RW (not MCGA) preset light pen latch
03DC -W (CGA) set light pen latch
03DD -W (MCGA) Extended mode control register
(Plantronics & Genoa SuperEGA: Plantronics ColorPlus control,
compatible with MCGA???)
(default is 00h, in mode 13h: 04h)
bit7 =1: DAC active, cannot be read
=0: DAC not active, read allowed
bit6-3 : reserved
bit2 =1: videomode 13h with 256 colors active
bit1 : reserved
bit0 =0: reserved
03DE -- (MCGA) reserved
03DE -W AT&T & color ET4000 in AT&T compatibility mode: AT&T mode control
register (see #P182)
(register enabled in ET4000, if bit7=1 in CRTC 3D4h/34h.)
03DF -- (MCGA) reserved
03DF ?W CRT/CPU page register (PCjr only)
(Table P173)
Values for MCGA (only) CRT Controller register index:
10h W mode control register (defaults 18h, 1Ah, 19h) (see #P174)
10h R mode control status register (see #P175)
11h interrupt control register (default 30h) (see #P176)
12h character generator/sync polarity register (see #P177)
12h R display sense register (11h, bit7=1)
bit 7-2 : not used
bit 1-0 : pins 11 & 12 in monitor cable
00b = reserved
01b = analogue monochrom monitor
10b = analogue color graphics monitor
11b = no monitor
13h W character font pointer register
only 00h, 10h, 20h, 30h (default 00h) are allowed here
for textmode fonts at A0000, A2000, A4000, A6000
14h W number of characters to load during vert. retrace period (default FFh)
SeeAlso: #P137
Bitfields for MCGA (only) CRT mode control register:
Bit(s) Description (Table P174)
7 suppress hsync/vsync
6 reserved (0)
5 reserved
4 dot clock rate
3 refresh calculations in 80x25 modes
2 reserved
1 videomode 11h active
0 videomode 13h active
SeeAlso: #P173,#P175
Bitfields for MCGA (only) CRT mode control status register:
Bit(s) Description (Table P175)
7 status bit0 CGA mode control register
6 reserved
5 clockrate 640 pixel, =0: clockrate/2 320 pixel
4 clock rate is 25,175Mhz
3 currently in textmode
2 double-scan activated
1 videomode 11h active
0 videomode 13h active
SeeAlso: #P173,#P174
Bitfields for MCGA (only) CRT interrupt control register:
Bit(s) Description (Table P176)
7 set output driver to tristate
=0: for reading of character generator reg (12h)
=1: for reading of display sense register (12h)
6 R intr generated by memory controller
5 =0 requested intr ok to handle
4 =0 free interrupt latch register
3-0 reserved
SeeAlso: #P173
Bitfields for MCGA (only) CRT character generator/sync polarity register:
Bit(s) Description (Table P177)
7 character generator active
6 =1 load codepage during display
=0 load codepage during retrace
5 codepage number (0,1)
4 512 characters active
3 reserved (0)
2 enable hsync/vsync
1 positive vsync polarity
0 positive hsync polarity
Note: default 46h in all modes, except 04h in mode 11h)
SeeAlso: #P173
Bitfields for CGA mode control register:
Bit(s) Description (Table P178)
7-0 =A0h color ET4000: second part of 'key', see Hercules compatibility
register (see PORT 03BFh) for details. For resetting the key, e.g.
write 01h to PORT 03BFh and 29h to PORT 03D8h.
7-6 not used
6 color ET4000 only, read-only: report status of bit 1 (enable 2nd page)
of hercules compatibility register (see PORT 03BFh)
5 =1 blink enabled instead of foreground high-int.
4 =1 640*200 graphics mode
3 =1 video enabled (HZ309, see PORT 03DAh bit 0)
2 =1 monochrome signal
(MCGA) in mode 6 and 11h color comes from pal-
regs 00 (black) and 07 (white), and can be
changed there.
1 =0 text mode
=1 320*200 graphics mode
0 text columns (0 = 40*25 text mode, 1 = 80*25 text mode)
SeeAlso: #P179
Bitfields for CGA status register:
Bit(s) Description (Table P179)
7-6 not used
5-4 color EGA, color ET4000: diagnose video display feedback, select
from color plane enable
3 in vertical retrace
2 (CGA,color EGA) light pen switch is off
(MCGA,color ET4000) reserved (0)
1 (CGA,color EGA) positive edge from light pen has set trigger
(MCGA,color ET4000) reserved (0)
0 horizontal retrace in progress
=0 do not use memory
=1 memory access without interfering with display
(Genoa SuperEGA) horizontal or vertical retrace
SeeAlso: #P178,#P180
Bitfields for CGA palette register:
Bit(s) Description (Table P180)
7-6 not used
5 =0 active 320x200x4 color set: red, green brown
=1 active 320x200x4 color set: cyan, magenta, white
4 intense colors in graphics, background colors text
3 intense border in 40*25, intense background in 320*200, intense
foreground in 640*200
2 red border in 40*25, red background in 320*200, red foreground in
1 green border in 40*25, green background in 320*200, green foreground
in 640*200
0 blue border in 40*25, blue background in 320*200, blue foreground in
SeeAlso: #P178,#P179
Bitfields for color EGA/VGA feature control register:
Bit(s) Description (Table P181)
7 ET4000 only: enable NMI generation ('key' protected)
6-4 not used
3 (VGA) 0 = normal vsync, 1 = vsync OR display enable
2 reserved
1 EGA and ET4000 only: FEAT1 control bit1 (pin17 feature connector)
0 EGA and ET4000 only: FEAT0 control bit0 (pin19 feature connector)
Bitfields for AT&T mode control register:
Bit(s) Description (Table P182)
7 reserved
6 underline color attribute enable
ET4000: enabled, if bit6=1 in CRTC 3D4h/34h.
5 reserved
4 reserved
3 alternate page select (=1: 2nd 16KB page, with bit0=0)
2 alternate font select (0=default font block)
1 reserved
0 double scan line mode (0=IBM 200, 1=AT&T 400 line graphics)
(ET4000) enabled, if bit7-6=11b in CRTC 3D4h/34h.
PORT 03E0-03E8 - LPT port address on the UniRAM card by German magazine c't
Range: selectable from 260, 2E0, 2E8, 2F0, 3E0, 3E8.
PORT 03E0-03EF - COM port addresses on UniRAM card by German magazine c't
Range: selectable from 238, 2E8, 2F8, 338, 3E0, 3E8, 3F8
PORT 03E8-03EF - serial port, same as 02E8, 02F8 and 03F8 (COM3)
SeeAlso: PORT 03F8h-03FFh
PORT 03E8-03EF - LPT port address on the UniRAM card by German magazine c't
Range: selectable from 260, 2E0, 2E8, 2F0, 3E0, 3E8.
PORT 03EB - GI1904 Scanner Interface Adapter
Range: PORT 022Bh, PORT 026Bh, PORT 02ABh (default), PORT 02EBh, PORT 032Bh,
PORT 036Bh, PORT 03ABh
PORT 03EC - GS-IF Scanner Interface adapter
Range: PORT 022Ch, PORT 026Ch, PORT 02ACh, PORT 02ECh (default),
PORT 032Ch, PORT 036Ch, PORT 03ACh, PORT 03ECh
Note: many SPI 400dpi/800dpi gray / H/T handy scanner by Marstek, Mustek and
others use this interface
PORT 03F0-03F7 - FDC 1 (1st Floppy Disk Controller) second FDC at 0370
Note: floppy disk controller is usually an 8272, 8272A, NEC765 (or
compatible), or an 82072 or 82077AA for perpendicular recording at
SeeAlso: PORT 0370h-0377h
03F0 R- diskette controller status A (PS/2) (see #P183)
03F0 R- diskette controller status A (PS/2 model 30) (see #P184)
03F0 R- diskette EHD controller board jumper settings (82072AA) (see #P185)
03F1 R- diskette controller status B (PS/2) (see #P186)
03F1 R- diskette controller status B (PS/2 model 30) (see #P187)
03F2 -W diskette controller DOR (Digital Output Register) (see #P188)
03F3 ?W tape drive register (on the 82077AA)
bit 7-2 reserved, tri-state
bit 1-0 tape select
=00 none, drive 0 cannot be a tape drive.
=01 drive1
=10 drive2
=11 drive3
03F4 R- diskette controller main status register (see #P191)
Note: in non-DMA mode, all data transfers occur through
PORT 03F5h and the status registers (bit 5 here
indicates data read/write rather than than
command/status read/write)
03F4 -W diskette controller data rate select register (see #P192)
03F5 R- diskette command/data register 0 (ST0) (see #P193)
status register 1 (ST1) (see #P194)
status register 2 (ST2) (see #P195)
status register 3 (ST3) (see #P196)
03F5 -W diskette command register. The commands summarized here are
mostly multibyte commands. This is for brief recognition only.
(see #P199)
03F6 -- reserved on FDC
03F6 rW FIXED disk controller data register (see #P197)
03F7 RW harddisk controller (see #P198)
03F7 R- diskette controller DIR (Digital Input Register, PC/AT mode)
bit 7 = 1 diskette change
bit 6-0 tri-state on FDC
03F7 R- diskette controller DIR (Digital Input Register, PS/2 mode)
(see #P189)
03F7 R- diskette controller DIR (Digital Input Register, PS/2 model 30)
(see #P190)
03F7 -W configuration control register (PC/AT, PS/2)
bit 7-2 reserved, tri-state
bit 1-0 = 00 500 Kb/S mode (MFM)
= 01 300 Kb/S mode (MFM)
= 10 250 Kb/S mode (MFM)
= 11 1 Mb/S mode (MFM) (on 82072/82077AA)
conflict bit 0 FIXED DISK drive 0 select
03F7 -W configuration control register (PS/2 model 30)
bit 7-3 reserved, tri-state
bit 2 NOPREC (has no function. set to 0 by hardreset)
bit 1-0 = 00 500 Kb/S mode (MFM)
= 01 300 Kb/S mode (MFM)
= 10 250 Kb/S mode (MFM)
= 11 1 Mb/S mode (MFM) (on 82072/82077AA)
conflict bit 0 FIXED DISK drive 0 select
Bitfields for diskette controller status A (PS/2):
Bit(s) Description (Table P183)
7 interrupt pending
6 -DRV2 second drive installed
5 step
4 -track 0
3 head 1 select
2 -index
1 -write protect
0 +direction
SeeAlso: #P184,#P186
Bitfields for diskette controller status A (PS/2 model 30):
Bit(s) Description (Table P184)
7 interrupt pending
5 step F/F
4 -track 0
3 head 1 select
2 +index
1 +write protect
0 -direction
SeeAlso: #P183,#P185,#P187
Bitfields for diskette EHD controller board jumper settings:
Bit(s) Description (Table P185)
7-6 drive 3
5-4 drive 2
3-2 drive 1
1-0 drive 0
00 1.2Mb
01 720Kb
10 2.8Mb
11 1.4Mb
SeeAlso: #P183
Bitfields for diskette controller status B (PS/2):
Bit(s) Description (Table P186)
7-6 reserved (1)
5 drive select (0=A:, 1=B:)
4 write data
3 read data
2 write enable
1 motor enable 1
0 motor enable 0
SeeAlso: #P183,#P187
Bitfields for diskette controller status B (PS/2 model 30):
Bit(s) Description (Table P187)
7 -DRV2 second drive installed
6 -DS1
5 -DS0
4 write data F/F
3 read data F/F
2 write enable F/F
1 -DS3
0 -DS2
SeeAlso: #P184,#P186
Bitfields for diskette controller Digital Output Register (DOR):
Bit(s) Description (Table P188)
7-6 reserved on PS/2
7 drive 3 motor enable
6 drive 2 motor enable
5 drive 1 motor enable
4 drive 0 motor enable
3 diskette DMA enable (reserved PS/2)
2 =1 FDC enable (controller reset)
=0 hold FDC at reset
1-0 drive select (0=A 1=B ..)
SeeAlso: #P183,#P191,#P192,#P189
Bitfields for diskette controller Digital Input Register (PS/2 mode):
Bit(s) Description (Table P189)
7 = 1 diskette change
6-3 = 1
2 datarate select1
1 datarate select0
0 = 0 high density select (500Kb/s, 1Mb/s)
0 (conflict) FIXED DISK drive 0 select
SeeAlso: #P190,#P188
Bitfields for diskette controller Digital Input Register (PS/2 model 30):
Bit(s) Description (Table P190)
7 = 0 diskette change
6-4 = 0
3 -DMA gate (value from DOR register)
2 NOPREC (value from CCR register)
1 datarate select1
0 datarate select0
0 (conflict) FIXED DISK drive 0 select
SeeAlso: #P189
Bitfields for diskette controller main status register:
Bit(s) Description (Table P191)
7 =1 RQM data register is ready
=0 no access is permitted
6 =1 transfer is from controller to system
=0 transfer is from system to controller
5 non-DMA mode
4 diskette controller is busy
3 drive 3 busy (reserved on PS/2)
2 drive 2 busy (reserved on PS/2)
1 drive 1 busy (= drive is in seek mode)
0 drive 0 busy (= drive is in seek mode)
SeeAlso: #P188
Bitfields for diskette controller data rate select register:
Bit(s) Description (Table P192)
7-2 reserved on 8272
7 software reset (self clearing) 82072/82077AA
6 power down 82072/82077AA
5 (8272/82077AA) reserved (0)
(82072) PLL select bit
4-2 write precompensation value, 000 default
1-0 data rate select
=00 500 Kb/S MFM 250 Kb/S FM
=01 300 Kb/S MFM 150 Kb/S FM
=10 250 Kb/S MFM 125 Kb/S FM
=11 1Mb/S MFM illegal FM on 8207x
SeeAlso: #P188
Bitfields for diskette command/data register 0 (ST0):
Bit(s) Description (Table P193)
7-6 last command status
00 command terminated successfully
01 command terminated abnormally
10 invalid command
11 terminated abnormally by change in ready signal
5 seek completed
4 equipment check occurred after error
3 not ready
2 head number at interrupt
1-0 unit select (0=A 1=B .. ) (on PS/2: 01=A 10=B)
SeeAlso: #P194,#P195,#P196
Bitfields for diskette status register 1 (ST1):
Bit(s) Description (Table P194)
7 end of cylinder; sector# greater then sectors/track
6 =0
5 CRC error in ID or data field
4 overrun
3 =0
2 sector ID not found
1 write protect detected during write
0 ID address mark not found
SeeAlso: #P193,#P195,#P196
Bitfields for diskette status register 2 (ST2):
Bit(s) Description (Table P195)
7 =0
6 deleted Data Address Mark detected
5 CRC error in data
4 wrong cylinder detected
3 scan command equal condition satisfied
2 scan command failed, sector not found
1 bad cylinder, ID not found
0 missing Data Address Mark
SeeAlso: #P193,#P194,#P196
Bitfields for diskette status register 3 (ST3):
Bit(s) Description (Table P196)
7 fault status signal
6 write protect status
5 ready status
4 track zero status
3 two sided status signal
2 side select (head select)
1-0 unit select (0=A 1=B .. )
SeeAlso: #P193,#P194,#P195
Bitfields for fixed disk controller data register:
Bit(s) Description (Table P197)
7-4 reserved
3 =0 reduce write current
=1 head select 3 enable
2 disk reset enable
1 disk initialization disable
0 reserved
SeeAlso: #P188,#P198
Bitfields for hard disk controller:
Bit(s) Description (Table P198)
6 FIXED DISK write gate
5 FIXED DISK head select 3 / reduced write current
4 FIXED DISK head select 2
3 FIXED DISK head select 1
2 FIXED DISK head select 0
1 FIXED DISK drive 1 select
0 FIXED DISK drive 0 select
SeeAlso: #P197
(Table P199)
Values for diskette commands:
MFM = MFM mode selected, opposite of MF mode
HDS = head select
DS = drive select
MT = multi track operation
SK = skip deleted data address mark
Command # bytes D7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
read track 9 0 MFM 0 0 0 0 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 HDS DS1 DS0
specify 3 0 0 0 O O O 1 1
sense drive status 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 HDS DS1 DS0
write data 9 MT MFM 0 0 0 1 0 1
0 0 0 0 0 HDS DS1 DS0
read data 9 MT MFM SK 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 HDS DS1 DS0
recalibrate 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1
0 0 0 0 0 0 DS1 DS0
sense interrupt status 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
write deleted data 9 MT MFM 0 0 1 0 0 1
0 0 0 0 0 HDS DS1 DS0
read ID 2 0 MFM 0 0 1 0 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 HDS DS1 DS0
read deleted data 9 MT MFM SK 0 1 1 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 HDS DS1 DS0
format track 10 0 MFM 0 0 1 1 0 1
0 0 0 0 0 HDS DS1 DS0
dumpreg ** 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0
seek 3 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1
0 0 0 0 0 HDS DS1 DS0
version ** 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
scan equal * 9 MT MFM SK 1 0 0 0 1
0 0 0 0 0 HDS DS1 DS0
perpendicular mode ** 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 WGATE GAP
configure ** 4 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
verify 9 MT MFM SK 1 0 1 1 0
EC 0 0 0 0 HDS DS1 DS0
scan low or equal * 9 MT MFM SK 1 1 0 0 1
0 0 0 0 0 HDS DS1 DS0
scan high or equal * 9 MT MFM SK 1 1 1 0 1
0 0 0 0 0 HDS DS1 DS0
relative seek ** 3 1 DIR 0 0 1 1 1 1
0 0 0 0 0 HDS DS1 DS0
BEWARE: not every invalid command is treated as invalid!
* Note: the scan commands aren't mentioned for the 82077AA.
** Note: EHD controller commands.
PORT 03F0-03F1 - PCTech RZ1000 IDE controller
Note: to unlock access to these ports instead of the standard floppy
controller status ports at these two addresses, you must perform
two immediately successive 8-bit OUTs of 55h to port 03F0h (there
is a fairly small time limit between the two accesses, so there
should be no other instructions between the two OUTs); after
that, values written to port 03F0h select the data accessed through
port 03F1h until an AAh is written to 03F0h
SeeAlso: #0629
03F0 ?W index port (see #P200)
03F1 RW data port
(Table P200)
Values for RZ1000 IDE controller registers:
00h ???
bit 7:
bit 1:
bit 0:
01h ???
02h ???
03h ???
04h ???
05h ???
bit 1:
AAh lock control port
PORT 03F8-03FF - Serial port (8250,8250A,8251,16450,16550,16550A,etc.) COM1
Range: PORT 02E8h-02EFh (COM2), PORT 02F8h-02FFh (typical non-PS/2 COM3), and
PORT 03E8h-03EFh (typical non-PS/2 COM4)
Note: chips overview:
8250 original PC, specified up to 56Kbd, but mostly runs
only 9600Bd, no scratchregister, bug: sometimes shots
ints without reasons
8250A, 16450, 16C451: ATs, most chips run up to 115KBd,
no bug: shots no causeless ints
8250B: PC,XT,AT, pseudo bug: shots one causeless int for
compatibility with 8250, runs up to 56KBd
16550, 16550N, 16550V: early PS/2, FIFO bugs
16550A,16550AF,16550AFN,16550C,16C551,16C552: PS/2, FIFO ok
82510: laptops & industry, multi emulation mode
(default=16450), special-FIFO.
8251: completely different synchronous SIO chip, not compatible!
SeeAlso: INT 14/AH=00h"SERIAL"
03F8 -W serial port, transmitter holding register (THR), which contains the
character to be sent. Bit 0 is sent first.
bit 7-0 data bits when DLAB=0 (Divisor Latch Access Bit)
03F8 R- receiver buffer register (RBR), which contains the received
character. Bit 0 is received first
bit 7-0 data bits when DLAB=0 (Divisor Latch Access Bit)
03F8 RW divisor latch low byte (DLL) when DLAB=1 (see #P201)
03F9 RW divisor latch high byte (DLM) when DLAB=1 (see #P201)
03F9 RW interrupt enable register (IER) when DLAB=0 (see #P202)
03FA R- interrupt identification register (see #P203)
Information about a pending interrupt is stored here. When the ID
register is addressed, thehighest priority interrupt is held, and
no other interrupts are acknowledged until the CPU services that
03FA -W 16650 FIFO Control Register (FCR) (see #P204)
03FB RW line control register (LCR) (see #P205)
03FC RW modem control register (see #P206)
03FD R- line status register (LSR) (see #P207)
03FE R- modem status register (MSR) (see #P208)
03FF RW scratch register (SCR)
(not used for serial I/O; available to any application using 16450,
16550) (not present on original 8250)
(Table P201)
Values for serial port divisor latch registers:
Some baudrates (using standard 1.8432 Mhz clock):
baudrate divisor DLM DLL
50 2304 09h 00h
75 1536 06h 00h
110 1047 04h 17h
134,5 857 03h 59h
150 768 03h 00h
300 384 01h 80h
600 192 00h C0h
1200 96 00h 60h
1800 64 00h 40h
2000 58 00h 3Ah
2400 48 00h 30h
3600 32 00h 20h
4800 24 00h 18h
7200 16 00h 10h
9600 12 00h 0Ch
19200 6 00h 06h
38400 3 00h 03h
57600 2 00h 02h
115200 1 00h 01h
Note: MIDI baudrate 32250Bd with 4Mhz quarz for c't MIDI interface
following c't 01/1991: '14400' 00h 08h
Bitfields for serial port interrupt enable register (IER):
Bit(s) Description (Table P202)
7-4 reserved (0)
3 modem-status interrupt enable
2 receiver-line-status interrupt enable
1 transmitter-holding-register empty interrupt enable
0 received-data-available interrupt enable
(also 16550(A) timeout interrupt)
Note: 16550(A) will interrupt with a timeout if data exists in the FIFO
and isn't read within the time it takes to receive four bytes or if
no data is received within the time it takes to receive four bytes
SeeAlso: #P203
Bitfields for serial port interrupt identification register (IIR):
Bit(s) Description (Table P203)
7-6 =00 reserved on 8250, 8251, 16450
=01 if FIFO queues enabled but unusable (16550 only)
=11 if FIFO queues are enabled (16550A only) (see also #P204)
6-5 (used by 82510 for FIFO status???)
5-4 reserved (0)
3 (8250,16450) reserved (0)
(16550) timeout interrupt pending
2-1 identify pending interrupt with the highest priority
11 receiver line status interrupt. priority=highest
10 received data available register interrupt. pr.=second
01 transmitter holding register empty interrupt. pr.=third
00 modem status interrupt. priority=fourth
0 =0 interrupt pending. contents of register can be used as a pointer
to the appropriate interrupt service routine
=1 no interrupt pending
Notes: interrupt pending flag uses reverse logic, 0=pending, 1=none
interrupt will occur if any of the line status bits are set
THRE bit is set when THRE register is emptied into the TSR
SeeAlso: #P202
Bitfields for serial port FIFO control register (FCR):
Bit(s) Description (Table P204)
7-6 received data available interrupt trigger level (16550)
00 1 byte
01 4 bytes
10 8 bytes
11 14 bytes
6-5 =00 (used to enable 4 byte Rx/Tx FIFOs on 82510???)
=10 ???
5-4 reserved (00)
3 change RXRDY TXRDY pins from mode 0 to mode 1
2 clear XMIT FIFO
1 clear RCVR FIFO
0 enable clear XMIT and RCVR FIFO queues
4-0 (other purpose on 82510???)
Notes: bit 0 must be set in order to write to other FCR bits
bit 1 when set the RCVR FIFO is cleared and this bit is reset
the receiver shift register is not cleared
bit 2 when set the XMIT FIFO is cleared and this bit is reset
the transmit shift register is not cleared
due to a hardware bug, 16550 FIFOs don't work correctly (this
was fixed in the 16550A)
SeeAlso: #P203
Bitfields for serial port Line Control Register (LCR):
Bit(s) Description (Table P205)
7 =1 divisor latch access bit (DLAB)
=0 receiver buffer, transmitter holding, or interrupt enable register
6 set break enable. serial ouput is forced to spacing state and remains
5-3 PM2 PM1 PM0
x x 0 = no parity
0 0 1 = odd parity
0 1 1 = even parity
1 0 1 = high parity (sticky)
1 1 1 = low parity (sticky)
x x 1 = software parity
2 stop bit length (STB/SBL)
0 one stop bit
1 2 stop bits with (word length 6, 7, 8)
1.5 stop bits with word length 5
1-0 (WLS1-0, CL1-0)
00 word length is 5 bits
01 word length is 6 bits
10 word length is 7 bits
11 word length is 8 bits
SeeAlso: #P206,#P207,#P208
Bitfields for serial port Modem Control Register (MCR):
Bit(s) Description (Table P206)
7-5 reserved (0)
4 loopback mode for diagnostic testing of serial port
output of transmitter shift register is looped back to receiver
shift register input. In this mode, transmitted data is received
immediately so that the CPU can verify the transmit data/receive
data serial port paths.
If OUT2 is disabled, there is no official way to generate an IRQ
during loopback mode.
3 auxiliary user-designated output 2 (OUT2)
because of external circuity OUT2 must be 1 to master-intr-enableing.
BUG: Some Toshiba Laptops utilize this bit vice versa, newer Toshiba
machines allow assignment of the bit's polarity in system setup.
82050: This bit is only effective, if the chip is being used with an
externally-generated clock.
2 =1/0 auxiliary user-designated output 1 (OUT1)
should generally be cleared!!
Some external hardware, e.g. c't MIDI interface (and compatibles) use
this bit to change the 8250 input clock from 1,8432 MHz to 4Mhz
(enabling MIDI-conformant baudrates) and switching to
MIDI-compatible current loop connectors.
1 force request-to-send active (RTS)
0 force data-terminal-ready active (DTR)
SeeAlso: #P205,#P207,#P208
Bitfields for serial port Line Status Register (LSR):
Bit(s) Description (Table P207)
7 =0 reserved
=1 on some chips produced by UMC
6 transmitter shift and holding registers empty
5 transmitter holding register empty (THRE)
Controller is ready to accept a new character to send.
4 break interrupt. the received data input is held in the zero bit
state longer than the time of start bit + data bits + parity bit +
stop bits.
3 framing error (FE). the stop bit that follows the last parity or data
bit is a zero bit
2 parity error (PE). Character has wrong parity
1 overrun error (OE). a character was sent to the receiver buffer
before the previous character in the buffer could be read. This
destroys the previous character.
0 data ready. a complete incoming character has been received and sent
to the receiver buffer register.
SeeAlso: #P205,#P206,#P208
Bitfields for serial port Modem Status Register (MSR):
Bit(s) Description (Table P208)
7 data carrier detect (-DCD)
6 ring indicator (-RI)
5 data set ready (-DSR)
4 clear to send (-CTS)
3 delta data carrier detect (DDCD)
2 trailing edge ring indicator (TERI)
1 delta data set ready (DDSR)
0 delta clear to send (DCTS)
Notes: bits 0-3 are reset when the CPU reads the MSR
bit 4 is the Modem Control Register RTS during loopback test
bit 5 is the Modem Control Register DTR during loopback test
bit 6 is the Modem Control Register OUT1 during loopback test
bit 7 is the Modem Control Register OUT2 during loopback test
SeeAlso: #P205,#P206,#P207
Note: Adresses above 03FF generally apply to EISA and PCI machines only !
EISA port assignments:
1000-1FFF slot 1 EISA
2000-2FFF slot 2 EISA
3000-3FFF slot 3 EISA
4000-4FFF slot 4 EISA
5000-5FFF slot 5 EISA
6000-6FFF slot 6 EISA
7000-7FFF slot 7 EISA
PORT 0401-040B - EISA DMA Controller
SeeAlso: PORT 0481h-048Bh"EISA",PORT 04D4h-04D6h"EISA"
0401 RW DMA channel 0 word count byte 2 (high)
0403 RW DMA channel 1 word count byte 2 (high)
0405 RW DMA channel 2 word count byte 2 (high)
0407 RW DMA channel 3 word count byte 2 (high)
040A -W extended DMA chaining mode register, channels 0-3 (see #P209)
040A R- channel interrupt (IRQ13) status register (see #P210)
040B -W DMA extended mode register for channels 0-3 (see #P211)
(bit settings same as 04D6)
Bitfields for EISA extended DMA chaining mode register (channels 0-3):
Bit(s) Description (Table P209)
7-5 reserved
4 =0 generates IRQ13
=1 generates terminal count
3 =0 do not start chaining
=1 programming complete
2 =0 disable buffer chaining mode (default)
=1 enable buffer chaining mode
1-0 DMA channel select
SeeAlso: #P210,#P211,#P215
Bitfields for EISA channel interrupt (IRQ13) status register:
Bit(s) Description (Table P210)
7-5 interrupt on channels 7-5
4 reserved
3-0 interrupt on channels 3-0
SeeAlso: #P209
Bitfields for EISA DMA extended mode register (channels 0-3):
Bit(s) Description (Table P211)
7 =0 enable stop register
6 =0 terminal count is an output for this channel (default)
5-4 DMA cycle timing
00 ISA-compatible (default)
01 type A timing mode
10 type B timing mode
11 burst DMA mode
3-2 Address mode
00 8-bit I/O, count by bytes (default)
01 16-bit I/O, count by words, address shifted
10 32-bit I/O, count by bytes
11 16-bit I/O, count by bytes
1-0 DMA channel select
SeeAlso: #P209,#P216
0461 RW Extended NMI status/control register (see #P212)
0462 -W Software NMI register. writing to this register causes an NMI if
NMIs are enabled
bit 7 = 1 generates an NMI
Bitfields for EISA extended NMI status control register:
Bit(s) Description (Table P212)
7 NMI pending from fail-safe timer (read only)
6 NMI pending from bus timeout NMI status (read only)
5 NMI pending (read only)
4 reserved
3 bus timeout NMI enable (read/write)
2 fail-safe NMI enable (read/write)
1 NMI I/O port enable (read/write)
0 RSTDRV. bus reset (read/write)
=0 NORMAL bus reset operation
=1 reset bus asserted
0464w R bus master status latch register (slots 1-16)
identifies the last bus master that had control of the bus (bit N =
slot N+1 had control last)
PORT 0481-048B - EISA DMA page registers
SeeAlso: PORT 0401h-040Bh"EISA",PORT 04C6h-04CFh"EISA"
0481 RW DMA channel 2 address byte 3 (high)
0482 RW DMA channel 3 address byte 3 (high)
0483 RW DMA channel 1 address byte 3 (high)
0487 RW DMA channel 0 address byte 3 (high)
0489 RW DMA channel 6 address byte 3 (high)
048A RW DMA channel 7 address byte 3 (high)
048B RW DMA channel 5 address byte 3 (high)
PORT 04C6-04CF - EISA DMA count registers
SeeAlso: PORT 0401h-040Bh"EISA",PORT 0481h-048Bh"EISA",PORT 04E0h-04FFh"EISA"
04C6 RW DMA channel 5 word count byte 2 (high)
04CA RW DMA channel 6 word count byte 2 (high)
04CE RW DMA channel 7 word count byte 2 (high)
PORT 04D0-04D1 - EISA IRQ control
SeeAlso: PORT 04D4h-040Bh"EISA"
04D0 -W IRQ 0-7 interrupt edge/level registers (see #P213)
04D1 -W IRQ 8-15 interrupt edge/level registers (see #P214)
Bitfields for EISA IRQ 0-7 interrupt edge/level register:
Bit(s) Description (Table P213)
7 IRQ 7 is level sensitive
6 IRQ 6 is level sensitive
5 IRQ 5 is level sensitive
4 IRQ 4 is level sensitive
3 IRQ 3 is level sensitive
2-0 reserved
SeeAlso: #P214
Bitfields for EISA IRQ 8-15 interrupt edge/level register:
Bit(s) Description (Table P214)
7 IRQ 15 is level sensitive
6 IRQ 14 is level sensitive
5 reserved (1)
4 IRQ 12 is level sensitive
3 IRQ 11 is level sensitive
2 IRQ 10 is level sensitive
1 IRQ 9 is level sensitive
0 reserved
SeeAlso: #P213
PORT 04D4-04D6 - EISA DMA control
SeeAlso: PORT 0401h-040Bh"EISA",PORT 04D0h-04D1h"EISA"
04D4 R- DMA chaining status
04D4 -W extended DMA chaining mode register, channels 4-7 (see #P215)
04D6 -W DMA extended mode register for channels 4-7 (see #P216)
bit settings same as PORT 040Bh
Bitfields for EISA extended DMA chaining mode register (channels 4-7):
Bit(s) Description (Table P215)
7-5 reserved (0)
4 =0 generates IRQ 13
=1 generates terminal count
3 =0 do not start chaining
=1 programming complete
2 =0 disable buffer chaining mode (default)
=1 enable buffer chaining mode
1-0 DMA channel select
SeeAlso: #P209,#P216
Bitfields for EISA DMA extended mode register (channels 4-7):
Bit(s) Description (Table P216)
7 =0 enable stop register
6 =0 terminal count is an output for this channel (default)
5-4 DMA cycle timing
00 ISA-compatible (default)
01 type A timing mode
10 type B timing mode
11 burst DMA mode
3-2 Address mode
00 8-bit I/O, count by bytes (default)
01 16-bit I/O, count by words, address shifted
10 32-bit I/O, count by bytes
11 16-bit I/O, count by bytes
1-0 DMA channel select
SeeAlso: #P211,#P215
PORT 04E0-04FF - EISA DMA stop registers
SeeAlso: PORT 0481h-048Bh"EISA"
04E0-04E2 RW channel 0
04E4-04E6 RW channel 1
04E8-04EA RW channel 2
04EC-04EE RW channel 3
04F4-04F6 RW channel 5
04F8-04FA RW channel 6
04FC-04FE RW channel 7
PORT 0530-0533 - Gravis Ultra Sound Daughter Card by Advanced Gravis
Range: dipswitch selectable from PORT 0530h-0533h, PORT 0604h-0607h,
PORT 0E80h-0E83h, and PORT 0F40h-0F43h
0530 RW address select
0531 RW data
0532 RW status
0533 RW PIO
PORT 0530-0537 - Windows Sound System (default address)
Range: dipswitch selectable among PORT 0530h-0537h,PORT 0604h-060Bh,
PORT 0E80h-0E87h, and PORT 0F40h-0F47h
Note: the Sound Galaxy NX16 sound cards support the CODEC portion of the
WSS on ports 0534h-0537h (or 0608h-060Bh, etc.)
0534 ?W register select (index) (see #P217)
0535 RW data register (selected by PORT 0534h)
(Table P217)
Values for Windows Sound System register number:
00h ???
01h ???
02h Mixer: Line In volume (right) (see #P218)
03h Mixer: Line In volume (left) (see #P218)
04h Mixer: FM volume (right) (see #P218)
05h Mixer: FM volume (left) (see #P218)
06h ???
07h ???
08h ???
0Ch bit 6: ???
0Dh microphone input enabled by bit 0 ???
12h Mixer: CD volume (right) (see #P218)
13h Mixer: CD volume (left) (see #P218)
1Ah Mixer: SB volume (see #P219)
48h ???
Notes: to enable the microphone input, ALL of the following registers must
be set: 00h set to 80h, 01h set to 80h, 07h to 00h, 0Dh to 01h,
and 48h to 4Bh
on the Sound Galaxy NX16, only bits 0-4 of the register number are
fully decoded, so most registers above 1Fh are aliases of the
first 32 registers
Bitfields for WSS mixer volume:
Bit(s) Description (Table P218)
7 disable input source
6-5 reserved???
4-0 volume (00h = highest, 1Fh = lowest)
SeeAlso: #P217,#P219
Note: the GW2000 GWBVOL.EXE only permits the setting of volume levels
08h (reported as 16) to 18h (reported as 0, and sets bit 7 as well)
Bitfields for WSS mixer volume (SoundBlaster):
Bit(s) Description (Table P219)
7 disable input source
6-4 reserved???
3-0 volume (00h = highest, 0Fh = lowest)
SeeAlso: #P217,#P218
PORT 0601 - Headland HL21, Acer M5105 chipsets - SYSTEM CONTROL
0601 -W system control (see #P220)
0601 R- status (see #P221)
Bitfields for Headland HL21/Acer M5105 system control register:
Bit(s) Description (Table P220)
7 =1 power LED on
6 =1 LCD backlight off
5 ???
4 ???
3 ???
2 =1 video chips disabled, screen blanked.
1 ???
0 =1 will lock up your machine!
SeeAlso: #P221
Bitfields for Headland HL21/Acer M5105 status register:
Bit(s) Description (Table P221)
7 =0 if screen enabled always these values
6 =0
5 =0
4 =0
3 =0
2 =1 (=0 at low power)
1 =0 power OK
0 =0
SeeAlso: #P220
PORT 0604-0607 - Gravis Ultra Sound Daughter Card by Advanced Gravis
Range: dipswitch selectable from PORT 0530h-0533h, PORT 0604h-0607h,
PORT 0E80h-0E83h, and PORT 0F40h-0F43h
PORT 0604-060B - Windows Sound System
Range: PORT 0530h-0537h,PORT 0604h-060Bh,PORT 0E80h-0E87h,PORT 0F40h-0F47h
SeeAlso: PORT 0530h"Sound System"
PORT 0620-0627 - PC network (adapter 1)
0628-062F - PC network (adapter 2)
PORT 0680-0681 - Microchannel POST Diagnostic (write only)
0680 -W Microchannel POST Diagnostic (write only)
0681 -W secondary MCA POST diagnostic
PORT 06A0-06A8 - non-standard COM port addresses
Range: selectable from 0280, 0288, 0290, 0298, 06A0, 06A8
Note: V20-XT by German magazine c't
PORT 06A8-06AF - non-standard COM port addresses
Range: selectable from 0280, 0288, 0290, 0298, 06A0, 06A8
Note: V20-XT by German magazine c't
PORT 06E2-06E3 - data aquisition (adapter 1)
PORT 06E8 - S3 86C928 video controller (ELSA Winner 1000)
PORT 06E8-06EF - 8514/A and compatible video cards (e.g. ATI Graphics Ultra)
SeeAlso: PORT 02E8h-02EFh,PORT 0AE8h,PORT 96E8h,PORT 9AE8h
06E8w -W CRT control: horizontal displayed
PORT 0746 - Gravis Ultra Sound by Advanced Gravis
SeeAlso: PORT 0240h-024Fh,PORT 0340h-034Fh
0746 R- board version (rev 3.7+)
FFh Pre 3.6 boards, ICS mixer NOT present
05h Rev 3.7 with ICS Mixer. Some R/L: flip problems.
06h-09h Revision 3.7 and above. ICS Mixer present
0Ah- UltraMax. CS4231 present, no ICS mixer
0746 -W Mixer Control Port
PORT 0790-0793 - cluster (adapter 1)
PORT 0800-08FF - I/O port access registers for extended CMOS RAM or SRAM
(256 bytes at a time)
Note: sometimes plain text can be seen here
PORT 0800-08FF - reserved for EISA system motherboard
PORT 0A20-0A23 - Token Ring (adapter 1)
0A24-0A27 - Token Ring (adapter 2)
PORT 0A79 - Plug-and-Play - WRITE DATA PORT
Desc: all data written to the Plug-and-Play configuration registers is
written to this port, including the configuration byte which
indicates the I/O port from which data is to be read when reading
the configuration registers
SeeAlso: PORT 0279h
0A79 -W Plug-and-Play data writes
PORT 0AE2-0AE3 - cluster (adapter 2)
PORT 0AE8 - S3 86C928 video controller (ELSA Winner 1000)
PORT 0AE8-0AEF - 8514/A and compatible video cards (e.g. ATI Graphics Ultra)
0AE8w -W CRT control: horizontal sync start
PORT 0B90-0B93 - cluster (adapter 2)
0C00 RW page register to write to SRAM or I/O
PORT 0C00-0CFF - reserved for EISA system motherboard
PORT 0C7C bit 7-4 (Compaq)
PORT 0C80-0C83 - EISA system board ID registers
0C80 R? bit 7: unused (0)
bits 6-2: manufacturer ID, first compressed ASCII char
bits 1-0: manufacturer ID, second compressed ASCII char (high)
0C81 R? bits 7-5: manufacturer ID, second compressed ASCII char (low)
bits 4-0: manufacturer ID, third compressed ASCII char
0C82 R? reserved for manufacturer's use
0C83 R? bits 7-3: reserved for manufacturer's use
bits 2-0: EISA bus version
PORT 0CF8-0CFF - PCI Configuration Mechanism 1 - Configuration Registers
SeeAlso: PORT 0CF8h"Mechanism 2"
0CF8d -W configuration address port (see #P222)
0CFCd RW configuration data port (when PORT 0CF8h bit 31 is set)
Bitfields for PCI configuration address port:
Bit(s) Description (Table P222)
1-0 reserved (00)
7-2 configuration register number (see #0628)
10-8 function
15-11 device number
23-16 bus number
30-24 reserved (0)
31 enable configuration space mapping
Note: configuration registers are considered DWORDs, so the number in bits
7-2 is the configuration space address shifted right two bits
SeeAlso: #P223
PORT 0CF8-0CFA - PCI Configuration Mechanism 2 - Configuration Registers
Notes: this configuration mechanism is deprecated as of PCI version 2.1;
only mechanism 1 should be used for new systems
to access the configuration space, write the target bus number to
the Forward Register, then write to the Configuration Space
Enable register, and finally read or write the appropriate I/O
port(s) in the range C000h to CFFFh (where Cxrrh accesses location
'rr' in physical device 'x's configuration data)
the Intel "Saturn" and "Neptune" chipsets use configuration mechanism 2
SeeAlso: PORT 0CF8h"Mechanism 1",PORT C000h"PCI Configuration"
0CF8 RW Configuration Space Enable (CSE) (see #P223)
0CFA RW Forward Register (selects target bus number)
Bitfields for PCI Configuration Space Enable:
Bit(s) Description (Table P223)
0 Special Cycle Enable (SCE)
3-1 target function number (PCI logical device within physical device)
7-4 key (non-zero to allow configuration)
SeeAlso: #P222
Notes: this port can only be accessed via 8-bit IN or OUT instructions by
the CPU
also supported by the Intel "Saturn" and "Neptune" chipsets
SeeAlso: PORT C051h
0CF9 RW reboot system, optionally selecting de-turbo mode (see #P224)
(Table P224)
Call Intel 82420EX turbo/reset control register with:
7-3 reserved (0)
2 reset CPU
1 reset mode
0 soft reset
1 hard reset
0 deturbo mode
Note: when resetting the CPU, two writes are required: the first sets the
state of bit 1 while keeping bit 2 cleared, and the second sets
bit 2; the reset occurs on bit 2's transition from 0 to 1.
PORT 0E80-0E83 - Gravis Ultra Sound Daughter Card by Advanced Gravis
Range: dipswitch selectable from PORT 0530h-0533h, PORT 0604h-0607h,
PORT 0E80h-0E83h, and PORT 0F40h-0F43h
PORT 0E80-0E87 - Windows Sound System
Range: PORT 0530h-0537h,PORT 0604h-060Bh,PORT 0E80h-0E87h,PORT 0F40h-0F47h
SeeAlso: PORT 0530h"Sound System"
PORT 0EE8 - S3 86C928 video controller (ELSA Winner 1000)
PORT 0EE8-0EEF - 8514/A and compatible video cards (e.g. ATI Graphics Ultra)
0EE8w -W CRT control: horizontal sync width
PORT 0F40-0F43 - Gravis Ultra Sound Daughter Card by Advanced Gravis
Range: dipswitch selectable from PORT 0530h-0533h, PORT 0604h-0607h,
PORT 0E80h-0E83h, and PORT 0F40h-0F43h
PORT 0F40-0F47 - Windows Sound System
Range: PORT 0530h-0537h,PORT 0604h-060Bh,PORT 0E80h-0E87h,PORT 0F40h-0F47h
SeeAlso: PORT 0530h"Sound System"
PORT 1000-10FF - available for EISA slot 1
PORT 12E8-12EF - 8514/A and compatible video cards (e.g. ATI Graphics Ultra)
12E8w -W CRT control: vertical total
PORT 1390-1393 - cluster (adapter 3)
PORT 1400-14FF - available for EISA slot 1
PORT 16E8-16EF - 8514/A and compatible video cards (e.g. ATI Graphics Ultra)
16E8w -W CRT control: vertical displayed
PORT 1800-18FF - available for EISA slot 1
PORT 1AE8-1AEF - 8514/A and compatible video cards (e.g. ATI Graphics Ultra)
1AE8w -W CRT control: vertical sync start
PORT 1C00-1CFF - available for EISA slot 1
PORT 1C65 - Compaq Contura Aero
SeeAlso: PORT 2065h
1C65 R? bit 6: operating on battery power
PORT 1C80-1C8F - VESA XGA Video in EISA slot 1
1C80-1C83 RW EISA Video ID
1C84 RW EISA Video expansion board control (see #P225)
1C85 RW EISA Setup control
1C88 RW EISA Video Programmable Option Select 0
1C89-1C8F RW EISA Video Programmable Option Select 1-7
PORT 1C80-1C83 - EISA board product ID (board in slot 1)
1C80 R? bit 7: unused (0)
bits 6-2: manufacturer ID, first compressed ASCII char
bits 1-0: manufacturer ID, second compressed ASCII char (high)
1C81 R? bits 7-5: manufacturer ID, second compressed ASCII char (low)
bits 4-0: manufacturer ID, third compressed ASCII char
1C82 R? bits 7-4: first hex digit of product type
bits 3-0: second hex digit of product type
1C83 R? bits 7-4: third hex digit of product type
bits 3-0: product revision number (hex digit)
PORT 1C84 - EISA CONFIGURATION FLAGS (board in slot 1)
1C84 RW configuration flags (see #P225)
Bitfields for EISA Add-in Card configuration flags:
Bit(s) Description (Table P225)
0 enable
1 IOCHKERR (read-only) card is generating CHCHK#, causing an NMI
2 IOCHKRST reset card
7-3 card-specific
PORT 1C85 - Compaq Qvision EISA - Virtual Controller ID
PORT 1EE8-1EEF - 8514/A and compatible video cards (e.g. ATI Graphics Ultra)
1EE8w -W CRT control: vertical sync width
PORT 2000-20FF - available for EISA slot 2
PORT 2065 - Compaq Contura Aero
SeeAlso: PORT 1C65h"Compaq",PORT 2465h"Compaq"
2065 -W ??? (84h seen)
PORT 2100 - XGA Video Operating Mode Register
Note: this port is for the first XGA in the system; 2110-2170 are used for
the second through eighth XGAs
PORT 2101 - XGA Video Aperture Control
Note: this port is for the first XGA in the system; 2111-2171 are used for
the second through eighth XGAs
PORT 2102-2103 - XGA ???
Note: this port is for the first XGA in the system; 211x-217x are used for
the second through eighth XGAs
PORT 2104 - XGA Video Interrupt Enable
Note: this port is for the first XGA in the system; 211x-217x are used for
the second through eighth XGAs
PORT 2105 - XGA Video Interrupt Status
Note: this port is for the first XGA in the system; 211x-217x are used for
the second through eighth XGAs
PORT 2106 - XGA Video Virtual Memory Control
Note: this port is for the first XGA in the system; 211x-217x are used for
the second through eighth XGAs
PORT 2107 - XGA Video Virtual Memory Interrupt Status
Note: this port is for the first XGA in the system; 211x-217x are used for
the second through eighth XGAs
PORT 2108 - XGA Video Aperture Index
Note: this port is for the first XGA in the system; 211x-217x are used for
the second through eighth XGAs
PORT 2109 - XGA Video Memory Access Mode
Note: this port is for the first XGA in the system; 211x-217x are used for
the second through eighth XGAs
PORT 210A - XGA Video Index for Data
Note: this port is for the first XGA in the system; 211x-217x are used for
the second through eighth XGAs
PORT 210B - XGA Video Data (byte)
Note: this port is for the first XGA in the system; 211x-217x are used for
the second through eighth XGAs
PORT 210C-210F - XGA Video Data (word/dword)
Note: this port is for the first XGA in the system; 211x-217x are used for
the second through eighth XGAs
210C RW byte data
210Cw RW word data
210Cd RW dword data
PORT 2110-211F - IBM XGA (eXtended Graphics Adapter 8514/A) (second installed)
Notes: see individual 210x entries above
c't says default instance number is 6, i.e. addresses 216x
PORT 2120-212F - IBM XGA (eXtended Graphics Adapter 8514/A) (third installed)
Notes: see individual 210x entries above
c't says default instance number is 6, i.e. addresses 216x
PORT 2130-213F - IBM XGA (eXtended Graphics Adapter 8514/A) (fourth installed)
Notes: see individual 210x entries above
c't says default instance number is 6, i.e. addresses 216x
PORT 2140-214F - IBM XGA (eXtended Graphics Adapter 8514/A) (fifth installed)
Notes: see individual 210x entries above
c't says default instance number is 6, i.e. addresses 216x
PORT 2150-215F - IBM XGA (eXtended Graphics Adapter 8514/A) (sixth installed)
Notes: see individual 210x entries above
c't says default instance number is 6, i.e. addresses 216x
PORT 2160-216F - IBM XGA (eXtended Graphics Adapter 8514/A) (seventh installed)
Notes: see individual 210x entries above
c't says default instance number is 6, i.e. addresses 216x
PORT 2170-217F - IBM XGA (eXtended Graphics Adapter 8514/A) (eighth installed)
Notes: see individual 210x entries above
c't says default instance number is 6, i.e. addresses 216x
PORT 217A-217B - ET4000/W32 CRTC-B/Sprite
Note: Alternative addresses may depend on adapter manufacturer,
Tseng claims 21xA with x=three address bits, selected by IOD2..0
during power up reset.
21xA RW ET4000/W32(i) CRTC-B/Sprite index register
bit7-0: index
21xB RW ET4000/W32(i) CRTC-B/Sprite data register (see #P226)
(Table P226)
Values for ET4000/W32(i) CRTC-B/Sprite data register index:
E0h CRTC-B / Sprite Horizontal Pixel Position, Low
bit7-0: horizontal pixel position bit7-0
E1h CRTC-B / Sprite Horizontal Pixel Position, High
bit7-4: reserved
bit3-0: horizontal pixel position bit11-8
E2h CRTC-B Width Low / Sprite Horizontal Preset
bit7-0: width of CRTC-B bit7-0
bit5-0: horizontal preset for sprite
E3h CRTC-B Width High / Sprite Horizontal Preset
bit7-4: reserved
bit3-0: width of CRTC-B bit11-8
E4h CRTC-B / Sprite Vertical Pixel Position, Low
bit7-0: vertical pixel position bit7-0
E5h CRTC-B / Sprite Vertical Pixel Position, High
bit7-4: reserved
bit3-0: vertical pixel position bit11-8
E6h CRTC-B Height Low / Sprite Vertical Preset
bit7-0: height of CRTC-B bit7-0
bit5-0: vertical preset for sprite
E7h CRTC-B Height High / Sprite Vertical Preset
bit7-4: reserved
bit3-0: height of CRTC-B bit11-8
E8h CRTC-B / Sprite Starting Address Low
pointer to CRTC-B / sprite image in display memory.
(maximum size of sprites 64x64x4=1KB with 4 colors:
00b=color-0, 01b=color-255, 10b=transparent, 11b=reserved)
bit7-0: startaddress bit7-0
E9h CRTC-B / Sprite Starting Address Middle
bit7-0: startaddress bit15-8
EAh CRTC-B / Sprite Starting Address High
bit7-4: reserved
bit3-0: startaddress bit19-16
EBh CRTC-B / Sprite Row Offset Low
bit7-0: offset bit7-0
ECh CRTC-B / Sprite Row Offset High
bit7-4: revision ID (any ET4000/W32)
0000b=W32 0100b-1111b reserved
0011b=W32i, new
bit3-0: offset bit11-8
EDh CRTC-B Pixel Panning
bit7-3: reserved
bit2-0: CRTC-B pixel panning
EEh CRTC-B Color-Depth-Register / Hardware-Zoom
bit7-4: reserved (concerning databook ET4000/W32)
bit7-6: vertical zoom (undocumented)
(original ET4000/W32 ok, doesn't work properly
with some ET4000/W32i)
00b=zoomx1 10b=zoomx3
01b=zoomx2 11b=zoomx4
bit5-4: horizontal zoom (undocumented)
(original ET4000/W32 ok, doesn't work properly
with some ET4000/W32i)
00b=zoomx1 10b=zoomx3
01b=zoomx2 11b=zoomx4
bit3-0: bit/pixel
0000b=1 0011b=8
0001b=2 0100b=16
EFh CRTC-B / Sprite Control
bit7-2: reserved
bit1 : 1=2nd CRTC-B image overlays main CRTC-A image
0=CRTC-B image at pin SP1/0
bit0 : 1=enable CRTC-B
0=enable sprite (see F7h)
F7h Image Port Control
bit7 : 1=CRTC-B or sprite active
0=CRTC-B and sprite not active
bit6-0: reserved
PORT 22E8-22EF - 8514/A and compatible video cards (e.g. ATI Graphics Ultra)
22E8w -W CRT control: display control
PORT 2390-2393 - cluster (adapter 4)
PORT 23C0-23CF - Compaq QVision - BitBLT engine
PORT 2400-24FF - available for EISA slot 2
PORT 2465 - Compaq Contura Aero
SeeAlso: PORT 1C65h"Compaq",PORT 2065h"Compaq"
2465 R- current battery power level
(166 fully-charged, 130 = LowBat1)
PORT 27C6 - Compaq LTE Lite - LCD TIMEOUT
27C6 RW LCD timeout in minutes
PORT 2800-28FF - available for EISA slot 2
PORT 28E9 - 8514/A - WD Escape Functions
PORT 2C80-2C8F - VESA XGA Video in EISA slot 2
SeeAlso: PORT 1C80h-1C83h
PORT 2C80-2C83 - EISA board product ID (board in slot 2)
SeeAlso: PORT 1C80h-1C83h
PORT 2C84 - EISA CONFIGURATION FLAGS (board in slot 2)
2C84 RW configuration flags (see #P225)
PORT 3000-30FF - available for EISA slot 3
PORT 3220-3227 - serial port 3, description same as 03F8
PORT 3228-322F - serial port 4, description same as 03F8
PORT 33C0-33CF - Compaq QVision - BitBLT engine
PORT 3400-34FF - available for EISA slot 3
PORT 3510-3513 - ESDI primary harddisk controller
3510 R- status word
3510 -W command word
3512 R- basic status
3512 -W basic control
3513 R- interrupt status
3513 -W attention
PORT 3518-351B - ESDI secondary harddisk controller
3518 R- status word
3518 -W command word
351A R- basis status
351A -W basic control
351B R- interrupt status
351B -W attention
PORT 3540-354F - IBM SCSI (Small Computer System Interface) adapter
PORT 3550-355F - IBM SCSI (Small Computer System Interface) adapter
PORT 3560-356F - IBM SCSI (Small Computer System Interface) adapter
PORT 3570-357F - IBM SCSI (Small Computer System Interface) adapter
PORT 36EE - ATI Mach8/Mach32 - FIFO OPTION
36EE -W FIFO option
bit 0: generate wait states if FIFO >= half full
(0=only when FIFO full)
bit 1: force 8-bit host data I/O
PORT 3800-38FF - available for EISA slot 3
PORT 3C00-3CFF - available for EISA slot 3
PORT 3C80-3C8F - VESA XGA Video in EISA slot 3
3C80-3C83 RW EISA Video ID
3C84 RW EISA Video expansion board control
3C85 RW EISA Setup control
3C88 RW EISA Video Programmable Option Select 0
3C89-3C8F RW EISA Video Programmable Option Select 1-7
SeeAlso: PORT 1C80h-1C8Fh"XGA",PORT 2C80h-2C8Fh"XGA",PORT 7C80h-7C8Fh"XGA"
PORT 3C80-3C83 - EISA board product ID (board in slot 3)
SeeAlso: PORT 1C80h-1C83h
PORT 3C84 - EISA CONFIGURATION FLAGS (board in slot 3)
3C84 RW configuration flags (see #P225)
PORT 4000-40FF - available for EISA slot 4
PORT 4220-4227 - serial port, description same as 03F8
PORT 4228-422F - serial port, description same as 03F8
PORT 42E0-42EF - GPIB (General Purpose Interface Bus, IEEE 488 interface)
42E1 RW GPIB (adapter 2)
PORT 42E8 - 8514/A and hardware-compatible video cards
Note: supported by S3 chipsets when PORT 03D4h register 40h bit 0 is set
42E8w R- Misc. control: Subsystem Status
42E8w -W Misc. control: Subsystem Control (see #P227)
Bitfields for 8514/A Subsystem Control Register:
Bit(s) Description (Table P227)
15-14 GP_RESET
W 00 no change
01 normal operation
02 reset graphics processor and FIFO
11 W enable interrupt when processor idle
10 W enable interrupt on invalid I/O
9 W enable interrupt if inside scissors region
8 W enable vertical blanking interval interrupt
6-4 R monitor ID
3 acknowledge idle interrupt (and clear)
2 acknowledge invalid I/O interrupt (and clear)
1 acknowledge inside-scissors interrupt (and clear)
0 acknowledge vertical blanking interrupt (and clear)
PORT 4400-44FF - available for EISA slot 4
PORT 46E8 - VGA video adapter enable
Note: IBM uses this port for adapter-card VGAs only, and port 03C3 for
motherboard VGA only (see 03C3 for details)
SeeAlso: PORT 03C3h,PORT 46E8h"8514/A"
46E8 rW Misc. control: enable flags / select ROM page (8514/A) (see #P228)
Bitfields for VGA miscellaneous control register:
Bit(s) Description (Table P228)
7-5 unused or vendor-specific
4 setup for POS registers (MCA)
3 enable video I/O ports and video buffer
2-0 unused or vendor-specific
PORT 46E8 - 8514/A and compatible video cards (e.g. ATI Graphics Ultra)
Note: this register is readable on the C&T 82c480 chipset
SeeAlso: PORT 46E8h"VGA"
46E8w -W ROM page select (see #P229)
Bitfields for 8514/A ROM page select register:
Bit(s) Description (Table P229)
2-0 select which 4K page of 32K ROM to map at segment C700h
3 enable VGA
4 select VGA setup mode
15-5 reserved (0)
PORT 46EE - ATI Mach32 - ???
46EEw RW ???
PORT 4800-48FF - available for EISA slot 4
PORT 4AE8-4AEF - 8514/A and compatible video cards - CRT CONTROL
Notes: supported by ATI Mach8 and Mach32 chipsets
supported by S3 chipsets when PORT 03D4h register 40h bit 0 is set
4AE8w -W CRT control: Advanced function control (see also #P230)
(02h = VGA mode, 03h = 480-line mode, 07h = 768-line mode)
Bitfields for S3 8514/A-compatible Advanced Function Control register:
Bit(s) Description (Table P230)
0 enable enhanced functions
1 reserved (1)
2 (911-928) screen size (1 = 800x600 or 1024x768, 0=640x480)
4 (928+) enable linear addressing
5 (928+) enable memory-mapped I/O
6 (928 only) enable Write Posting
PORT 4AEE - ATI Mach32 - ???
4AEEw RW ???
PORT 4C00-4CFF - available for EISA slot 4
PORT 4C80-4C83 EISA board product ID (board in slot 4)
SeeAlso: PORT 1C80h-1C83h
PORT 4C80-4C8F - VESA XGA Video in EISA slot 4 (see 3C80-3C8F)
SeeAlso: PORT 1C80h-1C8Fh,PORT 6C80h-6C8Fh
PORT 4C84 - EISA CONFIGURATION FLAGS (board in slot 4)
4C84 RW configuration flags (see #P225)
PORT 5000-50FF - available for EISA slot 5
PORT 5220-5227 - serial port, description same as 03F8
PORT 5228-522F - serial port, description same as 03F8
Note: the 82c480 is an 8514/A-compatible video chipset
SeeAlso: PORT 56E8h"C&T",PORT 5AE8h"C&T",PORT 5EE8h"C&T"
52E8w RW Extended Configuration Register 0
Note: ATI video BIOS sets this port according to the segment address of the
BIOS if >= C000h, as ((seg-C000h) shr 7)
52EE RW ???
PORT 5400-54FF - available for EISA slot 5
Note: the 82c480 is an 8514/A-compatible video chipset
SeeAlso: PORT 52E8h"C&T",PORT 5AE8h"C&T",PORT 5EE8h"C&T"
56E8w RW Extended Configuration Register 1
PORT 5800-58FF - available for EISA slot 5
Note: the 82c480 is an 8514/A-compatible video chipset
SeeAlso: PORT 52E8h"C&T",PORT 56E8h"C&T",PORT 5EE8h"C&T"
5AE8w RW Extended Configuration Register 2
PORT 5AEE - ATI Mach32 - ???
5AEE RW ???
PORT 5C00-5CFF - available for EISA slot 5
PORT 5C80-5C8F - VESA XGA Video in EISA slot 5
SeeAlso: PORT 2C80h-2C8Fh,PORT 4C80h-4C8Fh,PORT 6C80h-6C8Fh
5C80d RW EISA Video ID
5C84 RW EISA Video expansion board control
5C85 RW EISA Setup control
5C88 RW EISA Video Programmable Option Select 0
5C89 RW EISA Video Programmable Option Select 1
5C8A RW EISA Video Programmable Option Select 2
5C8B RW EISA Video Programmable Option Select 3
5C8C RW EISA Video Programmable Option Select 4
5C8D RW EISA Video Programmable Option Select 5
5C8E RW EISA Video Programmable Option Select 6
5C8F RW EISA Video Programmable Option Select 7
PORT 5C80-5C83 EISA board product ID (board in slot 5)
SeeAlso: PORT 1C80h-1C83h
PORT 5C84 - EISA CONFIGURATION FLAGS (board in slot 5)
5C84 RW configuration flags (see #P225)
Note: the 82c480 is an 8514/A-compatible video chipset
SeeAlso: PORT 52E8h"C&T",PORT 56E8h"C&T",PORT 5AE8h"C&T"
5EE8w RW Extended Configuration Register 3
PORT 6000-60FF - available for EISA slot 6
PORT 62E0-62EF - GPIB (General Purpose Interface Bus, IEEE 488 interface)
62E1 RW GPIB (adapter 3)
PORT 63C0-63CF - Compaq QVision - BitBLT engine
PORT 6400-64FF - available for EISA slot 6
PORT 6800-68FF - available for EISA slot 6
6AEE RW maximum wait states (see #P231)
Bitfields for ATI Mach8/Mach32 wait state configuration:
Bit(s) Description (Table P231)
10 leave alone ("PASSTHROUGH_OVERRIDE")
9 enable for 16-bit I/O
8 0=horizontal degree-mode line draws
PORT 6C00-6CFF - available for EISA slot 6
PORT 6C80-6C83 - EISA board product ID (board in slot 6)
SeeAlso: PORT 1C80h-1C83h
PORT 6C80-6C8F - VESA XGA Video in EISA slot 1
SeeAlso: PORT 1C80h-1C8Fh"XGA",PORT 2C80h-2C8Fh"XGA",PORT 5C80h-5C8Fh"XGA"
6C80d RW EISA Video ID (see PORT 1C80h-1C83h)
6C84 RW EISA Video expansion board control
6C85 RW EISA Setup control
6C88 RW EISA Video Programmable Option Select 0
6C89 RW EISA Video Programmable Option Select 1
6C8A RW EISA Video Programmable Option Select 2
6C8B RW EISA Video Programmable Option Select 3
6C8C RW EISA Video Programmable Option Select 4
6C8D RW EISA Video Programmable Option Select 5
6C8E RW EISA Video Programmable Option Select 6
6C8F RW EISA Video Programmable Option Select 7
PORT 6C84 - EISA CONFIGURATION FLAGS (board in slot 6)
6C84 RW configuration flags (see #P225)
SeeAlso: PORT 72EEh
6AEEw -W low 16 bits of video buffer starting offset
PORT 7000-70FF - available for EISA slot 7
SeeAlso: PORT 6EEEh
72EE -W high bits of video buffer starting offset
bits 1-0 for Mach-8
bits 3-0 for Mach-32
72EEw R- left edge of bounding box for points written via Line Draw register
PORT 7400-74FF - available for EISA slot 7
76EE -W display pitch
76EEw R- top edge of bounding box for points written via Line Draw register
PORT 7800-78FF - available for EISA slot 7
SeeAlso: PORT 8EEEh
7AEEw -W extended graphics engine configuration (see #P232)
Bitfields for Mach8/Mach32 extended graphics engine configuration:
Bit(s) Description (Table P232)
15 drawing pixel size to be written next (68800-6 only)
14 enable 8-bit DAC (Mach-32 only)
13-12 DAC address inputs RS(3:2) control (Mach-32 only)
11 display pixel size to be written next (68800-6 only)
10 24-bit color order (Mach-32 only)
0 = RGB
1 = BGR
9 24-bit color configuration: pixels use 4 bytes instead of three
8 DAC processes four pixels in parallel (Mach-32 only)
7-6 16-bits-per-color word format (Mach-32 only)
00 RGB(5,5,5)
01 RGB(5,6,5)
10 RGB(6,5,5)
11 RGB(6,6,4)
5-4 number of bits per pixel (Mach-32 only)
00 four
01 eight
10 sixteen
11 twenty-four
3 report monitor alias instead of actual monitor
2-0 alternate monitor ID (alias)
7AEEw R- right edge of bounding box for points written via Line Draw register
PORT 7C00-7CFF - available for EISA slot 7
PORT 7C80-7C83 - EISA board product ID (board in slot 7)
SeeAlso: PORT 1C80h-1C83h
PORT 7C80-7C8F - VESA XGA Video in EISA slot 7
SeeAlso: PORT 1C80h-1C8Fh,PORT 6C80h-6C8Fh
7C80-7C83 RW EISA Video ID
7C84 RW EISA Video expansion board control
7C85 RW EISA Setup control
7C88 RW EISA Video Programmable Option Select 0
7C89-7C8F RW EISA Video Programmable Option Select 1-7
PORT 7C84 - EISA CONFIGURATION FLAGS (board in slot 7)
7C84 RW configuration flags (see #P225)
7EEEw R- right edge of bounding box for points written via Line Draw register
PORT 8000-80FF - available for EISA slot 8
PORT 82E0-82EF - GPIB (General Purpose Interface Bus, IEEE 488 interface)
82E1 RW GPIB (adapter 4)
PORT 82E8-82EF - 8514/A and compatible video cards - DRAWING CONTROL
Notes: supported by ATI Mach8 and Mach32 chipsets
supported by S3 chipsets when PORT 03D4h register 40h bit 0 is set
SeeAlso: PORT 86E8h
82E8w -W drawing control: current Y position
PORT 82F8-82FF - serial port, description same as 03F8
PORT 83C0-83CF - Compaq QVision - Line Draw Engine
PORT 83C4 - Compaq Qvision EISA - Virtual Controller Select
PORT 83C6-83C9 - Compaq Qvision EISA - DAC color registers
PORT 83F8-83FF - serial port, description same as 03F8
PORT 8400-84FF - available for EISA slot 8
PORT 86E8-86EF - 8514/A and compatible video cards - DRAWING CONTROL
Notes: supported by ATI Mach8 and Mach32 chipsets
supported by S3 chipsets when PORT 03D4h register 40h bit 0 is set
SeeAlso: PORT 82E8h,PORT 8AE8h
86E8w -W drawing control: current X position
PORT 8800-88FF - available for EISA slot 8
PORT 8AE8-8AEF - 8514/A and compatible video cards - DRAWING CONTROL
Notes: supported by ATI Mach8 and Mach32 chipsets
supported by S3 chipsets when PORT 03D4h register 40h bit 0 is set
SeeAlso: PORT 82E8h,PORT 86E8h
8AE8w -W drawing control: destination Y position / axial step constant
Note: this port may be read on S3 chipsets
PORT 8C00-8CFF - available for EISA slot 8
PORT 8C80-8C83 - EISA board product ID (board in slot 8)
SeeAlso: PORT 1C80h-1C83h
PORT 8C84 - EISA CONFIGURATION FLAGS (board in slot 8)
8C84 RW configuration flags (see #P225)
PORT 8EE8-8EEF - 8514/A and compatible video cards - DRAWING CONTROL
Notes: supported by ATI Mach8 and Mach32 chipsets
supported by S3 chipsets when PORT 03D4h register 40h bit 0 is set
8EE8w -W drawing control: destination X position / axial step constant
SeeAlso: PORT 72EEh
8EEE R- read extended graphics configuration (see #P232)
PORT 9000-90FF - available for EISA slot 9
PORT 92E8-92EF - 8514/A and compatible video cards - DRAWING CONTROL
Notes: supported by ATI Mach8 and Mach32 chipsets
supported by S3 chipsets when PORT 03D4h register 40h bit 0 is set
92E8w -W drawing control: Bresenham error term
PORT 9400-94FF - available for EISA slot 9
PORT 96E8-96EF - 8514/A and hardware-compatible video cards - DRAWING CONTROL
Notes: supported by ATI Mach8 and Mach32 chipsets
supported by S3 chipsets when PORT 03D4h register 40h bit 0 is set
96E8w R- enter WD Enhanced Mode
96E8w -W drawing control: major axis pixel count
PORT 9800-98FF - available for EISA slot 9
PORT 9AE8-9AE9 - 8514/A Graphics Processor Status
Notes: supported by ATI Mach8 and Mach32 chipsets
supported by S3 chipsets when PORT 03D4h register 40h bit 0 is set
9AE8w R- drawing control: graphic processor status (see #P233)
9AE8w -W drawing control: command register (see #P234)
Bitfields for 8514/A graphic processor status:
Bit(s) Description (Table P233)
15-10 reserved
9 hardware busy
8 data ready
7-0 status of queue (0=empty, 1=filled)
(each bit represents a position in queue)
SeeAlso: #P234
Bitfields for 8514/A command register :
Bit(s) Description (Table P234)
15-13 command
000 = no operation
001 = draw vector
010 = fast rectangle fill
011 = rectangle fill vertical #1
100 = rectangle fill vertical #2 (4 pixels)
101 = draw vector, 1 pixel/scanline
110 = copy rectangle
111 = reserved
12 byte sequence (0=high byte first, 1=low byte first)
11-10 reserved
9 enable 16-bit write access (16BIT)
8 0=use 8514/A data, 1=pixel data trans reg (PCDATA)
7 0=draw vector above, 1=draw vector below (INC_Y)
6 0=x is maj. axis, 1=y is maj. axis (YMAJAXIS)
5 0=draw vector left, 1=draw vector right (INC_X)
4 0=move only, 1=draw and move (DRAW)
3 0=Bresenham line, 1=direct vector (LINETYPE)
2 0=draw last pixel, 1=don't draw last pixel (LASTPIX)
1 0=single pixel, 1=4pixel (PLANAR)
0 0=read data, 1=write data (RD/WR)
SeeAlso: #P233
9AEE -W linedraw index register (specifies interpretation of PORT FEEEh)
(see #P235)
(Table P235)
Values for ATI Mach8/Mach32 Linedraw Index Register:
00h set current X
01h set current Y
02h set Line End X
03h set Line End Y, draw line, and reset register to 02h
04h set current X (perform moves instead of draws)
05h set current Y and reset register to 04h
PORT 9C00-9CFF - available for EISA slot 9
PORT 9C80-9C83 - EISA board product ID (board in slot 9)
SeeAlso: PORT 1C80h-1C83h
PORT 9C84 - EISA CONFIGURATION FLAGS (board in slot 9)
9C84 RW configuration flags (see #P225)
PORT 9EE8 - 8514/A and compatible video cards - SHORT STROKE
Notes: supported by ATI Mach8 and Mach32 chipsets
supported by S3 chipsets when PORT 03D4h register 40h bit 0 is set
9EE8w -W short line vector transfer
PORT A220 - soundblaster support in AMI Hi-Flex BIOS ????
PORT A2E0-A2EF - GPIB (General Purpose Interface Bus, IEEE 488 interface)
A2E1 RW GPIB (adapter 5)
PORT A2E8-A2EF - 8514/A and compatible video cards - DRAWING CONTROL
Notes: supported by ATI Mach8 and Mach32 chipsets
supported by S3 chipsets when PORT 03D4h register 40h bit 0 is set
SeeAlso: PORT A6E8h
A2E8w -W drawing control: background color
A2EEw RW line drawing options (see #P236)
Bitfields for ATI Mach8/Mach32 line drawing options:
Bit(s) Description (Table P236)
10-9 clipping mode
00 disable clip exception
01 stroked plain lines
10 polygon boundary lines
11 patterned lines
8 reset all Bounds Accumulator registers
7-5 OCTANT: direction for BitBlts or lines
3 direction specification
0 = Bresenham/Octant
bit 7: increment Y
bit 6: Y is major axis instead of X
bit 5: increment X
1 = line-length and degrees
OCTANT field species N*45 degrees
2 do NOT draw last pixel of a line
1 polyline draw
PORT A6E8-A6EF - 8514/A and compatible video cards - DRAWING CONTROL
Notes: supported by ATI Mach8 and Mach32 chipsets
supported by S3 chipsets when PORT 03D4h register 40h bit 0 is set
SeeAlso: PORT A2E8h
A6E8w -W drawing control: foreground color
PORT AAE8-AAEF - 8514/A and compatible video cards - WRITE MASK
Notes: supported by ATI Mach8 and Mach32 chipsets
supported by S3 chipsets when PORT 03D4h register 40h bit 0 is set
SeeAlso: PORT AEE8h
AAE8w -W drawing control: write mask
PORT AEE8-AEEF - 8514/A and compatible video cards - READ MASK
Notes: supported by ATI Mach8 and Mach32 chipsets
supported by S3 chipsets when PORT 03D4h register 40h bit 0 is set
SeeAlso: PORT AAE8h
AEE8w -W drawing control: read mask
AFFF RW plane 0-3 system latch (video register)
PORT B220-B227 - serial port, description same as 03F8
PORT B228-B22F - serial port, description same as 03F8
PORT B2E8-B2EF - 8514/A and compatible video cards - COLOR COMPARE
Notes: supported by ATI Graphics Ultra
supported by S3 chipsets when PORT 03D4h register 40h bit 0 is set
B2E8w -W drawing control: color compare
PORT B2EE - ATI Mach32 - ???
B2EEw RW ???
PORT B6E8-B6EF - 8514/A and compatible video cards - BACKGROUND MIX
Notes: supported by ATI Mach8 and Mach32 chipsets
supported by S3 chipsets when PORT 03D4h register 40h bit 0 is set
SeeAlso: PORT BAE8h
B6E8w -W drawing control: background mix
PORT B6EE - ATI Mach32 - ???
B6EEw RW ???
PORT BAE8-BAEF - 8514/A and compatible video cards - FOREGROUND MIX
Notes: supported by ATI Mach8 and Mach32 chipsets
supported by S3 chipsets when PORT 03D4h register 40h bit 0 is set
SeeAlso: PORT B6E8h
BAE8w -W drawing control: foreground mix
PORT BAEE - ATI Mach32 - ???
BAEEw RW ???
PORT BEE8-BEEF - 8514/A and compatible video cards - MULTIFUNCTION CONTROL
Notes: supported by ATI Mach8 and Mach32 chipsets
supported by S3 chipsets when PORT 03D4h register 40h bit 0 is set
BEE8w -W drawing control: multi-function control
(index in bits 15-12, data in bits 11-0) (see #P237)
BEE8w R- (S3) value of register specified by current value of multi-function
index 0Fh
(Table P237)
Values for index into 8514/A multi-function drawing control registers:
00h RW minor axis pixel count
01h RW top scissors
02h RW left scissors
03h RW bottom scissors
04h RW right scissors
05h -W memory control register
08h -W fixed pattern low
09h -W fixed pattern high
0Ah RW data manipulation control
---S3 chipsets---
0Dh RW (S3 864/964) miscellaneous 2
0Eh RW (S3 801+) miscellaneous
0Fh -W (S3 801/805/928) read register select (see #P238)
(Table P238)
Values for S3 multifunction read select register:
00h PORT BEE8h register 00h
01h PORT BEE8h register 01h
02h PORT BEE8h register 02h
03h PORT BEE8h register 03h
04h PORT BEE8h register 04h
05h PORT BEE8h register 0Ah
06h PORT BEE8h register 0Eh
07h PORT 9AE8h (bits 11-0 only)
---S3 864/964 only---
08h PORT 42E8h (bits 11-0 only)
09h PORT 46E8h
0Ah PORT BEE8h register 0Dh
SeeAlso: #P237
PORT C000-C004 - Intel Pentium mboard ("Neptune" chipset)
SeeAlso: PORT C050h,PORT C200h-C204h,INT 15/AX=DA8Ch,#0628 at INT 1A/AX=B10Ah
PORT C000-CFFF - PCI Configuration Mechanism 2 - CONFIGURATION SPACE
Note: to access the configuration space, write the target bus number to
PORT 0CFAh, then write to the Configuration Space Enable register
(PORT 03F8h), and finally read or write the appropriate I/O
port(s) in the range C000h to CFFFh (where Cxrrh accesses location
'rr' in physical device 'x's configuration data)
SeeAlso: PORT 0CF8h"Mechanism 2",PORT 0CFAh"Mechanism 2"
SeeAlso: #0628 at INT 1A/AX=B10Ah
PORT C008 - Intel Pentium mboard ("Neptune" chipset) - CHIPSET REVISION
Desc: the host/PCI bridge revision ID register is visible on this port when
the PCI configuration space has been opened via ports 0CF8h and 0CFAh
SeeAlso: PORT 0CF8h,PORT 0CFAh,PORT C000h-C004h,PORT C050h,PORT C065h
PORT C050 - Intel Pentium mboard ("Neptune" chipset)
SeeAlso: PORT C052h
C050 RW ???
bit 0: ???
bit 1: ???
bit 2: enable secondary (L2) cache
PORT C051 - Intel Pentium mboard ("Neptune" chipset) - DETURBO SPEED CONTROL
SeeAlso: PORT 0CF9h
C051 RW slowdown factor when in de-turbo mode
PORT C052 - Intel Pentium mboard ("Neptune" chipset)
SeeAlso: PORT 0CF8h,PORT 0CFAh,PORT C050h,PORT C059h,PORT C065h
C052 RW bit 0: ???
bit 1: ???
bits 6,7: ???
PORT C054 - Intel Pentium mboard ("Neptune" chipset)
SeeAlso: PORT 0CF8h,PORT 0CFAh
C054 RW bit 2: ??? (set immediately upon booting)
PORT C059 - Intel Pentium mboard ("Neptune" chipset)
PORT C065 - Intel "Neptune" chipset - MEMORY SIZE???
SeeAlso: INT 15/AX=DA88h
C065 R system memory in MB??? (10h on a 16MB machine)
PORT C100-C1FF - Intel Pentium mboard - PCTech RZ1000 EIDE controller
Desc: the PCI configuration registers for the EIDE controller are visible
on these ports when the PCI configuration space has been opened via
ports 0CF8h and 0CFAh
SeeAlso: PORT 03F0h"RZ1000",PORT 0CF8h,#0628 at INT 1A/AX=B10Ah
PORT C200-C204 - Intel Pentium mboard ("Neptune" chipset)
Desc: the PCI configuration registers for the motherboard chipset are visible
on these ports when the PCI configuration space has been opened via
ports 0CF8h and 0CFAh
SeeAlso: #0628 at INT 1A/AX=B10Ah
PORT C220-C227 - serial port, description same as 03F8
PORT C228-C22F - serial port, description same as 03F8
PORT C244 - Intel Pentium mboard ("Neptune" chipset)
PORT C2E0-C2EF - GPIB (General Purpose Interface Bus, IEEE 488 interface)
C2E1 RW GPIB (adapter 6)
PORT C2EE - ATI Mach32 - ???
C2EEw RW ???
C6EEw -W short-stroke vector
PORT CAEE - ATI Mach32 - ???
CAEEw RW ???
SeeAlso: PORT 8EEEh
CEEEw -W datapath configuration (see #P239)
Bitfields for ATI Mach8/Mach32 datapath configuration:
Bit(s) Description (Table P239)
15-13 foreground color source
000 background color reg
001 foreground color reg
010 pixel transfer reg
011 VRAM BitBlt source
101 color pattern shift register
12 least-significant byte first
9 data width is 16 bits instead of 8 bits
8-7 background color source
00 background color reg
01 foreground color reg
10 pixel transfer reg
11 VRAM BitBlt source
6-5 monochrome data source
00 always one
01 mono pattern register
10 pixel transfer register
11 VRAM BitBlt source
4 enable drawing
2 read color data instead of monochrome data
1 enable polygon fill BitBlt
0 write data to drawing trajectory instead of reading from trajectory
PORT D220-D227 - serial port, description same as 03F8
PORT D228-D22F - serial port, description same as 03F8
PORT D2EE - ATI Mach32 - ???
D2EEw RW ???
DAEEw -W left edge of "scissors" drawing area (bits 11-0)
DEEEw -W top edge of "scissors" drawing area (bits 11-0)
PORT E2E0-E2EF - GPIB (General Purpose Interface Bus, IEEE 488 interface)
E2E1 RW GPIB (adapter 7)
PORT E2E8-E2EF - 8514/A and compatible video cards - PIXEL DATA TRANSFER
Notes: supported by ATI Graphics Ultra
supported by S3 chipsets when PORT 03D4h register 40h bit 0 is set
E2E8w -W drawing control: pixel data transfer
E2EAw rW drawing control: pixel data transfer (S3 801+) for 32-bit transfers
E2EEw -W bottom edge of "scissors" drawing area (bits 11-0)
E6EEw -W right edge of "scissors" drawing area (bits 11-0)
SeeAlso: PORT 9AEEh
FEEEw -W direct line-draw register
Chuck Proctor <71534.2302@CompuServe.COM>
Richard W. Watson <73042.1420@CompuServe.COM>
Matthias Paul <mpaul@ibh.rwth-aachen.de>
[Some of the information in this list was extracted from Frank van Gilluwe's
_The_Undocumented_PC_, a must-have book for anyone programming down to the
"bare metal" of a PC.]
[Some of the information in this list from the shareware version of Dave
Williams' DOSREF, v3.0]
[8514/A hardware ports found in FractInt v18.0 source file FR8514A.ASM]
[Compaq QVision info from the _COMPAQ_QVision_Graphics_System_Technical_
_Reference_Guide_, second edition (October 1993). Compaq part number
073A/0693. Much more to come!]
[AMI keyboard controller port 0064 commands from the American Megatrends, Inc.
_Version_KF_and_KH_Keyboard_Controller_BIOS_Reference_, available on the
AMI BBS and american.megatrends.com as KFKHMAN.ZIP.]
[Various chipset infos from "Het BIOS Boekje" 2nd edition, by Alle Metzlar,
ISBN 90-72260-59-7 (1995).]
[ATA-3 info from "AT Attachment-3 Interface (ATA-3) Revision 1", dated
April 21, 1995.]
[Some additional EISA info from _EISA_System_Architecture_ (second edition),
by MindShare, Inc. (Addison-Wesley 1995, ISBN 0-201-40995-X).]
[AMI BIOS diagnostics codes (port 0080h) from file CHECKPTS on AMI BBS.]
[Some S3 and additional ATI Mach8/Mach32 info from Richard F. Ferraro's
_Programmer's_Guide_to_the_EGA,_VGA,_and_Super_VGA_Cards_, third edition.]
Highest Table Number = P239
Please redistribute all of the files comprising the interrupt list (listed at
the beginning of the list and in INTERRUP.1ST) unmodified as a group, in a
quartet of archives named INTER52A through INTER52D (preferably the original
authenticated PKZIP archives), and the utility programs in a two additional
archives called INTER52E.ZIP and INTER52F.ZIP
Copyright (c) 1989,1990,1991,1992,1993,1994,1995,1996 Ralf Brown
Internet: ralf@pobox.com (currently forwards to ralf@telerama.lm.com)
UUCP: {uunet,harvard}!pobox.com!ralf
FIDO: Ralf Brown 1:129/26.1
or post a message to me in the DR_DEBUG echo (I probably won't see it
unless you address it to me)
CIS: >INTERNET:ralf@pobox.com